Lot 1104
Estimate: $150
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1d to 1/- overprinted or punctured (6d, 8d, 1/-) SPECIMEN fine with large part OG. Also 3d (2) and 1/- used, one 3d and 1/- with additional 'CANCELLED' handstamp. SG cat £200+ (11)
Lot 1105
Estimate: $500
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1d and 2d strips of 3 overprinted SPECIMEN each affixed to pieces cut from ledger, overstruck with 'SPECIMEN/COLLECTION/MAURETANIE' handstamp in magenta applied by Mauretania on stamps received from U.P.U. Overall toning however the unique pair (6)
Lot 1106
Estimate: $200
Realised Price : $250
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1936 (10 Dec) airmail cover from London with 6d KGV addressed to Point-a-Pierre, handstruck hexagonal 'T' with manuscript '180' (gold centimes), translated to 1/6d due indicated by affixing 4d strip of 3 and single and 2d Postage Dues tied by San Fernando cds, 28 DE 36. Vertical fold otherwise fine and very scarce
Lot 1107
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $340
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1935 (11 Jan) airmail cover from Montreal, Canada with 6c on 5c Airmail, manuscript '2/5 T collect', 5d and 6d block of 4 Postage dues affixed and tied by Port-of-Spain cds, JA 16 35. Some stains on face, partly affecting adhesives, and flap tears, but a rare postage due franking
Lot 1108
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $320
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1936 (23 Oct) airmail cover from Winnipeg, Canada with 6c Airmail, circular 'T/(190)/CENTIMES' in circle, and with 1d, 6d and 1/- Postage dues affixed on Arrival, tied by Port-of-Spain cds, OC 26 36. Surface abrasion affecting address otherwise fine and a very scarce high value postage due franking
Lot 1109
Estimate: $120
Realised Price : $200
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1947 (20 May) meter cover from Quebec with 7c franking underpaid for airmail transmission, with 'T/130/CENTIMES' marking, 1d and 1/- Postage Dues affixed on arrival tied by Port-of-Spain cde andstraight line 'CANCELLED' in red. Manuscript 'Refused/27.5.47' and with large red 'RETOUR' and boxed Quebec Dead Letter Office marking on reverse. the 1/- is very scarce on cover
Lot 1110
Estimate: $200
Postage Dues: 1923-45 Watermark Multiple Script CA usages on cover, with 2d used on 1937 and 1947 covers from London, 1933, 1936 (2) and 1939 (2) covers from U.S.A., two undeliverable and returned to sender; and 1d pair used on 1944 local cover. Few small faults but generally fine (8 covers)
Lot 1111
Estimate: $400
Realised Price : $1,350
Postage Dues: 1947-61 Watermark Multiple Script CA 2c to 24c mint set, and set punctured SPECIMEN (both MUH), plus 2c MUH corner plate no. block of 6 with error 'Crown in Watermark Missing'. Also a range of covers, including 1969 from France with 4c, 8c, and 24c dues affixed, 1961 cover from France with 6c block of 4 and single and 4c, 1947 cover from G.B. with 16c, 1948 cover form G.B. with 12c tied by 'CANCELLED' handstamp in red, 1963 cover form Netherlands with 2c and 10c pair, all with a range of tax handstamps (28 + 9 covers)