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    Lot 765
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460

    Selection including Sydney View 1d Plate I and II (Butterfly cancel) and 2d Plate I shades (2), Laureate 1d on blued paper unused (2), odd fault although generally good/fine, also later with coin 5/- and Carrington 20/-, etc

    Lot 766
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460

    1850 Sydney View Plate II 1d Crimson-lake close marginned vertical pair, the upper 'No clouds' variety, SG 9/9c used on small cover (faults) Parramatta to Sydney

    Lot 767
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $120

    1850 Sydney View Plate II on Laid paper, 1d Carmine, SG 13, close margins three sides, touching at base, small thin

    Lot 768
    Estimate: $300

    1850 Sydney Views, 2d shades with varying margins, large on two examples (3)

    Lot 769
    Estimate: $150

    1852 Laureate 1d Vermilion SG 48 pair, margins three sides on 1853 (June) cover Sydney to West Maitland, backstamped

    Lot 770
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $300

    1852 (21st Nov) entire Sydney to Manila bearing 3d Dull Yellow-Green, SG 67, margins three sides, endorsed 'p "Duke of Northumberland"', handstruck '1', Sydney Ship Letter handstamp Philippines arrival backstamp, horizontal filing crease

    Lot 771
    Estimate: $300

    1853 Laureated 8d Dull Yellow, SG 79, example with three, huge on two sides with portion of adjoining unit at right, touching into design at top. An attractive example of this scarce stamp with rich colour

    Lot 772
    Estimate: $80

    1856-59 Imperf (6d.) 'REGISTERED' Vermilion and Prussian Blue, SG 102, margins three sides, touching at base, intense colours

    Lot 773
    Estimate: $300

    1867 4d imperforate plate proof in pale red-brown on ungummed wmk. '4' paper, marginal block of 4 from right of sheet, light horizontal crease through upper units

    Lot 774
    Estimate: $350

    1871-1902 small selection of 'SPECIMEN' or 'Specimen' opts in various types including 1d (2), 2d, 4d, 6d, 9d on 10d (2), 10d, 1/- and 20/- Carrington, mixed condition (10)

    Lot 775


    Lot 776
    Estimate: $1,750T

    1891 Surcharges group (SG 282-284e), superb range on leaves comprising various perfs, etc with ½d on 1d Grey (52, including blocks of twelve, six, four (4)), 7½d on 6d Brown (128, including blocks of eight (2), four (24 blocks, few with marginal inscriptions or monongrams), 12½d on 1/- Red (104, including three blocks of six, blocks of eight and eighteen, 15 blocks of four - one with Control No

    Lot 777
    Estimate: $300T Realised Price : $230

    1897 Charity 1/- marginal block of four, also two printed postcards inscribed "Sold in aid of the Santoria Home for Consumtive Women" with printed NSW stamps

    Lot 778
    Estimate: $250

    1903 9d Brown & Ultramarine, SG 327, group comprising singles (6), strip of eight, also pair and corner block of four with inverted wmks, mostly fresh and fine, (20)

    Lot 779
    Estimate: $250T

    1905-10 ½d Green shades selection including blocks of four (12, one showing both Dies), blocks of six (2), and blocks of eight (3), some showing marginal inscriptions, etc, (107)

    Lot 780
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $240

    1905 1d Rose-Carmine, SG 332, positional block of 18 (6x3) 'Double horizontal perfs' between 1st and 2nd rows, and 2nd 'Double vertical perfs', even toning

    Lot 781
    Estimate: $500T

    Perf 'OS/NSW': 1897-1910 range on leaves comprising ½d (16), 1d (54), 2d (22), 2½d (8, including block of four), 3d (23), 4d (29, including strips of 4 & 5), 5d (9), 6d (9), 8d (9, incl block of four), 9d (3), 10d, 1/- (16), 2/6d and 5/-, plus perf 'OS' ½d (2), 1d (7), 2d (2), 3d, 6d, 1/-; perf 'GR' 1d (6), mixed condition, (180+)

    Lot 782
    Estimate: $200

    1840 (May) entire letter to Paterson, mss. '8' and framed 'SYDNEY/ POST PAID' in red, reverse with crowned 'GENERAL POST OFFICE/MY 18/ 1840/SYDNEY' in black

    Lot 783
    Estimate: $300

    1840's large part entire letter to 'Lower George Street', handstruck in red '1/OCLOCK.' type T1 and mss. '2' and 'paid', framed 'SYDNEY/POST PAID' type P2

    Lot 784
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1844 entire used at Sydney with handstruck '2' type X2 and framed '1/OCLOCK' both struck in black, reverse with 'MA*13/1844' handstamp, minor faults

    Lot 785
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1844 (4th May) entire letter Bathurst to England with datestamp on reverse, mss. '1/-' crossed and replaced with mss. '8', framed 'PAID AT/BATHURST' and Ship Letter in red, arrival backstamp

    Lot 786
    Estimate: $500T

    1844 (12th Aug) entire Sydney to Melbourne with fine strike of dated crowned 'FREE' in red, addressed 'Henry Condell Esq/Mayor/Melbourne' (Melbourne's first Mayor) and signed by sender at lower left 'Wm Robinson' (Upper House member) as required by postal regulations

    Lot 787
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $230

    1848 (9th May) entire letter Campbelltown to Sydney, framed 'CAMPBELLTOWN/POST PAID' in red, reverse with Campbelltown and Sydney handstamps in black, minor stains. Attractive

    Lot 788
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1856 (29th Sep) entire to Sydney 'P Shamrock' bearing 2d Diadem pair - margins in places, tied by "pie-crust" oblilerator

    Lot 789
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $300

    1889-1911 T.P.O. selection with some very useful including good strikes of West N°2 (1889), N°3 South (1890), oval 'TRAVELLING POST SOUTH' (1896), machine-applied 'ENGLISH MAIL N.S.W.' (1911), etc, four used to cancel adhesives, mixed condition (7)

    Lot 790
    Estimate: $1,250

    1896 (22nd May) inwards wrapper Saint Helena to Sydney bearing 1884-94 2½d on 6d (SG 40) strip of three paying triple rate, backstamped London and Sydney. Rare franking and destination. Fantastic Atlantic to Colonies item.

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