Lot 389
| |
Selection comprising 1d green, 1½d black-brown, green, 3d blue, 4d orangem violet, blue, olive and 5d brown, mixed centring
Lot 390
| | Estimate: $200T | Realised Price : $220 |
½d Green block of four hinge remains, ½d Orange 'Gash behind ear', 4d Orange and 4d Blue, each with inverted watermarks, (7). Retail AU$340
Lot 391
| |
½d Orange Electro 7, Inverted Watermark, upper left corner block of 24 (4x6), BW 66a(7).
Lot 392
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½d Orange Electro 7, Inverted Watermark, gutter block of 16 (4x4), BW 66a(7)
Lot 393
| |
½d Orange Electro 7, Inverted Watermark, lower corner block of 16 (4x4) from Left Pane with varieties 'S.W. corner broken' and 'Retouched shading in oval and white flaw on head, BW 66a(7)d,e.
Lot 394
| |
½d Orange Electro 7, Inverted Watermark, gutter block of 16 (4x4) from Right Pane with varieties 'Broken left frame and wattle leaf', 'White flaw beind King's ear' and 'Damaged central leaf in left wattle', BW 66a(7)g,i,j.
Lot 395
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $750 |
1d Red Shades in hagner binder, mostly singles with few perforated OS, mixed condition, few unmounted (203)
Lot 396
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $180 |
1d red shades selection including a pink, Rough paper Die II (part gum only) and Die III, odd small fault (27)
Lot 397
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $75 |
1d Red Die I 'Rusted Cliche', two corners rounded
Lot 398
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $1,600 |
Smooth paper 1d Scarlet (aniline) with variety '(Rusted cliche) flaw opposite top of right value tablet', BW 71(2)ma. A great rarity
Lot 399
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $180 |
1d Scarlet (aniline) 'Rusted Cliche', with private perfin inverted 'DWM/LTD', short corner perf
Lot 400
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $95 |
Rough paper 1d Reds Dies I and II 'Substituted cliches', BW '(Rusted cliche) flaw opposite top of right value tablet', BW 72(2)ia, ja, matching shades (2)
Lot 401
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $260 |
1d Green Wmk Inverted positional block of 16 with varieties "Ferns and '"RA" of AUSTRALIA joined', BW 77a,ia,j
Lot 402
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $80 |
1d Green 'A.J.MULLETT' imprint block of four, BW 77(3)zb
Lot 403
| | Estimate: $50 | Realised Price : $46 |
1d Green block of four with varieties "Secret mark" and 'Break in top frame and 4th pearl at left in crown joins line', BW 77(4)d,e
Lot 404
| |
1d Green block of four with varieties partly corrected "Ferns" and '"RA" of AUSTRALIA joined', BW 77(4)ia,j. Scarce make-readies
Lot 405
| |
1d Green corner block of four with varieties 'White spot in S.E. corner' and 'Run "N" (second state), BW 77(4)p,ra
Lot 406
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $150 |
1d Green 'A.J.MULLETT' imprint block of eight with varieties "Ferns" and '"RA" of AUSTRALIA joined', BW 77(4)zb
Lot 407
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $340 |
1½d Red shades, range on leaves, showing range of listed and unlisted varieties, etc (over 600). Ex Harry Evans
Lot 408
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $300 |
1½d Red 'Cracked electro', BW 89(17)m, used
Lot 409
| |
1½d Scarlet 'T.S.HARRISON' imprint strip of six with additional row of perfs at base, sensibly reinforced
Lot 410
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $80 |
1½d Scarlet 'A.J.MULLETT' imprint block of four, BW 89zc
Lot 411
| |
1½d Red "No Imprint" (Mullett) upper plate block of eight, BW 89zb
Lot 412
| | Estimate: $80T | Realised Price : $120 |
2d Orange block of four and single, the latter marginal showing large white flaw on emu's neck; 2d Red single and pair showing thick AUSTRALIA and single with inking flaw on lower frame, mixed condition (9)
Lot 413
| | Estimate: $80T | Realised Price : $90 |
2d Orange, block of four with minor frame flaws.
Lot 414
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $160 |
2d Orange vertical pair showing pre-printing crease through both units.
Lot 415
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $55 |
2d Scarlet 'Thin "TWO PENCE" (retouch)' in pair with normal, BW 96(8)e
Lot 416
| |
2d Brown strip of three with 'Misplaced perforations', additional row of perfs in lower margin
Lot 417
| |
2d Red-Brown vertical pair with 'Large white flaw in left value tablet', BW 97(16)f
Lot 418
| |
2d Red-Brown singles with varieties 'Large white flaw in left value tablet' - thinned, 'Right frame largely missing' and 'Lower frame missing', mixed centring (3), BW 97(16)f,h,o. Cat AU$270
Lot 419
| |
2d Red-Brown lower left corner block of four with variety 'Retouched S.W. corner', BW 97(16)h, variety unit unmounted
Lot 420
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
2d Red-Brown block of four [53-54/59-60] with varieties 'Damaged upper frame at left and shading below', 'Lower frame missing' and 'White flaws right of left value tablet and through "A" of POSTAGE and "N" of PENCE', BW 97(16)m,o,p
Lot 421
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $115 |
3d Blue shades, Harrison plates, three blocks of four, (12)
Lot 422
| |
3d Blue, Harrison plates block of four, upper units with portion of top frame missing. Interesting piece
Lot 423
| | Estimate: $125T | Realised Price : $130 |
3d Blue, Harrison plate, block of four with 'Broken leg on emu', BW 104i
Lot 424
| | Estimate: $350 | Realised Price : $320 |
4d Buff-Orange corner block of six with 'CA' Monogram, lower three units creased, mounted in margins only, small ink mark, BW 110(2)zb
Lot 425
| |
4d Blue (Cooke) gum slightly disturbed and centred slightly to top, plus 1/4d C of A wmk centred left to base MUH. Fresh and high catalogue
Lot 426
| |
4d Bright Ultramarine, marginal block of four from Harrison plates, fresh unmounted. Cat AU$700
Lot 427
| |
Harrison Plate 4d Bright Ultramarine, upper left corner block of 24 (6x4) with varieties 'White flaw in left wattles' and 'Second leaf in left wattles damaged', odd tone, [24 tear] and marginal faults, BW 113(3)d,e. Cat AU$4300
Lot 428
| | Estimate: $1,500T | Realised Price : $1,100 |
Harrison Plates 4d Bright Ultramarine, marginal block of 24 (6x4) showing variety 'No shading behind emu's head', odd insignificant tone specks, BW 133(3)f. Cat AU$4075
Lot 429
| |
Harrison Plates 4d Bright Ultramarine, lower left corner block of twelve (6x2) showing varieties 'White flaw adjoining lower left of value tablet' and 'Flaw on fourth bloom in left wattles', tone spots, BW 133(3)g,h. Cat AU$2200
Lot 430
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $160 |
Rough paper 1d Rosine, very fresh unmounted
Lot 431
| |
Smooth paper 1d Pale Terra Cotta (Brick) BW 71Q
Lot 432
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $460 |
1½d Scarlet Wmk Inverted, 'Printed on gummed side', BW 89c
Lot 433
| |
2d orange, brown, 4d olive, 4½d and 1/4d (mounted), others unmounted, mixed centring (5)
Lot 434
| |
4d Olive block of four with variety 'Diagonal white line on King's neck', BW 114(4)k
Lot 435
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
4½d Violet 'T.S.HARRISON' imprint pair and full 'A.J. MULLETT' single