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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 31

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    Lot 45
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    Australia/Colonies group comprising S.A. 'The Long Stamps' by Purves, 'The Postage Due Stamps' by Hyeronimus, 'The 1913 Penny Kangaroo Flaw List' by Sluman, 'Victoria Government Punctures' by Toop, several APO booklets, ACSC loose-leaf pages for Decimals (part) and Kangaroos (3rd edn), etc. Excellent condition

    Lot 46
    Estimate: $200T

    Great Britain: 'The Maritime Postal History of the British Isles' by Robertson (1955-64) in two peg binders, few pages missing

    Lot 47
    Estimate: $125

    Great Britain: 'British External Airmails until 1934' (2nd edn) by Newall, as new


    Lot 48
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $270

    New Zealand: 'The Postage Stamps of New Zealand' Volume V, toning, tatty dust jacket

    Lot 49
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    New Zealand: 'The Postage Stamps of New Zealand’ Volume VI, fine apart from dust jacket blemishes

    Lot 50
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    New Zealand: 'The Postage Stamps of New Zealand' Volume VII as new

    Lot 51
    Estimate: $40 Realised Price : $32

    Australia: 'Vindin's Philatelic Monthly' 1890 (20 Nov) edition, covers fine but partly separated, pages toned, 'The Australian Philatelist' 1917 (6 Jun) edition with 43 page reference list of HL White collection of NSW, covers toned, pages fine, (2)


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