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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 37

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    Lot 179
    Estimate: $700 Realised Price : $525

    Cover group comprising 1d Reds (4, one taxed), 'Shierlaw' OHMS fronts with solo frankings of punctured large 'OS' ½d, 1d and 4d, plus small 'OS' 1d, also stationery with Envelope Die II used, OHMS cut-out and PTPO 1920 2d Grey opened-out with faults used at Melbourne for Vacuum Oil, mixed condition (11 items)


    Lot 180
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $270

    ½d Green punctured large 'OS', right pane marginal block of twelve (2x6), fresh unmounted


    Lot 181
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $190

    1d Red shades, range on leaves, stocksheets, many identified by plate and position, few officials, etc, duplication in places (few 100)


    Lot 182
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $650

    1d Red Die I pair punctured large 'OS', variety 'double puncture'. 2002 Ceremuga statement that 'hole spacing and edge details of both the OS's possess the characteristics found on original perfins...'


    Lot 183
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $95

    2½d Indigo punctured large 'OS', also unpunctured ½d and 1d both Wmk Inverted, perf faults on latter two (3)


    Lot 184
    Estimate: $300

    3d Olive Die I 'WATERMARK INVERTED', commercially used block of four, uneven perfs, though a rare multiple


    Lot 185
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    3d Olive Die I punctured small 'OS'


    Lot 186
    Estimate: $300

    3d Olive Die I punctured small 'OS', well centred. Premium stamp


    Lot 187
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $440

    1/- Emerald, fresh unmounted


    Lot 188
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $230

    1/- Emerald, one nibbled perf at right, very fresh unmounted


    Lot 189
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $130

    2/- Brown, hinge remain otherwise fresh


    Lot 190
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $65

    2/- Brown, CTO at Melbourne, part gum


    Lot 191
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $150

    2/- Brown punctured large 'OS', fine used


    Lot 192
    Estimate: $175

    5/- Grey and Yellow, CTO at Melbourne


    Lot 193
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $170

    5/- Grey and Yellow, CTO at Melbourne, part gum


    Lot 194
    Estimate: $1,000 Realised Price : $800

    10/- Grey and Pink, CTO at Brisbane, full unmounted gum


    Lot 195
    Estimate: $1,750 Realised Price : $1,900

    £1 Brown and Blue, CTO (no gum) at Melbourne, well centred


    Lot 196
    Estimate: $2,500 Realised Price : $2,700

    £2 Black and Rose, one perf slightly nibbled, CTO (no gum) at Melbourne


    Lot 197
    Estimate: $4,500

    £2 Black and Red, the 'used' Sperati Forgery, handstamped on reverse 'SPERATI FORGERY' and manuscript '123', few blunt perfs as normally found, cancelled at Gilberton (Qld), BW 55c


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