Collection in album with shades, dies, etc, First Wmk ½d (3), 1d (12), 2d (3), 2½d (2), 3d (5, 1 Die II), 4d (3, 1 orange-yellow), 5d (2), 6d (2), 9d (4), 1/- (3), 2/-; Second Wmk 2d (2), 2½d, 6d (2), 9d (2), 1/- (3, 1 deep dull green) and 5/-; Third Wmk 2d (6), 2½d (6), 3d (8), 6d blue (9), chestnut (3), 9d (6), 1/- (9), 2/- brown (5), maroon (3), 5/- (2), £1 grey, £2 (telegraph puncture); SM Wmk 6d (2), 9d (3), 1/- (2), 2/- (3); CofA Wmk 6d, 9d (3), 2/- (6), 5/- (2), 10/-; 'OS' punctures First Wmk (large) ½d to 5/-, small ½d to 2/-, Second Wmk 2d to 5/-, Third Wmk 2d to 10/-, SM Wmk 6d to 5/- and 6d 'OS' opts, mixed condition, faults in places, few CTO
Lot 174
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $500
Mint selection including First Wmk to 5d (2), 9d, 10/- optd 'Specimen', Second Wmk 2d, 2½d (2), Third Wmk 2d (2), 2½d (2), 9d, 1/- (3, 1 Wmk Sideways), 2/- maroon, SM Wmk to 2/-, CofA Wmk to £1 'SPECIMEN', also few optd 'OS', mixed condition (52)
Lot 175
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $210
Selection comprising First Wmk ½d coil strip of six with join (unmounted), 1d on cover with blue cancel, 2½d on 1916 censored cover Perth to USA, and 2/- mint (blunt perfs), Third Wmk 2/- maroon ('Two diagonal hairlines east of NSW coast', BW 38f, faint tones), and 5/- 'Broken tail' used (6 items)
Lot 176
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $340
Selection comprising First Wmk ½d (3), 1d (5, one used), 1/-, Third Wmk 2d, 2½d, 6d milky blue, 9d, 10/- punctured 'OS' (CTO), £1 grey 'SPECIMEN', SM Wmk 6d optd 'OS' mint, 9d, 1/-, 2/- (2, one 'OS') CTO, CofA Wmk 6d and 5/- CTO, 10/- 'SPECIMEN', 6d optd 'OS' (2, one CTO), mixed condition, mostly mint, few unmounted
Lot 177
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $400
Used range on hagners with values to 5/- (9), also poor Third Wmk 10/-, includes values punctured 'OS' large and small, mixed condition (215)
Lot 178
Estimate: $400
Realised Price : $320
2/- Maroon range on leaves comprising Third Wmk (6), punctured 'OS' (105, incl block of four, few pairs), SM Wmk (5), punctured 'OS' (4), CofA Wmk (10), fair/fine, some parcel cancels (140). Cat AU$4730