Lot 205
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
Punctured 'T' mint selection, comprising 1d vertical pair and single, 3d Die I block of 4 (tone spots), 6d strip of 3 (large part OG with some units unmounted), all but single 1d with partly blind punctures (10)
Lot 206
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $115 |
Range of 'OS' punctures on stock cards with Large 'OS' 2d M and 4d M no gum (missing perf), and Small 'OS' ½d, 2d M, and ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d Die I, 4d (6), 5d (4), 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- U, few small faults but condition generally good. Also 4d U pair with 'H S Co' perfin (25)
Lot 207
| |
½d, 1d, 2d and 3d Die I, all Watermark Inverted with cds cancels, fine examples. BW Cat AU$410 (4)
Lot 208
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $320 |
½d Green used with ½d, 1d, 1½d and 3d Victoria, 1d NSW, 1d Queensland and 1d South Australia (2) on 1913 (15 Jan) registered cover sent by stamp dealer Howard Davis to Paris, France. The franking represents the correct rate for a triple weight foreign letter (3 x 2d) plus 3d registration fee. Probably the earliest possible date of use of the ½d Kangaroo in Victoria outside the G.P.O., with the only earlier recorded usage a postcard from Melbourne on 14/1/1913. 1½d adhesive damaged and some overall slight soiling, but a very rare early usage
Lot 209
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $320 |
1d Die I Imperforate Plate Proof in Red on Thick Buff Manilla Paper, horizontal pair from Plate A, Left Pane Nos. 13-14, fine. BW 2(PP)1, Cat AU$650
Lot 210
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $1,150 |
1d Die I Imperforate Plate Proof in Red on Thick Buff Manilla Paper, block of 4 from Plate A, Right Pane Nos. 17-28/23-24, R24 being the variety 'Diagonal White Scratch from Left Frame to Coast of W.A.'. Fine and rare with catalogued variety. BW 2(PP)1 Cat AU$1300+
Lot 211
| | Estimate: $3,000 | Realised Price : $6,750 |
1d Die I Imperforate Plate Proof in Red on Thick Manilla Paper, corner block of 6 from Plate C with 'JBC' monogram (R52-54/58-60), usual staining typical of many multiples of this proof and with horizontal crease through upper row, also showing a partial offset on reverse (including the monogram). One of only two 'CA' monograms existing (the other being Die II from Plate D), and a major 1d Kangaroo rarity. BW 2PP(1), but does not price the monogram pieces
Lot 212
| | Estimate: $900 | Realised Price : $950 |
1d Red 'Watermark Sideways', a used 'set' comprising Dies I and II showing top of crown pointing to left, and Dies I and II with top of crown pointing to right (Die II with top left corner crease). A rarely offered group. BW 2aa,ab and 3aa,ab Cat AU$1900 (4)
Lot 213
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $1,050 |
1d Red Die I 'Watermark Sideways' (top of crown pointing left) horizontal pair, large part OG, centred upper right and both units with diagonal bends, a scarce multiple. BW 2ab Cat AU$4500
Lot 214
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $800 |
1d Red Die I Punctured Large 'OS' variety 'Double Puncture', centred lower left, large part OG and fine. A spectacular variety, with 2011 Ceremuga Certificate
Lot 215
| | Estimate: $900 | Realised Price : $675 |
1d Red Die I Punctured Large 'OS' horizontal strip of 3 with prominent 'Offset', MUH. BW2cb Cat AU$1500
Lot 216
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $725 |
1d Red Die I pair and single used on 'Whiting' cover addressed to Windsor, cancelled by Melbourne machine mark dated 4 Jan 13, the first day of issue in Melbourne, fine. It is believed that three covers exist used on this date, the other two also being addressed to Whiting
Lot 217
| | Estimate: $600 | Realised Price : $1,900 |
1d Red Die I Plate A blocks of 12 (L1-12) and 30 (L31-60) from left pane, the latter including 'No Monogram', also with variety 'Break in Right Frame over Words of Value' (L1). The block of 12 fine OG with only four units mounted, the block of 30 part OG with most units unmounted, but with tone spots on many units (including the 'No Monogram' strip). Despite the faults, these are scarce multiples (42)
Lot 218
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $1,900 |
1d Red Die I Plate A block of 30 from right pane (R1-30), with varieties 'Diagonal White Scratch from First A to Coast of W.A.' (R11) and 'Diagonal White Scratch from Left Frame to Coast of W.A.' (R24). Thins in selvedge, and repaired selvedge opposite R25, R11 with tone spots and a few others with minor marks, vertical crease through R24 and R30, mounted on R25 and otherwise in selvedge only. A scarce multiple from this difficult electro
Lot 219
| | Estimate: $750 | Realised Price : $1,250 |
1d Red Die I Plate A 'No Monogram' strip of 6 from left pane, part OG with tone spots mostly in selvedge but also affecting three units (including the no monogram stamp), mounted on selvedge and one unit only. BW 2(A)z Cat AU$2000
Lot 220
| | Estimate: $700 | Realised Price : $525 |
1d Red Die I Plate A Punctured Large 'OS' strip of 6 from left pane (L55-60, no left selvedge) showing 'No Monogram' under L57, showing traces on misplaced punctures at top of stamps, and additional row of punctures in lower selvedge, fine unused. BW 2(A)z Cat AU$2000
Lot 221
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $420 |
1d Red Die I Plate A 'No Monogram' corner strip of 4 from right pane (R57-60), large part OG but monogram unit with thin, two units unmounted. BW 2(A)za Cat AU$2000
Lot 222
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $1,050 |
1d Red Die I Plate A group of mint multiples, comprising block of 4 and strip of 3 Punctured Large 'OS', R1-2/7-8 block of 4, R17-18/23-24 block of 4, R24 with variety 'White Scratch from A to Coast of W.A.', R49-51/55-57 block of 6, R51 with variety 'Retouch Under Y of PENNY', all generally fine with large part OG and most units MUH. Also R43-46/49-2/55-58 block of 12 (R58 the No Monogram unit) part OG but with tone spots on some units (33)
Lot 223
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $160 |
1d Red Die I Plate B block of 30 from left pane (L1-30), top selvedge missing except over L1 (before appearance of 'ROSTAGE' variety), L24 with variety 'White Scratch in Bight', part OG but with extensive toning. Also L1 corner single with variety 'ROSTAGE' large part OG and mounted in selvedge only (31)
Lot 224
| | Estimate: $70 | Realised Price : $75 |
1d Red Die I Plate B top left corner block of 4 (L1-2/7-8), L1 variety 'ROSTAGE', large part OG, variety with diagonal bend but MUH. BW 2(B)d Cat AU$100+
Lot 225
| | Estimate: $600 | Realised Price : $725 |
1d Red Die I Plate B block of 32 (L3-6/9-12/15-18/21-24/27-30/33-36/39-42/45-48) from an early printing with L24 variety 'White Scratch in Bight' but before the development of L40 ('1 Flaw S.W. of Tasmania') and L48 ('White Flaw off Cape York'). Ironed out crease through L15-18, and some perf separation bewtween 3rd and 4th rows, otherwise very fine full OG and MUH. BW Cat AU$1280+
Lot 226
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $290 |
1d Red Die I Plate B variety '1 Flaw S.W. of Tasmania' (L40), comprising block of 12 (L31-42) before the appearance of the variety (part OG with extensive toning), a similar block showing the variety (part OG with some perf separation, one unit with diagonal crease), and an additional single with variety in a late state (some tone spots on reverse) (25)
Lot 227
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $1,250 |
1d Red Die I Plate B Punctured Small 'OS' block of 36 from left pane (L25-60) with gutter selvedge only, and showing catalogued varieties on L40 ('1 Flaw S.W. of Tasmania'), 45, 48, 50 and 53. MUH with large part OG, toned or with some spotting on 12 units, L55 with diagonal crease, and some perf separation between top two rows, nevertheless of very fine appearance
Lot 228
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $1,000 |
1d Red Die I Plate B block of 48 from right pane (R1-48) with selvedge three sides, from a very early printing showing catalogued variety on L32 ('Colour Flaw below first N of PENNY'), but before the development of the other catalogued right pane flaws (R15, 18, 23 and 47). Some perf separation between the 5th and 6th rows, otherwise very fine large part OG, hinged in top selvedge only. BW Cat AU$1920+
Lot 229
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $320 |
1d Red Die I Plate B interpane block of 16 (L51-54/57-60 and R49-52/55-58) including both 'No Monogram' Units, from an early printing with L53 variety ('Broken Upper Right Value Circle') absent. Part OG streaky toned gum, most units unmounted, ex Field and Kilfoyle
Lot 230
| | Estimate: $1,500 | Realised Price : $1,200 |
1d Red Die I Plate B 'No Monogram' corner block of 9 (L43-45/49-51/55-57), early printing showing L45 variety absent and early state of L50 ('Break in Left Frame Opposite Base of A of AUSTRALIA'), large part OG with small adhesion on reverse of L57 and adhesions in left selvedge, only two units mounted. BW 2(B)z Cat AU$2000+
Lot 231
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $1,050 |
1d Red Die I Plate B 'No Monogram' right corner block of 12 (R40-42/46-48/52-54/58-60), R47 with variety 'Right Frame Dented Opposite Brisbane', and R42,48,54,60 with 'Thickened Right Frame'. Perf separation between second and third rows, otherwise very fine with only three units mounted. BW 2(B)za Cat AU$2000+
Lot 232
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $850 |
1d Red Die I Plate B block of 4 (R49-50/55-56), R49 showing an apparent plate crack left of top of value circle extending into and damaging gutter line (minor toning, lower units MUH), also L54 variety 'Cracked Electro Across Stamp' just below map, uncatalogued (but should be), three used examples, one an aniline shade (7)
Lot 233
| | Estimate: $180 | Realised Price : $135 |
1d Red Die I Plate B vertical coil strip of 11 with coil join (L55/1/7/13/19/25/31/37/43/49/55, L1 the 'ROSTAGE' flaw), and vertical coil strip of 5 (L25/31/37/43/49), both with perfs trimmed at right, otherwise fine MUH (16)
Lot 234
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $440 |
1d Red Die I Plate B range of multiples and plate varieties, with 'ROSTAGE' (L1) in corner block of 4, '1 Flaw West of Tasmania' (L40) in strip of 3, 'White Flaw over Y of PENNY' (R19) in pair, 'White Flaw off Cape York'(L48) M, block of 18 (L43-60) with 'No Monogram'(toned), R1-12 block of 12, two other blocks of 4 (one Large 'OS'). Some stamps with tone spots, but generally fine and largely MUH. A useful group (48)
Lot 235
| | Estimate: $2,250 | Realised Price : $1,700 |
1d Red Die I Plate C 'JBC' monogram corner strip of 6 from right pane (R55-60), with 'Double Perforation' three sides of all units, R60 showing early state of variety 'Colour Joining Inner and Outer Right Frames at Lower Right Corner'. MUH slightly toned gum and R60 with tone spot, however a rare combination piece. See Note 2 under BW 2, which prices this strip at AU$4000
Lot 236
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $200 |
1d Red Die I Plate C block of 24 from left pane (L25-42), with catalogued varieties on L26, 37 and 38, and before the development of the flaw in the value circle on L42. Large part fresh OG, with only two units mounted, very fine
Lot 237
| | Estimate: $2,250 | Realised Price : $3,000 |
1d Red Die I Plate C block of 4 (L37-38/43-44), L37 variety 'White Scratch from L to Map', and L44 the rare transient variety 'Large Coloured Flaw S.W. of Tasmania'. Small thin at lower right corner of L38, otherwise fine used and cancelled 'REGISTERED/BENDIGO' cds, JE 23 14. Also a matching marginal block Punctured Large 'OS' showing L37 variety but with L44 normal, part OG with vertical crease through L36/44. BW2(C)f,i Cat AU$2750+ (8)
Lot 238
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $525 |
1d Red Die I Plate C group of mint multiples, with L3-4/9-10 block of 4, L4 with variety 'Break in Kangaroo's Paw', L25-28 strip of 4, L26 with variety 'Notch in Left Frame S.W. of Western Australia', L41-42 pair, L42 with variety 'Break in Value Circle at Right' L53-54/59-60 and R49-50/55-56 gutter block of 8, R1-2/7-8 block of 4 (Large 'OS'), R8 with variety 'White Flaw under U' (with arricator adhering), R5-6/11-12 block of 4 and R3-6/9-12 block of 8 (Large 'OS'), L12 with variety 'White Flaw over IA', and R37-39/43-45 block of 6 (Large 'OS'), R43 with variety 'White Flaw over Y'. Generally very fine with large part OG and most units MUH (40)
Lot 239
| | Estimate: $2,500 | Realised Price : $2,600 |
1d Red Die I Plate C left pane of 60 with 'CA' monogram and showing catalogued varieties L26, 37 and 38, but before the development of varieties on L4 and L42. Large part OG and with a few very minor creases, minor toning on periphery of selvedge, and hinged only in selvedge, very fine appearance. BW Cat AU$3800++
Lot 240
| | Estimate: $350 | Realised Price : $290 |
1d Red Die I Plate C marginal block of 6 (L50-52/56-58) including 'CA' monogram (L57), fine large part OG with three units (including monogram) mounted. BW 2(C)za Cat AU$450+
Lot 241
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $190 |
1d Red Die I Plate C marginal strip of 3 (R58-60) with 'JBC' monogram, R60 with early state of variety 'Colour Joining Inner and Outer Right Frames at Lower Right Corner'. Large part OG with faint tone spots and monogram unit with gum bend. BW 2(C)zb Cat AU$450+
Lot 242
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $1,700 |
1d Red Die I Plate C Punctured Large 'OS', 'JBC' monogram block of 30 from right pane (R31-60), with varieties 'White Flaw East of Tasmania' (R43) and 'Colour Joining Inner and Outer Frames at Lower Right Corner' (R60). Tears around perf guide hole in right selvedge reinforced by hinge, otherwise very fresh MUH. BW 2(C)zb Cat AU$1500++ for unpunctured
Lot 243
| | Estimate: $350 | Realised Price : $340 |
1d Red Die I Plate C marginal block of 6 (R51-53/57-59) including 'JBC' monogram (R57), fine large part OG with only two units (incl monogram) mounted. BW 2(C)zc Cat AU$450+
Lot 244
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $750 |
1d Red Die I Plate C Punctured Large 'OS' 'JBC' monogram block of 12 (R49-60), R60 being an early state of the variety 'Colour Joining Inner and Outer Frames at Lower Right Corner', part OG with peripheral gum toning at edges, and tone spot on R55, ironed out horizontal crease through upper row, few units unmounted, BW 2(C)zb Cat AU$1500++ for unpunctured
Lot 245
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $190 |
1d Red Die I Punctured Large 'OS' with unplated variety 'Large Ink Clog Flaw Opposite North-West Cape', cancelled Rabaul (New Guinea) cds 12 JE 15. Fine and Spectacular
Lot 246
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $85 |
1d Red Die II 'Watermark Inverted' strip of 3 from left pane (L4-6), two units with faint bends, part OG. BW 3a Cat AU$450
Lot 247
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $420 |
1d Red Die II 'Watermark Sideways' (top of crown pointing right) horizontal pair cancelled Ipswich (Qld) cds, 3MY13, fine and a scarce multiple. BW 3aa Cat AU$1000
Lot 248
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $950 |
1d Red Die II Punctured Large 'OS' 'Watermark Sideways' (top of crown pointing to right), centred upper left with a couple of shortish perfs at base. BW 3aa, where Note indicates only one example of the Sideways Wmk with Large 'OS' puncture is known, Cat AU$2000
Lot 249
| | Estimate: $600 | Realised Price : $460 |
1d Red Die II Punctured Large 'OS' block of 4 showing 'Double Perforation' between rows, cancelled-to-order with Tasmanian cds, large part OG with lower units unmounted. BW3b Cat AU$1000+ for unpunctured
Lot 250
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $105 |
1d Red Die II block of 8 (4 x 2) cancelled by four strikes of large 'CANCELLED' (49 x 6mm) in blue, diagonal crease through three units, unusual
Lot 251
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $850 |
1d Red Die II, a used example of the 'Double Print' forgery which surfaced in the 1930s (crease across lower half), together with copy of a typewritten letter from New Zealand dealers Verne, Collins & Co. supporting its genuineness. With 2002 Ceremuga certificate stating it to be a forgery
Lot 252
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $1,800 |
1d Red Die II Plate D 'CA' monogram strip of 6 from left pane (L55-60), large part slightly toned OG, some units unmounted. BW 3(D)z Cat AU$2000+
Lot 253
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $1,250 |
1d Red Die II Plate D 'JBC' monogram strip of 6 from right pane (R55-60, R55 detached and with damaged upper left corner), R59 with variety 'White Flaw on Inner Right Frame Opposite Bass Strait'. Thin in lower selvedge below R59, peripheral toning in right selvedge and faint tone spots on R58 monogram unit, large part OG with some units MUH. A scarce electro, BW 3(D)zb Cat AU$2000+
Lot 254
| | Estimate: $600 | Realised Price : $480 |
1d Red Die II Plate E block of 18 (3 x 6) from right pane showing staple holes in gutter selvedge indicating it derives from a 2/- booklet, and including variety 'Two Tasmanias' (R25), large part OG with only upper and lower units mounted. BW 3(E) Cat AU$750++
Lot 255
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1d Red Die II Plate E variety 'Two Tasmanias' (L25) early state used, and later state in used pair, plus the substitution used. Right unit of pair (not the variety) with two tone spots, others fine. BW 3(E)d,db Cat AU$950 (4)
Lot 256
| |
1d Red Die II Plate E variety 'Two Tasmanias' (L25), ironed out horizontal crease, neat cds cancel. BW 3(E)d Cat AU$150
Lot 257
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $75 |
1d Red Die II Plate E lower left corner block of 4 (L49-50/55-56), L55 with variety 'White Flaw in Front of P of POSTAGE', MUH slightly toned gum and with tone spots in left selvedge and on upper right perf tip of L50. BW 3(E)f Cat AU$75+
Lot 258
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $950 |
1d Red Die II Plate E left corner 'No Monogram' strip of 3 (L55-57), L55 with variety 'White Flaw Left of P of POSTAGE', large part OG with ironed-out horizontal crease in L55, fine appearance. BW 3(E)z Cat AU$2500
Lot 259
| | Estimate: $2,000 | Realised Price : $3,400 |
1d Red Die II Plate E right pane of 60 with 'No Monogram', an early printing before the development of the catalogued variety on R6. Very fine large part OG, mounted in selvedge only. BW Cat AU$5900+
Lot 260
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $900 |
1d Red Die II Plate E right corner 'No Monogram' strip of 3 (R58-60), centred low with large part OG, mounted in selvedge and on R58 only. BW 3(E)zb Cat AU$2500
Lot 261
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $900 |
1d Red Die II Plate F 'CA' monogram block of 12 (L49-60) lacking left selvedge, large part OG with some faint diagonal bends and tone spots on L51 and 59, otherwise very fine appearance with only two units mounted. BW 3(F)z Cat AU$1500+
Lot 262
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $1,250 |
1d Red Die II Plate F 'JBC' monogram corner strip of 6 (R55-60), R59 with variety 'Break in Base of L of AUSTRALIA', large part OG with only R55 and R60 mounted. BW 3(F)zb Cat AU$1500+
Lot 263
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $800 |
1d Red Die II Plate F 'JBC' monogram corner block of 6 (R52-54/58-60), R59 with variety 'Break in Base of L of AUSTRALIA', well-centred and part OG, two units (including monogram) unmounted. BW 3(F)zb, Cat AU$1500+
Lot 264
| | Estimate: $5,000 | Realised Price : $5,250 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G complete sheet of 120 from printing prior to development of cracked electro varieties, but showing listed varieties on L11, 30, 40 and R11, 12, 15, 37 and 48, and with the Die II substituted cliche on R55. Fine and fresh, two small tone spots affect three units, and mounted only in selvedge and with some perf reinforcement of central gutter and perf separation in a few places. The two 'No Monograms' and R55 substituted cliche alone Cat AU$7000. Few complete sheets of the 1d Kangaroo now survive, and this one has the added attraction of the substituted cliche variety
Lot 265
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G variety 'Cracked Electro', used examples of both States I and II, State I with tone spot on map and short perf at left, State II area of toning on right side. BW 4(G)l,la Cat AU$1350 (2)
Lot 266
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G variety 'Cracked electro - State II' (R26), part toned OG, and stained at lower left, but very scarce. BW 4(G)la Cat AU$1500
Lot 267
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G variety 'Cracked Electro - State II', the upper unit in a vertical pair cancelled 'REGISTERED/BALLARAT VIC' cds 28JL14, fine and very scarce in a multiple. BW 4(G)la Cat AU$600
Lot 268
| |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G 'No Monogram' corner strip of 3 from left pane (L55-57), centred upper left, fresh facial appearance, but somewhat toned gum and with a few rust spots on reverse, two units unmounted. BW 4(G)z Cat AU$3000
Lot 269
| | Estimate: $2,500 | Realised Price : $1,900 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate G 'No Monogram' block of 12 from right pane (R49-60), R55 with variety 'Die II Substituted Cliche'. R51 with a natural paper inclusion, few minor bends and with peripheral gum toning in selvedge, the substituted unit very fine. Full OG and MUH. A major 1d Kangaroo rarity showing the Substituted Cliche in combination with 'No Monogram'. BW 4(G)o,za Cat AU$3000++
Lot 270
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $290 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H matching blocks of 12 from right pane (R1-12), one Punctured Small 'OS', R3 with variety 'White Flaws Right of First A and in Tops of S and T', large part OG with some units MUH (24)
Lot 271
| | Estimate: $2,000 | Realised Price : $1,700 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H block of 48 from left pane (L1-48) with selvedge three sides and with catalogued variety on L19 ('Diagonal Scratch Through NE of ONE'), but prior to the development of the catalogued varieties on L25 and L33. Large part OG (slightly toned) and hinged only in selvedge, a fine and scarce multiple. BW Cat AU$6000+
Lot 272
| | Estimate: $2,000 | Realised Price : $1,500 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H block of 48 from right pane (R1-48) with margins three sides, slightly toned large part OG, few tone spots restricted to selvedge, virtually all units MUH, very fine appearance and a scarce multiple
Lot 273
| | Estimate: $1,500 | Realised Price : $1,200 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H 'CA' monogram corner block of 12 (L49-54/55-60), L56 with variety 'White Flaw off Western Australian Coast' MUH gum slightly toned, with band of darker toning across L59-60. BW 4(H)z Cat AU$1750++
Lot 274
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $900 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H 'CA' monogram corner strip of 6 from left pane (L55-60), L56 with variety' White Flaws off W.A. Coast' left corner diagonally cut, large part OG with four units (incl monogram) MUH. BW 4(F)z Cat AU$1750++
Lot 275
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $950 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H 'JBC' monogram corner strip of 3, R58 monogram unit with variety 'White Scratches Through Words of Value', right corner diagonally cut, large part OG. BW 4(H)zb Cat AU$2000
Lot 276
| | Estimate: $1,200 | Realised Price : $900 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate H 'JBC' monogram block of 12 from right pane (R49-60), R58 with variety 'White Scratches Through Words of Value', fluffy perfs and with perf reinforcement at lower left, unhinged with full OG slightly toned gum, with a stronger band of toning across R60. BW 4(H)zb Cat AU$2000+
Lot 277
| | Estimate: $2,500 | Realised Price : $2,600 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate K Punctured Small 'OS' sheet of 120 divided into quarters showing all the catalogued varieties. Large part OG, with some gum thins, and only a few units mounted. Most of the lower selvedge (and thus the 'No Monogram' piece) is missing from the lower left block. A rare survivor from this scarce electro
Lot 278
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $115 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate K block of 4 R53-54/59-60, R60 variety 'Break in Lower Left of Value circle', centred upper right and part OG, variety unit with diagonal bend. BW 4(K)h Cat AU$300+
Lot 279
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $190 |
1d Red Die IIA Plate K Punctured Small 'OS', coil vertical strip of 10 with coil join (L45/51/57/3/9/15/21/27/33), and coil pair with join (L55/1), both trimmed perfs at right, otherwise very fine and MUH (12)
Lot 280
| |
4d Orange (couple of shortish perfs at right), 4d Pale Orange, 4d Yellow-orange (centred lower right with blunt corner), lightly mounted with large part OG (3)
Lot 281
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $46 |
5d Chestnut Punctured Large 'OS' with variety 'Flaw in Grass in Front of Kangaroo and White Flaw in Top Right Corner' (2R5), the flaw in grass partly obliterated by the puncture. BW 16(2)e Cat AU$150 for unpunctured
Lot 282
| |
9d Violet range on leaves with mint (20, including a pair) and used (69, including a block of 4, strip of 3 and 6 pairs), range of shades and minor varieties, including 'Break in Frame over Last A of AUSTRALIA' (BW 24(2)g cat AU$175). Few with small faults but condition generally well above average, the mint stamps alone catalogue a minimum of AU$3500 (89)
Lot 283
| |
1/- Green 'Watermark Inverted', centred to upper left, part OG and slight overall soiling, scarce. BW 30a Cat AU$4000
Lot 284
| |
10/- Grey and Pink centred top left and with perf missing at lower right corner, MUH with fine colour
Lot 285
| |
10/- Grey and Pink with Type A 'Specimen' handstamp, centred lower right, MUH and very fine
Lot 286
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10/- Grey and Pink with Type A 'Specimen' handstamp, MUH with faint horizontal bend and a few perf tips toned. BW Cat AU$3000
Lot 287
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10/- Grey and Pink with Type A 'Specimen' handstamp, large part OG and very fine
Lot 288
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10/- Grey and Pink horizontal pair with Type A 'Specimen' handstamp, no gum with mark above kangaroo's head on left unit, and a couple of short perfs at right, the right unit shows a partially doubled handstamp. A very scarce multiple
Lot 289
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
£1 Brown and Blue bottom marginal with Type A 'Specimen' handstamp, centred bottom right with large part OG, shortish perf at top right
Lot 290
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£2 Black and Rose variety 'Kangaroo's Foot Broken and Pointed Tail' (L52), centred lower right and very fine MUH, two pencil guarantee marks on reverse. BW 55(V)n Cat AU$17500 for M
Lot 291
| | Estimate: $7,500 | Realised Price : $6,500 |
£2 Black and Rose Sperati forgery 'unused', few perfs at top slightly short, part gum, and with 'SPERATI/REPRODUCTION' handstamp on reverse. Also with three photographic 'proofs' of the forgery, two of kangaroo only (one negative) and of frame only. The 'unused' forgery is a great rarity, with Brusden-White recording only two examples. BW 55c Cat AU$17500