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Sale No. 83

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    Australasia 2006

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    Lot 428
    Estimate: $400T

    1859 (18 Feb) cover from U.K. to Guildford at double rate bearing neatly tied 1855-57 1/- green (SG 72 - Cat £300 on cover), backstamped London. Early and scarce inwards item


    Lot 429
    Estimate: $300

    1895-1905 small group comprising covers 1901 Perth to Belgium, 1904 Fremantle to Victoria, PPCs 1901 Perth to Italy, 1905 'Ship Room' to Austria, Postal Cards 1d uprated with ½d 1895 Coolgardie to France and 1900 Boulder to England, mixed condition (6 items)

    Lot 430
    Estimate: $150

    1901 (2 Sep) cover to Utrecht bearing Swan ½d and 1d (2) tied by 'SHIP MAIL ROOM' duplex, arrival backstamp. Scarce destination


    Lot 431
    Estimate: $250

    1903 (23 Jun) registered OHMS cover with enclosure from Titles Office used Perth to North Fremantle, bearing 1d and 4d tied by 'R' within black oval, framed 'UNCLAIMED', reverse with three different DLO markings


    Lot 432
    Estimate: $250

    1903 (3 Oct) registered OHMS cover used Perth to Guildford bearing 4d tied 'R' within oval, arrival datestamps on reverse though undelivered, two strikes of framed 'UNCLAIMED', further Guildford duplex applied, D.L.O. handstamps on reverse


    Lot 433
    Estimate: $300

    1904 (4 Oct) spiked cover to Hobart bearing 2d yellow Swan tied by Katanning cds, with handstruck 'TOO-LATE' in black, backstamps of Launceston and Hobart


    Lot 434
    Estimate: $200

    1905 (29 Dec) Post Card to the International Electrical Congress at Massachusetts bearing ½d and 1d tied by type C 'MIDLAND JUNCTION' cds's, Boston arrival cds at left. Scarce


    Lot 435
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1907 (29 Apr) embossed "stamps" Zieher postcard for Venezuela bearing 1d pair used Perth to England, straight-line cachet 'POSTED CONTRARY TO REGULAT(IONS)' in violet. [The gold-leaf coloured embossing on this card came under the same prohibited use of tinsel items transmitted through mail]


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