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Sale No. 83

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    Australasia 2006

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    Lot 138
    Estimate: $450 Realised Price : $400

    4d Red-Orange [4], SG 7, intermediate impression, close to large margins, '59' cancel of Launceston


    Lot 139
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $300

    4d Orange [3], SG 8 variety, worn impression, close to large margins, showing signs of double impression in upper lettering, tiny crease lower left corner, '52' cancel of Ross


    Lot 140
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $900

    4d Orange pair [7-8], SG 8, intermediate impression, close to large margins with trace of ironed-out just touching frame of right unit at left, '64' cancel of Hobart. Scarce multiple


    Lot 141
    Estimate: $350

    4d Orange [12], SG 8, intermediate impression, close to large margins, indistinct cancel


    Lot 142
    Estimate: $350

    4d Orange [14], SG 8, intermediate impressions, even margins, '59' cancel of Launceston


    Lot 143
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $260

    4d Orange [18], SG 8, intermediate impression, marginal example, close to huge margins with just a trace of thin at right clear of the design, '51' cancel of Prosser's Plains (rated RR)


    Lot 144
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $420

    4d Orange [18], SG 8, intermediate impression, good to huge margins three sides, touching at right and 5mm cut at top, tied to 1856 (Nov) piece by '53' of Richmond and 'PAID/NO/1856' handstamp in red. Late usage


    Lot 145
    Estimate: $300

    4d Pale Orange [2], SG 9, worn impression, good to large margins three sides, '61' cancel of Hobart


    Lot 146
    Estimate: $600

    4d Pale Orange [5], SG 9, very worn impression, close to large margins three sides, indistinct '63' cancel of Hobart (rated RR). Ex Maxwell Hayes


    Lot 147
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $280

    4d Pale Orange [12], SG 9, worn impression, close to huge margins with portion of adjoining unit at left, '59' cancel of Launceston


    Lot 148
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $420

    4d Pale Orange [13], SG 9, late intermediate impression, good to huge margins, indistinct '64' cancel of Hobart. 1999 Brandon Certificate erroneously stating to be SG 7


    Lot 149
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $320

    4d Pale Orange [23], SG 9, worn impression, good to huge margins, '20' cancel of Circular Quay


    Lot 150
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $750

    4d Pale Orange [24], SG 9, intermediate impression, good to huge margins with portion of imprint at base, '63' cancel of Hobart (rated RR)


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