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      Internet General Sale No. 823

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


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    Lot 29
    O ]
    Estimate: $250 Purchase Price : $222

    1854-59 Diadems Imperforate 5d Dull Green Wmk Upright fine used with four even margins, cancelled Sydney duplex SE 21 63. SG 88, cat £650


    Lot 30
    O ]
    Estimate: $450 Realised Price : $380

    1854-59 Diadems Imperforate 8d Dull Yellow-orange fine used with good to large margins three sides and close at base, cancelled '36' in rays of Braidwood, and with expertising signature of 'E Diena' in pencil on reverse. SG 98, cat £1500


    Lot 31
    (*) ]
    Estimate: $3,200 Purchase Price : $2,796

    1856-60 Diadems Watermark Double-lined Numerals Imperf 1d Orange-Red error 'Printed Both Sides' unused without gum showing strong misplaced impression on reverse, with black mark towards base. The only recorded unused example of this error of which a total of only three are recorded, one of the used examples being in the Royal Collection. Ex Hutson and 'Manwood', with 1932 RPSL Certificate


    Lot 32
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,150

    1856-60 Diadems Watermark Double-lined Numerals 2d Die Proof in black on India paper from the penultimate state of the die mounted on card, 38 x 44mm, with small fault at lower right corner of proof, otherwise fine. 1979 BPA Certificate


    Lot 33
    O ]
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $230

    1860-72 Diadems Perf 12 2d Prussian Blue Plate II, pos [57] First Retouch (additional lines below neck) fine used, and Second Retouch (many additional lines around neck and above 'TWO PENCE'), very light cancel but perf fault at lower left. SG 136b, cat £850 (2)


    Lot 34
    (*) ]
    Estimate: $220 Purchase Price : $199

    1860-72 Diadems Perf 12 6d Violet unused without gum, typical somewhat ragged perfs (few short at top), toning of a few perfs on back. SG 148, cat £750


    Lot 35
    O ]
    Estimate: $550 Purchase Price : $490

    1860-72 Diadems Perf 12 8d Red-orange fine used with typical ragged perfs, an exceptional example of this scarce stamp. SG 1512, cat £1300


    Lot 36
    * ]
    Estimate: $3,200 Purchase Price : $2,796

    1860-72 Diadems Watermark Double-lined Numerals Perf 13 1/- Carmine marginal block of four from the lower left corner of sheet with burelage in left margin. Large part OG, perforations at base reinforced and a diagonal crease at lower left affecting the third unit. Nevertheless an impressive multiple and possibly unique from this position. Ex Frazer


    Lot 37
    O ]
    Estimate: $1,200 Purchase Price : $1,049

    1860-72 Diadems 1d Scarlet Perf 12 x 13 indistinctly cancelled, some gum staining of perfs along top, a good example of this very rare stamp missing from many of the best collections. SG 171, cat £2250


    Lot 38
    O ]
    Estimate: $150 Purchase Price : $134

    1861-88 5/- Coin Dull Violet Perf 12 fine with typical ragged perfs. SG 174, cat £325


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