Lot 443
| |
1953-56 Queen Elizabeth II 3½d Carmine-red block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, sellotape stains on front and reverse from previous mounting, and a few other small marks. BW296x Cat AU$100
Lot 444
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $125 |
1953-56 Queen Elizabeth II 2½d Blue and 6½d Orange pairs affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, selloptape stains on front and reverse from previous mounting. BW 298x Cat AU$200
Lot 445
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
1953 3½d Young Farmers block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, few marks and a small crease at left, and abraded at top corners where it has been affixed for display purposes. BW 303x Cat AU$220
Lot 446
| |
1953 Tasmanian Sesquicentenary 3½d Brown-purple se-tenant pair and 2/- Emerald affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, some sellotape staining on reverse from previous mounting, and slight crease at right. BW 306x Cat AU$250
Lot 447
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
1954 Royal Visit 3½d Carmine-red plate varieties in positional multiples, with R4/7 'Weak Entry Right of AUSTRALIA' in block of 6, 'Extended Left Frame at Top (R5/6,7,6/6), 'Spur over Queen's Right Shoulder' (R6/6) and 'Re-entry in Left Frame' (R7/7) all in block of 15, R7/2 and R8/2 re-entries in block of 8, and 'Cross-hatching between Crown and Left Frame Extended' (R8/6,7) in block of 9, mostly mounted only in selvedge and fine (40)
Lot 448
| |
1954 Royal Visit 3½d Carmine block of 18 from top right corner of sheet, R3/6 showing variety 'Retouch to Duke's Forehead' State I, some small tone spots on some units (not the variety) and mounted in selvedge only. Also State II of the same variety fine used. A scarce pair, BW 308j,ja Cat AU$2200+
Lot 449
| | Estimate: $120 | Realised Price : $90 |
1954 Royal Visit 3½d, 7½d and 2/- affixed to Post Office Publicity Card fine and fresh apart from sellotape mark on reverse. BW 310x Cat AU$250
Lot 450
| |
1954 Telegraph Centenary 3½d block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, few stains caused by sellotape, and some thins on back from same cause, otherwise clean. BW 311x Cat AU$200
Lot 451
| | Estimate: $90 | Realised Price : $70 |
1954 Red Cross 3½d block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, few small stains otherwise fine. BW 312x, Cat AU$200. Note that the BW listing is for a block of 6 on card, but there is no evidence that this card is not exactly as issued
Lot 452
| | Estimate: $240 | Realised Price : $180 |
1954 Red Cross 3½d three blocks of 9 from bottom left corner of sheet showing Plate Nos. '-1-', '-2-' and '-3-', each fine and lightly mounted on two or three units only. BW 312z,zd,zh Cat AU$600
Lot 453
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $125 |
1954 Western Australian Stamp Centenary 3½d block of 4 affixed to Publicity Card some minor marks and sellotape stain on reverse, otherwise fine. BW 313x Cat AU$200. Note that BW catalogues the card with a block of 9, but there is no evidence that this card is not exactly as issued
Lot 454
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $105 |
1954 Railway Centenary 3½d Red-brown pair affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, sellotape stains from previous mounting causing damage to the top right corner. BW 314x Cat AU$200
Lot 455
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $210 |
1955-57 Queen Elizabeth II 7½d Violet die proof in issued colour removed from its sunken mount, badly stained by the sellotape used to affix the proof inside the mount, hence the low estimate. Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 321DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 456
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $46 |
1955 Australia-U.S.A. Friendship 3½d block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, some minor tone spots, sellotape stains on reverse, and creasing. BW 325x Cat AU$200
Lot 457
| |
1955 Cobb & Co. 3½d and 2/- (2 each) affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, staining at edges caused by previous sellotape, few minor bends and one 3½d with tone spot. BW 327x Cat AU$200
Lot 458
| |
1955 Cobb & Co. 3½d and 2/- pairs affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, few marks on face and some sellotape adhering to the reverse. BW 327x Cat AU$200
Lot 459
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1955 YMCA 3½d block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, sellotape marks at base from previous mounting and area of thinning on reverse, otherwise fine. BW 328x Cat AU$200
Lot 460
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
1955 South Australian Stamp Centenary 3½d block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, few minor tone spots and small area of damage at top centre from previous mounting, clean appearance. BW 330x Cat AU$200
Lot 461
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $75 |
1957 7d Royal Flying Doctor Service block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, one small mark on face, otherwise fine. BW 337x Cat AU$200
Lot 462
| | Estimate: $120 | Realised Price : $105 |
1958 Trans-Tasman Flight 8d Blue block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, minor crease at top left otherwise clean and fine. BW 343x Cat AU$200
Lot 463
| | Estimate: $3,500 | Realised Price : $2,700 |
1958 Christmas 3½d Red and 4d Reddish-violet presentation die proofs in issued colours in sunken frames, with Note Printing Branch cachets on reverse endorsed '34/24.10.58' and '17/24.10.58' respectively (for J.R.W. Purves, Stamp Advisory Committee), both fresh and superb. Nine die proofs of each value were prepared, one of each being in the Royal Collection. BW 345,346DP(1) Cat AU$6000
Lot 464
| | Estimate: $1,800 | Realised Price : $2,100 |
1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 2d Reddish-brown die proof in issued colour mounted in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '27.3.62/2' (for C.W. Davidson, Postmaster-General), very fine. Nine die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 348DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 465
| | Estimate: $1,800 | Realised Price : $2,100 |
1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 3d Blue-green presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '23/14/4/59' (for C.W. Davidson, Postmaster-General), fresh and superb. Nine die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 350DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 466
| |
1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 3d Blue-green coil perf block of 12 from left of sheet showing Plate No. '3' without dashes, mounted in selvedge only. BW 350za Cat AU$300
Lot 467
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1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 3d Blue-green coil perf block of 8 from left of sheet showing Plate No. '3' without dashes, fine MUH. BW 350za Cat AU$300
Lot 468
| | Estimate: $1,800 | Realised Price : $2,100 |
1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 3½d Dark Green presentation die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '58/12.12.58' (for J.R.W. Purves, Stamp Advisory Committee), fresh and superb. Also with letter of presentation (name excised). Eight die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 352DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 469
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1959-63 Queen Elizabeth II 5d Blue coil perf block of 8 from top of sheet showing part Plate No. '2' with five X's to left, fine and mounted in selvedge only. BW 355z Cat AU$1250
Lot 470
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1959-63 8d Tiger Cat four blocks of 6 from the bottom right corner of Sheet C, showing the four states of R9/6 'Retouched Shading Right of Animal's Head', State IV being the 'Typhoon' Retouch. One unit of each block lightly mounted. BW 358(II)s/sc Cat AU$650 (24)
Lot 471
| | Estimate: $1,500 | Realised Price : $1,600 |
1962 5d Deep Green Country Women die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '27.8.62/9' (for E. Westbrook, Stamp Advisory Committee), some marginal staining at right caused by use of sellotape to affix the proof. Ten die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 388DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 472
| |
1963 Queen Elizabeth II 5d Green die proof in issued colour in sunken frame, with Note Printing Branch cachet on reverse endorsed '3.10.63/4' (for B.F. Jones, Deputy Director-General of the PMG's Department), fresh and superb, and offered with the envelope in which it was originally contained. Ten die proofs were prepared one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 398DP(1) Cat AU$3000
Lot 473
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $100 |
1963-65 5d Green QEII from booklets, a used example on small piece printed on Helecon Paper. Very underrated, with the Brusden-White catalogue indicating that 'at least 20 used stamps known'. With 1974 BSAP Certificate. BW 400a Cat AU$100
Lot 474
| | Estimate: $600 | Realised Price : $460 |
1963-65 5d Red QEII booklet pane of 6 on 'Non-helecon Paper', rare and superb. BW 403AA Cat AU$1000
Lot 475
| |
1963-65 QEII 5d Red coil perf pairs (25), MUH and mostly in strips of four. BW 402bc Cat AU$625, SG 354ca Cat £475
Lot 476
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $75 |
1963 2/3d COMPAC Cable block of 4 affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, very fine apart from a couple of minor creases at base. BW 411x Cat AU$200
Lot 477
| | Estimate: $800 | Realised Price : $600 |
1964-65 Australian Birds 6d Yellow-tailed Thornbill presentation proof mounted in sunken frame, endorsed 'Mr Jones 4' (for Mr C.F. Jones, Deputy Director-General of the PMG's Department). This proof shows sufficient margin to indicate that a normal perforated stamp has been used, which is almost certainly the case for all examples. The current BW price must therefore be revised. Nine proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Philatelic Collection. Fresh and superb, and offered with the envelope in which it was originally contained. BW 412PP(1)
Lot 478
| | Estimate: $800 | Realised Price : $600 |
1964-65 Australian Birds 9d Black-backed Magpie presentation proof mounted in sunken frame, endorsed '7' in pencil on reverse (for Frank Manley, member of the Stamp Advisory committee). This proof shows sufficient margin to indicate that a perforated stamp has been used, which is almost certainly the case for all proofs, and the catalogue price needs to be revised. Nine proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Philatelic Collection. Fresh and superb. BW 414PP(1)
Lot 479
| | Estimate: $1,500 | Realised Price : $1,150 |
1964 Guillaux Flight 5d Sage-green and 2/3d Red die proofs in issued colour mounted together in a non-contemporary sunken frame, fresh and fine. Nine sets of die proofs were prepared, one of which is in the Royal Collection. BW 423,424DP(1) Cat AU$6000 for original sunken proofs.
Lot 480
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1964 Guillaux Flight 5d and 2/3d affixed to Post Office Publicity Card, some minor toning and a few bends in top right corner, otherwise fine. BW 424x Cat AU$250