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Sale No. 83

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    Linfield Victoria

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    Lot 171
    Estimate: $2,000T Realised Price : $1,500

    1867-81 or 1882-84 Wmk V over Crown annotated collection, mint/unused include 1d (8, incl block of 6), ½d on 1d (3), 3d Lilac (both shades), 6d (5), 8d (3), 1/- and 5/- Blue and Red (3); used include blocks (values to 8d), 3d Lilac (3), an attractive 5/- Blue on yellow; covers include 1d pair, 3d single and pair, 4d strip 3 + single, 8d (2 singles), 9d on 10d, 1/-, odd fault. Cat £3300, plus covers (125 + 11 covers)


    Lot 172
    Estimate: $250T Realised Price : $190

    1867-81 4d Pink shade Perf 12, believed to be from a small portion of the 11th printing. Unlisted in SG


    Lot 173
    Estimate: $500T Realised Price : $400

    1867-81 5/- Blue and Carmine Perf 13 Die I, SG 140a, commercially used block of four, few blemishes including upper right unit repaired tear. A very rare multiple


    Lot 174
    Estimate: $500T Realised Price : $400

    1867-81 5/- Grey-Blue and Carmine Perf 13 Die I, SG 140c, commercially used block of four, odd short perf. A very rare multiple


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