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      Internet General Sale No. 823

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


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    Lot 535
    P ]
    Estimate: $6,500 Purchase Price : $5,825

    1953 3d and 3½d Produce Food se-tenant strips of 3 'die proofs' in issued colours in separate sunken frames, with Note Printing Branch cachets on reverse endorsed '1/23.1.53' (for Sir William McKell, Governor-General), both proofs with minor peripheral staining. These proofs are actually imperforate stamps as the method production meant that no die proofs were used. Eight sets of die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 287/8/9DP(1) and 290/1/2DP(1), cat AU$15,000


    Lot 536
    P ]
    Estimate: $2,500 Purchase Price : $2,214

    1953 Coronation 3½d, 7½d and 2/- presentation die proofs in issued colours in composite sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachets on reverse dated '29.5.53' and numbered '36', '24' and '23' respectively (for J.R.W. Purves, Stamp Advisory Committee), some toning and staining of mount, proofs are generally fine. Eight sets of die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 300/1/2DP(1), cat AU$7500


    Lot 537
    P ]
    Estimate: $500 Purchase Price : $443

    1953 3½d Young Farmers presentation die proof in issued colours in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '50/24.8.53' (for H.L. Anthony, Postmaster-General), heavy staining caused by tape used to affix the proof. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 303DP(1), cat AU$3000


    Lot 538
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,750 Purchase Price : $1,573

    1953 Tasmanian Sesquicentenary 3½d se-tenant presentation die proof pair and 2/- die proof in issued colours in sunken frames, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '31/31.8.53' and 19/31.8.53' respectively (for W.L. Russell, Stamp Advisory Committee), peripheral staining on 3½d proof, very minor blemishes on 2/-, Eight sets of die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 304/5DP(1), cat AU$6500 (two proofs)


    Lot 539
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,400 Purchase Price : $1,224

    1955 3½d Y.M.C.A. presentation die proof in issued colours in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '20/6.7.55' (for W.L. Russell, Stamp Advisory Committee), superb. Despite the Brusden-White note, the red triangle on this proof appears to be printed and not handpainted. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW328DP(12), cat AU$3000


    Lot 540
    P ]
    Estimate: $800 Purchase Price : $699

    1955 3½d Nursing presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '18/26/8/55' (for H.L. Anthony, Postmaster-General), some staining largely outside design. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 329DP(1), cat AU$2500


    Lot 541
    P ]
    Estimate: $750 Purchase Price : $670

    1956 3½d Responsible Government presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '27/17.4.56' (for C.W. Davidson, Postmaster-General), with several areas of staining. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 331DP(1), cat AU$2500


    Lot 542
    P ]
    Estimate: $900 Purchase Price : $787

    1956 Olympic Games 7½d presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '17/9.8.56' (for C.W. Davidson, Postmaster-General), several light stains mostly outside design. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 333DP(1), cat AU$3000


    Lot 543
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,000 Purchase Price : $874

    1958 2/- QANTAS Round the World Flight presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '19/20,8,57' (for Sir G. Chippendall, Director-General of the P.M.G.s Department), small stain on design otherwise fine. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 340DP(1), cat AU$2500


    Lot 544
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,250 Purchase Price : $1,107

    1958 5½d War Memorial se-tenant die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '27/29/10/57' (for J.R.W. Purves, Stamp Advisory Committee), some staining along left side. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 341/2DP(1), cat AU$4000


    Lot 545
    C ]
    Estimate: $75 Purchase Price : $70

    1960 6d Banded Anteater Definitive solo usage to indicate postage due on 1963 (31 Jan) cover to Williamstown franked 2d and thus 3d underpaid. Addressed to a well-known collector on the day postage due stamps were discontinued, nevertheless a very scarce solo usage


    Lot 546
    ** ]
    Estimate: $50 Purchase Price : $45

    1960-64 5/- Cattle White Paper, fresh MUH


    Lot 547
    P ]
    Estimate: $900 Purchase Price : $787

    1959 5d Queensland Self-Government presentation die proof in issued colours liberated from sunken mount (45mm x 52mm), superb. Note that the violet colour of the jacaranda bush was typographed on the issued stamp, and this colour is handpainted on the proof. Nine die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 375DP(1), cat AU$2500


    Lot 548
    P ]
    Estimate: $700 Purchase Price : $612

    1962 5d Country Women presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '27.8.62/6' (for W.L. Russell, Stamp Advisory Committee), few stains on proofs and on frame. Ten die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 388DP(1), cat AU$2500


    Lot 549
    **/* ]
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $85

    1963 5d Export sheets of 80 (x 5) showing different states of varieties 'Retouched Jib' (Sheet C R9/1) and 'Retouch to Arctic Ocean (10/1), one sheet with a couple of black marks. Also two further 'Retouched Jib' blocks, block of 16 with variety 'Red Flaw in Arctic Ocean', and block of 12 with 'Retouched Shading Above Left of Crate (Sheet D, R5/4) (436 stamps)


    Lot 550
    ** ]
    Estimate: $350 Purchase Price : $315

    1963-65 5d Green QEII booklet stamp folded complete sheet of 288 showing Plate '1' with dashes, and with 48 booklet panes with imperforate at sides and between units, odd separation otherwise fine fresh MUH. BW 400za, cat AU$2000+


    Lot 551
    PS ]
    Estimate: $70 Purchase Price : $65

    1963 5d Green QEII Definitive 'Imperforate Between' horizontal pair used on 1965 (16 Mar) formular aerogramme to USA, a rare albeit philatelic franking


    Lot 552
    P ]
    Estimate: $700 Purchase Price : $612

    1963 5d Christmas presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '4.10.63/4' (for B.F. Jones, Deputy Director-General of the P.M.G.s Department), and with the envelope in which the proof was originally presented. Few stains around edges of stamp design where sellotape has been used for affixing proof, otherwise fine. Ten die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 410DP(1), cat AU$2500


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