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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 19

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    Lot 661
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $140

    c.1919 Proof of Third Wmk impression, marginal block of twelve (2x6) showing 'MONWEALTH OF AUSTR' in margin, peripheral blemishes


    Lot 662
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    2d to 5/- with both 6d and 2/-, the 5/- creased and thinned, mixed condition (10)


    Lot 663
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $230

    6d Pale Ultramarine Die IIB, 'Broken leg on kangaroo', BW 20d, short corner perf. Cat AU$750


    Lot 664
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    6d Chestnut corner pair with additional perforations in selvedge, slight bend


    Lot 665
    Estimate: $600T Realised Price : $460

    6d Deep Chestnut (aniline) + KGV 1½d tied by Port Hedland (W.A.) cds and 'FORWARDED/BY AIR MAIL' handstamp on 1928 (11 Sep) cover to Perth paying 7½d ½-1oz airmail rate. The first example of this scarce and distinctive shade recorded by us on cover


    Lot 666
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $135

    6d Chestnut 'JOHN ASH' imprint block of four, BW 22za, tiny tone on one. Cat AU$300


    Lot 667
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $380

    9d Violet Plate I inserted 'JBC' Monogram single, BW 26zc, minor thinning and hinge remain. Cat AU$1750


    Lot 668
    Estimate: $1,000

    1/- Blue-Green Die IIB 'A.J. MULLETT' imprint block of four, BW 33zb, small bend in selvedge, three units unmounted


    Lot 669
    Estimate: $200

    2/- Brown


    Lot 670
    Estimate: $400T

    2/- Dull Brown 'WATERMARK INVERTED', BW 37a, blue registration cancel, few uneven perfs at top


    Lot 671
    Estimate: $1,000

    5/- Grey and Pale Yellow, 'T.S.HARRISON' imprint pair with variety 'White flaw off N.S.W. coast', BW 44ze, right unit with tiny rubbing on wmk line, very lightly mounted. Cat AU$2250


    Lot 672
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $380

    10/- Grey and Aniline Pink with '(THU)RSDAY ISLAND/10OC25/ QUEENSLAND' cds, slight soiling. Unusual


    Lot 673
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $170

    10/- Grey and Aniline Pink optd 'SPECIMEN' Type B


    Lot 674
    Estimate: $800T Realised Price : $625

    £1 Brown and Blue, neatly cancelled, owner handstamp on reverse


    Lot 675
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $380

    £1 Brown and Blue, few blunt perfs


    Lot 676
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $280

    £1 Grey, gum slightly toned. Cat AU$750


    Lot 677
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $120

    £1 Grey optd 'SPECIMEN' type C, fine mint


    Lot 678
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,700

    £2 Purple-Black and Rose punctured 'OS', showing unlisted 'Retouch to top frame at right', light toning as normally seen on this issue. Cat AU$3500


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Welcome to Millennium Philatelic Auctions, auctioneers of stamps, postal history and other philatelic material.