Postal Stationery range including Registered Envelopes QEII 2½d+6d in brown or blue, 3d+9d blue in size G and H; Lettercard 1½d, Postal Cards 1d black and 1½d purple-brown (latter three with faults), KEVII ½d+½d green, all unused, also QEII covers (10), mostly FDI, mixed condition (18 items)
Lot 99
Estimate: $100
1932 (15 Jan) registered cover to Hawaii bearing KGV 6d tied by Suva cds, handstamped registration panel in black with rubber-stamped number, backstamps of Suva and Honolulu
Lot 100
Estimate: $100
Nabouwalu: 1953 (23 Oct) registered cover to Suva bearing KGVI 6d and ½d tied by 'NABOUWALU' datestamps, handstamped registration panel with manuscript number, arrival backstamp
Lot 101
Estimate: $100
Waiyevo: 1952 (10 Nov) registered cover to Suva bearing KGVI 6d and ½d tied by 'WAIYEVO' datestamps, handstamped registration panel with mss number, arrival backstamp