Lot 541
Estimate: $200T
Realised Price : $150
1½d Red shades, few other colours, range on leaves, many plated, mostly minor varieties (few 100). Interesting lot
Lot 542
Estimate: $500T
Realised Price : $525
3d Blue shades selection on leaves comprising Single Wmk mint (6), used (38), SM Wmk Perf 14 mint (5, incl imprint pair), used (19), Perf 13½x 12½ mint (18, incl two imprint pairs), used (48), CofA Wmk mint imprint pair, used (25), also optd 'OS' mint (4) and used (5), some varieties, few type B, etc, mixed condition (168)
Lot 543
Estimate: $800T
Realised Price : $900
4d selection of all colours and shades on leaves with major and minor plate varieties comprising Orange shades mint (11, incl pale orange-yellow, lemon (2)), used (84, five with inverted wmk), 4d Blue mint (8), used (55, incl inverted wmk), Violet mint (4), used (18), Olive various wmks mint (18), used (84), few optd or punctured 'OS', mixed condition
Lot 544
Estimate: $250T
Realised Price : $320
4½d Violet shades selection on leaves comprising Single Wmk mint (3), used (19, one punctured 'OS'), SM Wmk Perf 14 used (9), Perf 13½x 12½ mint (2), used (5, two being Die II CTO), also 5d on 4½d mint (25, incl imprint block of 12), used (9), few listed varieties, mixed condition (72)
Lot 545
Estimate: $400T
Realised Price : $650
5d shades selection on leaves with major and minor varieties incl Single Wmk mint (10) and used (52), SM Wmk Perf 13½x12½ mint imprint block and pair, CofA Wmk mint (13, incl imprint block), used (73, two optd 'OS'), few 'OS/NSW', CTO, etc, mostly fine (148)
Lot 546
Estimate: $250T
Realised Price : $320
1/4d small selection comprising Single Wmk mint and used, SM Wmk Perf 13½x12½ mint (2, one with 'Thick '1' at right'), used (2), CofA Wmk mint pair and used singles (4), few with minor varieties (10)