Lot 747
| | Estimate: $175 | Realised Price : $180 |
1928 3d Blue Kookaburra Miniature Sheet, central position, very fine and fresh unmounted |
Lot 748
| |
1934 No Wmk 1/6d Hermes selection of shades (1 mint, 8 used/CTO) and annotated plate varieties (8 used), generally fine (17) |
Lot 749
| |
1934 No Wmk 1/6d Hermes 'John Ash' imprint block of four, few slight tones on reverse not affecting appearance, well-centred and unmounted |
Lot 750
| |
1934 No Wmk 1/6d Hermes 'John Ash' imprint block of four, few gum creases, fine mint |
Lot 751
| |
1938 Coil Testing Label in Green, strip of twenty-four showing two 'coil joins', fresh unmounted. Cat AU$240+ |
Lot 752
| |
1937-49 1d QE Die I lower right block of four showing complete (though partially inked) Plate No. '7', BW 181zt. Fine, hinged onupper units only. Approx twelve examples known. Cat AU$750 |
Lot 753
| |
1937-49 Perf 13½x14 6d Kookaburra 'John Ash' imprint corner blocks of four (3), two showing horizontal comb perforation from upper and lower sheets, one showing vertical comb perforation, minor gum blemishes |
Lot 754
| |
1937-49 Perf 13½x14 1/- Lyrebird 42.5mm 'John Ash' imprint strip of four from lower sheet, gum missing in places, fine appearance |
Lot 755
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $115 |
1937-49 Perf 13½x14 1/- Lyrebird 42.5mm 'John Ash' imprint blocks of four from upper and lower sheets showing complete imprint, former with pulled perf at top, both blocks with gum missing in places |
Lot 756
| |
1938 Robes Thick paper set, 5/- unmounted (small faint tone spot), 10/- hinge remain, £1 hinge remain and couple of shortish perfs, variable centring |
Lot 757
| | Estimate: $75 | Realised Price : $60 |
1937-49 10/- Thick paper small group comprising a fine unmounted marginal single, six examples fine used with cds, and a rather poor (toned and folded) 'John Ash' imprint block of four (11 stamps) |
Lot 758
| |
1937-49 10/- and £1 Robes optd 'SPECIMEN', variable centring, £1 with traces of disturbed gum, possibly unmounted |
Lot 759
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
1937-49 Thin paper 5/- (ordinary and tinted papers), 10/- and £1 'By Authority' imprint blocks of four, the 5/- (ordinary) and 10/- blocks with tone spots on top units, the 5/- (tinted) fine and hinged in selvedge only, the £1 fine with lower units unmounted |
Lot 760
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 ½d Kangaroo on 'Parish' FDC cancelled at G.P.O. Sydney, 28 JA 42. This is the date of issue quoted in the ACSC, which states that this stamp was first issued in coil form on that day, sheet stamps not appearing until the following month. An important and rare FDC. Cat AU$5000 |
Lot 761
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 2d Scarlet KGVI Die II and 1941 2½d on 2d Surcharge, each showing variety 'Medallion flaw', both fine used with cds cancel. A scarce matching 'pair'. Cat AU$450 (2) |
Lot 762
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 2d Scarlet KGVI Die II Sheet A gutter block of eight showing complete Plate No. '4' without dots, BW 188zc. Very fine, hinged in selvedge only. Approx eight examples known. Cat AU$2000 |
Lot 763
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $230 |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 2d Scarlet KGVI Die II 'No imprint' block of 16, BW 188zs, from base of coil plate with perf pip under units 1/2 (right sheet), few minor tones, three units hinged. From surplus sheets distributed to Post Offices with normal perforation. Cat AU$300+ |
Lot 764
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $115 |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 3d Brown KGVI block of 16 from the top of a left pane, mis-guillotined and showing the complete imprint of the upper sheet above units 1-2. Hinged in selvedge and missing gum/adhesions on several units, otherwise an impressive example of this variety |
Lot 765
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 3d Brown KGVI Sheet C gutter imprint block of eight showing virtually complete Plate No. '14' without dashes, BW 196zc, fine unmounted. Cat AU$500 |
Lot 766
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 6d Kookaburra left corner 'No imprint' block of four showing plate crack in selvedge under L10/2, BW 203zk, diagonal crease not apparent on front. Cat AU$300 |
Lot 767
| |
1937-49 Perf 15x14 6d Kookaburra left corner 'No imprint' block of ten showing plate crack in selvedge under L10/2, BW 203zk. A more advanced state than the previous lot, hinged in selvedge and on three upper units, very fine. Cat AU$300+ |
Lot 768
| |
1937 NSW Sesqui 9d Purple 'John Ash' imprint block of 4, showing variety 'Roller shift to top and right frames', BW 177zb, fine unmounted |
Lot 769
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
1942-44 2½d KGVI upper left block of 10, showing additional misplaced strike of the perf comb on the left column, hinged in top selvedge and on two lower units. Few creases as a consequence of the variety and a couple of minor tones on reverse not affecting the spectacular appearance |
Lot 770
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $95 |
1948-56 Wmkd 2/- Aboriginal Art Thin paper marginal block of four, BW 263a, hinged in selvedge only, stamps fine unmounted. Cat AU$300 |
Lot 771
| |
1948-56 Wmkd 2/- Aboriginal Art right marginal block of four showing a small portion of Plate No. '7', unlisted by BW. Some gum missing (mostly on selvedge), still probably the only recorded example |
Lot 772
| |
1948-56 No Wmk 2/- Aboriginal Art right marginal block of eight showing complete Plate No. '9', BW 264zc. Very fine, four (central) units unmounted. Cat AU$2500 |
Lot 773
| |
1949-50 Arms 'SPECIMEN' set, fine unmounted |
Lot 774
| |
1950-52 3d Scarlet KGVI Thin paper marginal block of four, BW 251a, centred left, fine unmounted. Cat AU$300 |
Lot 775
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $190 |
1952-65 Wmkd 2/6d Aborigine top left corner block of eight, with pre-printing adhesion of thread causing flaw through lower four units, minor gum bends, unmounted. Striking |
Lot 776
| |
1952-65 Wmkd 2/6d Aborigine lower left corner 'No imprint' blocks of four from upper and lower plates, fine unmounted |
Lot 777
| |
1946-48 B.C.O.F.: 1d Brown-purple, variety 'Blue-black opt', SG J2a, fine and fresh Unmounted |
Lot 778
| |
1954 3½d Red Cross lower left block of six showing complete Plate No. '2' with dashes, BW 312zd, hinged in selvedge and on two lower units |
Lot 779
| |
1954 3½d Red Cross lower right block of six showing complete Plate No. '2' with dashes, BW 312ze, hinged in selvedge and on three units |
Lot 780
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $110 |
1954 3½d Red Cross lower left block of six showing complete Plate No. '3' with dashes, BW 312zh, few tiny tones on reverse, unmounted |
Lot 781
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
1959-62 QEII 5d Blue Coil perf top marginal block of 12 showing small portion of Plate No. '2', BW 355z. Only four or five examples are recorded, and all show a similar small portion of the number. Cat AU$1000 |
Lot 782
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $95 |
1963-65 QEII 5d Red pair, variety 'Misplaced (vertical) perforations', BW 402bb. Scarce |
Lot 783
| |
1963-65 Navigators 10/- Flinders White paper block of eight, fresh unmounted |