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Sale No. 83

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      Internet General Sale No. 823

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


    To purchase a Lot, please click the link under the Lot number.

    [ Symbols and Codes ]


    Lot 409
    * ]
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $270

    Mint collection on printed leaves, no 1d Reds except a Die III and 2 x Large Multi Wmk, otherwise complete with additional shades, including 4d lemon-yellow, 6 x 1/4d values. Couple with minor faults, part OG and generally fine (84)


    Lot 410
    O ]
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $180

    King George V used collection on hagners with all wmks, perfs and dies, including 1d Red Dies II and III, 1d Green Die II, 4½d Die II (CTO), and 4d Lemon, all fine used stamps with cds cancels (60)


    Lot 411
    O ]
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $460

    Used collection mounted on leaves, all watermarks represented, range of 1d Red shades, plus shades throughout the other values including a few 4d Lemon, few plate varieties noted, and some 'OS' punctures. Mostly selected examples with cds cancels and generally fine (382)


    Lot 412
    */O ]
    Estimate: $300 Purchase Price : $268

    1½d Die I (mostly Red, with a few Brown and Green) collection on pages of plate varieties from Electros 11 to 29, with mint (some no gum) and used, and including positional pieces and different states of some positions, A useful lot in generally fine condition (68 M, 97 U)


    Lot 413
    */O ]
    Estimate: $75 Purchase Price : $70

    1½d Black-brown Electros 1 to 4 small group of plate varieties on hagner, mixed Single and Large Multi Wmk, incl 1R7 with inverted wmk, and thin paper unused and used, also 3 x 1½d Brown, mostly fine. (5 M, 18 U)


    Lot 414
    O ]
    Estimate: $200 Purchase Price : $175

    Small stockbook with range of selected fine used stamps ½d to 5d punctured 'OS'. Some duplication including better values and a few multiples, also a few punctured 'OS/NSW' (95)


    Lot 415
    C ]
    Estimate: $120 Purchase Price : $105

    'OS' Punctures: 3d Blue Single Wmk, Small Multiple Wmk Perf 14, Perf 13½ x 12½ both dies used with 1½d Reds on 1926-30 Perth returned OHMS registered covers, plus 5d C of A Wmk punctured 'WA' on similar 1935 cover, fine group (5 covers)


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