Postal Cards: 1911 1d Coronation cards, an all different selection comprising 23 of the 31 portrait types and sub-types, wide range of colours and mixed white and buff stock on reverse, few minor blemishes but generally fine, BW cat AU$2875 (23)
Postal Cards: 1911 1d Coronation cards, a selection comprising George V types unused (9) and used, Queen Mary types unused (2) and used, and Prince of Wales types unused (2) and used. Range of colours and mixed white and buff stocks on reverse, few with small faults (16)
1913-15 1d Red Kangaroo Original Die on White Surfaced Card with printed 'O.H.M.S.' above stamp for use by South Australian Government Departments. Very fine mint and scarce. BW P24e, cat AU$300
1913-15 1d Red Kangaroo Original Die on White Surfaced Card with printed 'O.H.M.S.' above heading for use by South Australian Government Departments, very fine mint. BW P24ea, cat AU$350
Postal Cards: 1917 Provisional Use of Divided Reply Cards Tasmania 1d on 1½d Brown reply half unused, minor blemishes but generally of fine appearance. BW P40, cat AU$3000
Postal Cards: 1917 Provisional Use of Divided Reply Cards Tasmania 1d on 1½d Brown reply half with 'REPLY' obliterated, very fine unused. Rare, with only a total of 6,820 single cards (both outward and reply) issued. BW P40, which states 'It is estimated that approximately ten examples survive of each half', cat AU$3000
Postal Cards: 1918-19 'THREE/HALFPENCE' on 1d Red George V Sideface obsolete 1916 issue, superb unused, very rare. BW P50, which states 'At least three unused cards are recorded', cat AU$2500
Postal Cards: 1923 'ONE/PENNY' on 1½d Emerald-green George V Sideface with one-line admonition at base, variety 'Surcharge Misplaced', very fine unused. BW P60c, cat AU$500
Postal Cards: 1951-53 3d Green KGVI locals (two shades, one printed on reverse for ABC), or very scarce use airmail to Hungary (2), Germany or USA, three with different make-ups for 9d uprate (one creased), and one not uprated but surprisingly untaxed, also SPECIMEN overprint (large type, minor tones) (7)
1951-53 KGVI 3d Green (BW P74) unused, three shades, one 90mm high on cream card instead of usual 87mm high on off-white, spike hole at right, of unknown status, another with unlisted variety 'White Flaw in Front of Lips' (3)
Stamped-to-Order Postcards: 1913-14 ½d Green Kangaroo for Alexander Ferguson Pty. Ltd., very fine and cancelled at Melbourne 15APR14. Rare, with BW catalogue stating only five examples known. BW PS1, cat AU$3500
1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Original Die on White Surfaced Card fine mint (2), one with variety 'White Flaw Left of P of POST'. Also Die 1 on buff unsurfaced card used, and Die 1 stamped-to-order for Registrar-General's Department, Sydney, used 13JE 1914, minor blemishes and horizontal crease. BW P24, 24f, PS3, cat AU$465 (4)
Stamped-to-order: 1918 (16 Jul) use of ½d Green for Department of Defence, uprated unusually with Single Wmk ½d Green Punctured 'OS', used Melbourne to Walkerville (SA). BW PS5, cat AU$600
Stamped-to-order Cards: 1930-37 1½d Brown George V Oval Embossed for J. Kitchen & Sons with printed message on reverse including advertising for Velvet Soap, used from Morwell to Chelsea (Vic), 1 February 1931. Some minor spotting on left side of card, otherwise fine and rare. BW PS24, cat AU$1500