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Sale No. 83

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.... Sale 83 unsold lots now available for purchase!....
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    Kiddle Queensland

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    Lot 222
    Estimate: $500T Realised Price : $525

    1935-61 fine collection of Proofs with Avocado Imperf 1d pink, 6d mauve, 6d green; Banana Imperf 2d, 3d, 1/- deep blue, 1/- violet, 2/- red, 2/- violet; Bean Imperf 1/- violet & issued stamp 2d red; Tomato Imperf 1d, black, 2d red, 2d black, 6d red-brown; Citrus Imperf 1d violet, 3d brown, 3d orange, 6d green, 1/- green, 1/- orange; Papaw Imperf 1d orange, 2d, grey, 3d green, 1/- red, part perforated 1d red, 6d red; Pineapple Imperf 2d, 1/- green, 2/- purple, also 3d imperf x perforated; Vegetable Imperf 2d green, 4d blue, 1/- brown, 2/- black, plus issued stamps in deep blue 1d, 2d (2), 3d. 6d, different perf gauges, mostly fine, few with defacing lines (40)

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