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    General Sale No. 4

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    Lot 10
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $120

    \\\\\\\'Perkins Bacon Records\\\\\\\' Vols I and II by De Worms, with dust jackets (flimsy), minor spotting

    Lot 11
    Estimate: $30 Realised Price : $34

    \\\\\\\'Philatelic Forgers - Their Lives and Works\\\\\\\' by Tyler hardbound with dust jacket (1976)

    Lot 12
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $38

    \\\\\\\'Hints on Stamp Collection - an ABC of Philately\\\\\\\' by Hinton, hardbound 2nd edition (c.1900)

    Lot 13
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $50

    \\\\\\\'Fundamentals of Philately\\\\\\\' by Williams, hardbound with dust jacket, (1990 revised edition)

    Lot 14
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $55

    Hawthorn Press Monographs \\\\\\\'Christmas Island and its Postal History\\\\\\\' by RSPC, \\\\\\\'Ship Letters of the South Pacific\\\\\\\' by Dovey, \\\\\\\'The Postal History of Barakoma Airfield\\\\\\\' by Voyce, some ageing (3)

    Lot 15
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $90

    Australia: \\\\\\\'Stamp News\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Stamp Monthly\\\\\\\', runs from 1950, some home-bound, also few other items including Stamp Bulletins, APF News, etc. (9 cartons - Very heavy!!! buyer to remove)

    Lot 16
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $90

    -: \\\\\\\'Philately from Australia\\\\\\\' 1975-99 by RSPV, plus few later and three \\\\\\\'Cumulitive Index\\\\\\\' 1948-78, minor spotting

    Lot 17
    Estimate: $60 Realised Price : $80

    -: \\\\\\\'Kangaroos\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Cumulative Index\\\\\\\' Vols I-IV by Kellow, \\\\\\\'KGV 1d\\\\\\\' by Wallen, \\\\\\\'KGV ½d\\\\\\\' by Dix & Rowntree, \\\\\\\'Cumulative Index\\\\\\\' by Holbeach, \\\\\\\'KGV 1d\\\\\\\' by BSAP, \\\\\\\'Kangaroo 1d\\\\\\\' by Dormer Legge, \\\\\\\'Australia Post Archives\\\\\\\' by Peck, \\\\\\\'\\\\\\\"T\\\\\\\" for Tax\\\\\\\' Vols I-III and \\\\\\\'Bicentennial Philately\\\\\\\' by Collyer & Peck, \\\\\\\'Victoria Govt Punctures\\\\\\\' by Elford, Dean & Toop, variable condition (16)

    Lot 18
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $100

    Australian Colonies: \\\\\\\'NSW & ACT Post Offices\\\\\\\' by Hopson, \\\\\\\'TPOs\\\\\\\' by Peck; Queensland \\\\\\\'History of Post Offices\\\\\\\' Vol I\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Numeric Postcode Directory\\\\\\\' by APO, \\\\\\\'Cancellations & Other Markings\\\\\\\' by Campbell; Victoria \\\\\\\'Port Philip District\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Barred Numeral Cancellations\\\\\\\' (photostats) in binder by Purves; Western Australia \\\\\\\'Postal History 1829-1901\\\\\\\' by Owen, Perkins Bacon & De La Rue issues\\\\\\\' by Basset Hull, ‘The 4d Lithograph’ and ‘Western Australia introduction…’ by Pope, ‘Place and Date Stamps’ by Dzelme, ‘Postal Stationery’ by Juhl, mixed condition, (13)

    Lot 19
    Estimate: $30 Realised Price : $24

    Fiji: \\\\\\\'The Postal History of Fiji 1876-1910\\\\\\\' by Rodger (1983)

    Lot 20
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $120

    New Zealand: \\\\\\\'Post Offices in England\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'The Mails Went Through\\\\\\\' by Startup, \\\\\\\'Squared Circle Cancellations\\\\\\\' by Robinson, \\\\\\\'1d Dominion\\\\\\\' by Fisher, \\\\\\\'Second Type Postage Dues\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Postal Stationery Vols I-III by Samuel, \\\\\\\'Registered Mail Markings\\\\\\\' by Voyce, \\\\\\\'Postal Manuscripts\\\\\\\' by Marshall, \\\\\\\'Internal Airmail Flights\\\\\\\' Vol I, \\\\\\\'Postal Stationery\\\\\\\' by PHSNZ, mixed condition (12)

    Lot 21
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $140

    Papua: \\\\\\\'The Postal History of BNG & Papua 1885-1942\\\\\\\' with dust jacket by Lee (1983), also 1950 Jan-Feb \\\\\\\'The Aero Field\\\\\\\' featuring New Guinea & Papua\\\\\\\', plus photocopy of \\\\\\\'Die Postwertzeichen von Papua\\\\\\\' by Kohl (1912 in German), \\\\\\\'Lakatois I\\\\\\\' by Croaker (2), \\\\\\\'PPS 1943-84\\\\\\\' by Rutherford

    Lot 22
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $38

    Spain: \\\\\\\'Town Censor Marks of Spain 1936-1945\\\\\\\' in Spanish by Heller, hardbound with dust jacket (1982)

    Lot 23
    Estimate: $150

    United States of America: \\\\\\\'The Bureau Specialist\\\\\\\' 1952-55, 1960, 1962-63 and \\\\\\\'The United States Specialist 1968-60, 1972-78 all hardbound - (16 vols), plus 61 monthly editions between 1966-81

    Lot 24
    Estimate: $50

    \\\\\\\'International Encyclopaedia of Stamps\\\\\\\' Vols I - VI to part 14 in printed binders (6)

    Lot 25
    Estimate: $50

    \\\\\\\'Stamp Year Book\\\\\\\' 1969-74 in binder, \\\\\\\'Stamps of the World\\\\\\\' Vols I-20, various \\\\\\\'Stamp Collecting Weekly\\\\\\\', \\\\\\\'Gibbons Stamp Monthly\\\\\\\'

    Lot 26
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $130

    Auction Catalogues: \\\\\\\'Phillips\\\\\\\' various between 1982-1993, strong in Great Britain, British Empire, few foreign, etc, some named sales including \\\\\\\'Alphonse\\\\\\\' (120+). [Heavy!!! - buyer to remove].

    Lot 27
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $110

    -: London sales from early 1980\\\\\\\'s to 1993, some named sales, including Rosbon Lowe with some Australasia sales, Harmers, Warwick & Warwick, Stanley Gibbons, Western [Heavy in two cartons!!! - buyer to remove]

    Lot 28
    Estimate: $50

    -: European sales from early 1980\\\\\\\'s to early, few Rosbon Lowe, Harmers, mammoth Rapp sales, etc. [Buyer to remove]

    Lot 29
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    Auction Catalogues: Australian sales from early 1980\\\\\\\'s to early, Downies, Perry, West Brisbane, Christies/Rosbon Lowe, Harmers, few Watson. Great reading [Heavy Carton!!! - Buyer to remove]

    Lot 30
    Estimate: $100

    -: USA sales small group including 1946 Roosevelt Part I with prices realised and II, 1943 \\\\\\\'The William West Collection\\\\\\\' hardbound by Philip Ward Jr, Christies 1991 \\\\\\\'Aurea\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'Angel\\\\\\\' sale, etc, few other items

    Lot 31
    Estimate: $40 Realised Price : $30

    -: 1988-89 sales from Colonial, Manning, Newman, Superior, Wilshire, Wolffers, etc (38)

    Lot 32
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $200

    Suitcase of handbooks, old catalogues, few hardbound incl \\\\\\\'UPU Specimens\\\\\\\' by Bendon, \\\\\\\'Guide to Plating 1d Blacks\\\\\\\' by Litchfield, useful material. Hours of reading (Buyer to remove)

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