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    General Sale No. 31

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    Lot 1
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Australian Territories collection in S.S. album including Christmas Island, Cocos, Nauru, Norfolk Island, issues to 1984, etc, mixed condition (100s)

    Lot 2
    Estimate: $250T Realised Price : $190

    Aitutaki and Penrhyn collections 1903-27 or 1902-29 complete simplified respectively with a few extras, all series to 1/-, cat £490 approx, (62)


    Lot 3
    Estimate: $120T Realised Price : $260

    Australian Territories: Christmas Is 1958-70, Cocos 1963-69 and Norfolk 1968-72 complete, Norfolk pre-1960 generally mounted (1953 5/- **), a few extras include 1960 2/8 and Specimen 10/- (both mounted), odd fault, most fine (250)

    Lot 4
    Estimate: $400T Realised Price : $350

    Bahamas 1954-76 reasonably complete collection on leaves excluding most M/S's, some shade and wmk varieties, mostly lightly mounted, the 1967 Definitives on white paper set to $5 (no 15c) are unmounted, this alone being a very scarce issue, (100s). Cat £740

    Lot 5
    Estimate: $800 Realised Price : $750

    British Cwlth group comprising sets, Ascension 1934 KGV to 5/-, Barbados 1906 Nelson Centy to 1/-, Cayman Islands 1932 Centy to 10/-, Mauritius 1910 KEVII to 10R, Morocco Agencies 1907-12 to 12p, Nauru 1937-48 Ships to 10/-, South West Africa 1927-30 bilingual pairs to 10/-, also few Malayan punctured SPECIMEN & Ceylon 60c Chicken 'double print', some toning/small faults. Cat £1440+


    Lot 6
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $360

    British Empire range with Hong Kong 1982 QEII Defins to $50 on FDC (2 sets), 1985-87 No Wmk to $50 on 1987 Last Day cover, 1987 to $50 (heavy shading) FDC and 1991 set with light shading ($10 is 1987 issue) on 1992 last day cover (5 covers), 1954 'Singapore' crash covers (4, two from Australia & N.Z.), Australia 1929 3d Air FDC (uprating 1½d Envelope), 1935 airmail triple rate cover to Ceylon, also Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954 to £1 both mint and used, Southern Rhodesia 1953 set to £1 (**), mixed condition. Interesting lot


    Lot 7
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $200

    British Middle East range on leaves incl Aden used 1937-59, no Dhows 3½a, Morocco Agencies with QV values to 2p, KGVI to 5/-, Tangier to 10/- (2), mixed condition (few 100)

    Lot 8
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $280

    Belgium cover range, mostly philatelic with 1930 (Dec) Belgian Congo flight with 5Fr, 1935 (9 May) Rocket flight cover, other mostly sets on cover (a few FDCs) 1930s-50s including 1951 Medical, TB, 1953 Tourist, Child welfare (2, 1 FDC), TB, 1954 King Albert, Bruges Restoration sets, few faults, tones, (44 covers)

    Lot 9
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $270

    Belgium Miniature Sheets, 1935-42 mainly mint with 1935 Brussels (toned), 1936 Borgerhout (3, 2 CTO), Charleroi (3, 2 **, one toned), 1937 Eugene Ysaye (3, 2 toned), 1938 King Albert (2 CTO), Building (2 CTO), 1940-41, 1941-42 Winter Relief, 1941 Concert Hall and 1942 Orval both types, a few extras, cat £900 approx (29)

    Lot 10
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $145

    British Cwlth range including India 1911-22 to 25R including many shades used, Aitutaki KGV opts to 1/- set of 9 mint, Samoa, POs in Crete SG B2-B5 (cat £50), NZ Land Deeds 4/-, 6/-, 10/- and 15/-, St Lucia QV forgeries (5), Grenada 1916 War Tax 1d and 1913-22 3d white back specimens (cat £82), other specimens (11), Ross Dependency first decimal set & St Kitts 1954-63 $2.40 corner block **, also Vatican UPU 1000L very fine used, Belgium Postage Due bisects on piece (4), etc (100+)


    Lot 11
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $40

    China Manchukuo 1935-45 low values in blocks with 1940 Census (40 sets), 1951 Conscription (50 sets), 1945 Edict 10f (100), etc, mainly unmounted (900 approx)

    Lot 12
    Estimate: $800T Realised Price : $1,100

    Cook Islands comprehensive collection to 1971 with 1892 to 2½d (2 each) and 10d mint, 2½d used, 1893-1900 to 10d (2) and 1/-, 1902 No wmk, wmk and 1913-19 sets, 1899 ½d on 1d, Postal Fiscal 1921-23 to £1, 1926 and 1931-32 2/6d to £1, 1943-54 to £3 (toned) and £5 (faint gum tone), other issues appear complete simplified to 1971 except 1967 surcharges to $1 only, cat £2500 approx, (approx 500)

    Lot 13
    Estimate: $50T Realised Price : $55

    Covers: Mainly Cook Is and NZ to USA, also 1966 Polynesian Airlines flight Rarotonga Penrhyn Tahiti Rarotonga, 9 signed intermediates, 3 Tonga Tin Can covers, Aust 1947 1d block of four on WA Tourist Bureau FDC, etc (50+)

    Lot 14
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $200

    Danzig 1920-25 range on leaves with issues to 5M, including Surcharges, Airs, few Port Gdansk opts, etc, mixed mint and used, also San Marino 1971-75 various issues in mint unmounted blocks, etc, (100s)


    Lot 15
    Estimate: $1,600T Realised Price : $1,400

    Fiji collection 1871-1972, from 1871 1d and 2d, 1872 2c-12c surcharges, 1876-77 1d (2), 2d on 3d (2) and 4d on 3d, 1878-99 to 6d (2, one perf 12½) incl 4d surcharges (3 + 3 used), 1881-99 1/- and 5/- (both mint and used/CTO), KEVII-QEII issues apparently complete ex 1917-18 Postage Dues, a few extras, generally fine to very fine (including top values), cat £3500 approx, (350+)

    Lot 16
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $60

    France 1860s-1920 range, mainly postal stationery with formula post cards (9 various, 8 with Ceres 15c), WWI Military cards (4), few Colonies 1911 PPC from Kayes, Upper Senegal, Levant 5c env from Constantinople-Galata, (25)


    Lot 17
    Estimate: $700T Realised Price : $650

    Gilbert & Ellice collection complete to 1971, from 1961 unmounted, with 1911 surcharges, KGV to 10/- and £1 (well centred and fresh), 1940 Postage Dues, few extras, cat £1180, generally fine, (220+)

    Lot 18
    Estimate: $1,000 Realised Price : $1,700

    Great Britain interesting range in album including 1840 1d Black unplated (8) and covers (2), 2d Blue, 1d Red-Brown imperf part o.g., 2d Blue with line strips of three and six used, oddments of KGV, KGVI, strong in modern QEII with definitives and commems, regionals, etc, mixed condition (100s)

    Lot 19
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    Italy 1946-85 collection of Republic issues on illustrated leaves, largely complete (100s)

    Lot 20
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $360

    Italian collection in 'ABRIA' album from 1861-1944 stronger in 20 century, especially 'AMG' and Trieste issues, some mint, majority used (100s)

    Lot 21
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $320

    Malaysia 1965-66 National and State issue accumulation of varieties, mainly plate varieties, a few colour shifts and partial colour omissions, etc, extensive array, values to $2 (11), many heavily duplicated, mainly **, some multiples (approx 330)

    Lot 22
    Estimate: $450T Realised Price : $550

    Nauru collection to 1968 complete simplified plus a few extras, 1916-23 to 1/- plus centre opts (4), Seahorse De La Rue to 10/-, well centred and fresh, BW 2/6d, Ships shiny paper to 10/-, generally fine, (100)

    Lot 23
    Estimate: $2,000T Realised Price : $1,900

    New Guinea collection mint, complete 1925-39 including 'OS' overprints, Huts £1 has tiny thin, Undated Bird 'OS' 5/- is used, Bulolo £2 unmounted, 10/-, £1 and £5 very lightly mounted, generally fine and fresh, cat £3680, (142)

    Lot 24
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $600

    New Guinea and Papua range on leaves with oddments in GRI opts, NWPI with values to 1/-, 1925-39 issues with values to £1, few 'OS' to 5/-; Papua 1901 Lakatois and opts to 2/6d, later issues, incl 1932 to 10/-, etc, mixed condition, poor/fine (100s)

    Lot 25
    Estimate: $450T Realised Price : $340

    New Hebrides collection on leaves 1908-72, from 1961 unmounted, complete except 1908 1/- SG 9, 1910 2d SG 12 and 1921 RF wmk 2d on 40c SG 39, includes Postage Dues and a few extras including 1911 5/- used, cat £970 (approx 200)

    Lot 26
    Estimate: $1,000T Realised Price : $950

    New Zealand valuable collection on leaves including Chalons imperf and perf with values to 1/-, Sidefaces to 1/- incl 8d mint with advert, 1898-1910 Pictorials various to 5/- (2), 1906 Christchurch to 3d, 1913 Auckland and 1925 Dunedin Exhibition sets mint, various KEVII, KGV to QEII definitive issues, Healths and commems appear nearly complete to 1972, Officials, Dues, Postal Fiscals, etc, condition mixed (100s)


    Lot 27
    Estimate: $500T Realised Price : $380

    Niue collection 1902-71 with Pictorials, KEVII, KGV to 1/-, Postal Fiscal long types to £1, Arms 2/6 (5), 5/- (6), 10/- (4) and £1 (3), Pictorials and KGVI-QEII issues complete with some extras, generally fine, some unmounted, cat £1250 approx, (approx 200)

    Lot 28
    Estimate: $125T Realised Price : $250

    Oceania range on stock pages, leaves, etc, including useful Australia with imprint blocks, booklets, Fiji, Tonga, Australia Territories, New Zealand and Dependencies, etc, mixed condition (100s)

    Lot 29
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $600

    Pacific area in stockbook with Nauru KGV opts on 2/6d, 5/- and 10/-, New Guinea NWPI opts with values to 10/- including 6d inverted wmk (thinned), Birds Undated Air £1, Huts 'OS' opts to 2/-, useful Papua, PNG, British Empire Wedding 1948-49 sets (13), Norfolk, N.Z., etc, mixed condition (100s)

    Lot 30
    Estimate: $1,000T Realised Price : $950

    Papua collection mint, complete simplified 1901-38, plus OS opts, BNG 2/6 small thin, large and small Papua overprints to 2/6d, 1907-10 to 1/- (2), 1910-11 to 2/6 (2), 1916-31 to 10/-, Picts to £1 plus 3d to 5/- used, few extras, odd fault, mainly fine, cat £2400+ (230)


    Lot 31
    Estimate: $120T Realised Price : $90

    Papua New Guinea collection 1952-71 complete ex SG D1, issues from 1960 appear unmounted, few extras including 1953 10/- and £1 optd 'SPECIMEN', (300 approx)

    Lot 32
    Estimate: $130T Realised Price : $100

    Pitcairn collection 1940-1972 SPC complete, issues from 1961 unmounted, generally fine, cat £300+, few extras, (138)

    Lot 33
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $280

    Rumania range on leaves including 1858-61 5p and 40p, 1852 3p, 6p and 30p, 1865 2p, 5p, 20p, 1866-67 to 20p, 1868-70 to 18b, 1869 to 50b, 1871 to 25b, 1872-78 perf types to 50b, later types to 2l, 1903 Post Office Opening, 1905 Welfare, other commem issues, Dues, etc, mixed condition (171)


    Lot 34
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $110

    Russia postal history group with 1844-62 covers to France with differing 'AUS RUSSLAND' markings, c.1932 3k illustrated postcards (6 different) or 15k envelope uprated for use to Australia, etc (19 items)


    Lot 35
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Ryukyu Islands 1966-72 group of covers sent registered from Philatelic Bureau at Naha Highasi to U.S.A. with various issues, some in blocks, etc, (62 covers)


    Lot 36
    Estimate: $500T

    Samoa collection 1877-1971 on leaves, Express mainly forgeries/reprints, Palm Trees to 2/6 (2), variety of surcharges, GRI 2½d no fraction bar and 5d, 1914-28 Postal Fiscals to £1 (latter **), 1920 Victory, Arms 1932 2/6, 5/- and 10/-, 1935-42 to £1, 1945-53 to 10/- and 30/-, 1955 to £2, later issues largely complete ex $4 Bird, cat £1200+, (300+)

    Lot 37
    Estimate: $750 Realised Price : $950

    Singapore 1949-67 annotated collection + extras with 1955-59 QEII to $5 *, 1959-67 commems singles and blocks + some extras, 1962-66 Orchids, fish and birds to $5 with values to $1 in blocks, many plate varieties, 5c red partially omitted (7), 10c red omitted in pair with normal (cat £325 **), partially omitted (4), colour shifts, mainly unmounted, accumulation of used, few other countries, (many 100s)

    Lot 38
    Estimate: $700T Realised Price : $625

    Solomon Islands collection, appears complete mint to 1972 Butterflies/fish, from 1960 unmounted, including KGV sets crown CA to £1, Script CA to 10/-, 1940 Dues set, a few extras include large Canoes ½d and 2d used, 1/- forgery 'used', extra 1956-63 set (£1 small stain), cat £1570 approx, generally fine (270+)

    Lot 39
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $60

    Sudan 1940's-50's later issues unused on original (brittle!) reference pages, without Receiving Authority handstamps. Noted values to 50p, incl Airs, Officials, Postage Dues, mostly fine. Useful group for reference


    Lot 40
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Swaziland 1937-80 collection in album with KGVI to 10/-, QEII sets to £1 or 2R, some in blocks, issues in 1970s both mint and CTO, some FDC's, etc, many unmounted (few 100)

    Lot 41
    Estimate: $800T Realised Price : $625

    Tonga collection from 1886-88 to 1/-, 1891 surcharges and 'stars' 1d, 1892 to 1/-, 1893 GFB officials complete, 1894 surcharges (2 on 8d used), 1895 to 2½d on 2d blue, plus 7½d on 2½d red, 1897 Pictorials to 5/- (2) ex 1/- plus few used to 2/-, 1920-72 issues apparently complete ex 1962 Official set, some extras, generally fine, cat £2100+, (480)

    Lot 42
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $110

    World oddments, shoebox of off-paper Australia QEII pre-decimal, some PO labels, on-paper, GB, etc, world on leaves inc GB 1d plate numbers (100+ different to 222), opts on GB KGVI, French New Hebrides, few Aust PO packs (inc 1974 Paintings) and FDCs, (1000s)

    Lot 43
    Estimate: $175

    Carton with modest world range in three albums/stockbooks, also specially produced cover collections with 'Flags of United Nations' in four volumes, boxed issues of 'Stamps of all Nations' and '1984 Olympics', mixed condition

    Lot 44
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $135

    Stockbook and packets containing mostly French Colonies, early to modern with duplication (100s)

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