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    Lot 571
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $55

    1860-61 Wmk Small Star Clean-cut perf 14 1d Carmine-Rose - few blunt perfs and 2d Blue, SG 12-13

    Lot 572
    Estimate: $180

    1860-61 Wmk Small Star Rough perf 14-15½ 1d Carmine-rose, SG 14, large part o.g. pair.

    Lot 573
    Estimate: $100

    -: 1860-61 Wmk Small Star Rough perf 14-15½ 1d Carmine-Rose, SG 14, pair, horizontal bend, large part o.g.

    Lot 574
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $95

    1862-67 Thick toned, No Wmk paper Perf 13 1d to 1/-, SG 21-29, variable condition (9)

    Lot 575
    Estimate: $140

    -: 1862-67 Thick toned paper, No Wmk, 6d Apple-green, SG 26, pair with minor soiling, large part o.g.

    Lot 576
    Estimate: $450

    1868-78 Wmk 5, P13, 1/- Mauve, SG 93, attractive pair with large part o.g.

    Lot 577
    Estimate: $300T

    1868-78 Wmk Q, P12, 1/- Purple, SG 109, rare block of four, slight gum thinning on upper units, otherwise fresh.

    Lot 578
    Estimate: $320 Realised Price : $1,450

    1879-80 issues comprising 1d reddish-brown pairs (4) and singles (2), 1d scarlet blocks of 6 and 4, 4d blocks of 6 and 4, 6d blocks of 6 and 4 (3), and 1/- (2), all with various styles of SPECIMEN overprint, ex Australia Post Archival Sale (60)

    Lot 579
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1882-95 Thick paper 2/- to £1, SG 157-61, mixed condition (5)

    Lot 580
    Estimate: $1,200T

    1895 Void Background ½d Green rough perf plate proof block of 4 on thick wove unwatermarked paper, slightly reinforced. With block of 4 of the issued stamp on thick watermarked paper for comparison (8)

    Lot 581
    Estimate: $225T

    1895-96 Void background, figures in lower corners, Perforated Plate Proofs for 5d in Blue, Dull Purple, Orange - small thin and Yellow-Brown on gummed, no watermark paper.

    Lot 582
    Estimate: $100T

    -: 2½d in Slate, and Claret, latter with short corner perf.

    Lot 583
    Estimate: $800T

    1897 1d Vermilion perf 12 x 9, fine and fresh with rough perfs as typical for this stamp. Very rare with only about 25 examples recorded (with copy of Philately from Australia article)

    Lot 584
    Estimate: $150T Realised Price : $115

    1900 Charity Imperforate Colour Trial on ungummed watermarked paper for 1d in Dark Blue

    Lot 585
    Estimate: $150T Realised Price : $115

    -: similar, in Yellow-Green

    Lot 586
    Estimate: $150T Realised Price : $115

    -: similar, in Dark Green

    Lot 587
    Estimate: $450T Realised Price : $500

    -: similar, in distinct shades of violet-mauve, one close to issued colour (3)

    Lot 588
    Estimate: $500T Realised Price : $380

    -: 1900 Charity Imperforate Colour Trial on ungummed watermarked paper for 2d in violet. Seldom offered

    Lot 589
    Estimate: $1,000T

    -: 1900 Charity 1d, three singles on 20th June cover cancelled at Bundaberg by 20th June duplexes. Amazing franking

    Lot 590
    Estimate: $2,500T Realised Price : $1,900

    -: 1900 Charity 1d and 2d, strips of three and single of each value on individual covers cancelled by 21st June 1900 datestamps of Bundaberg. The largest known Charity frankings on cover

    Lot 591
    Estimate: $1,250T

    -: 1900 Charity set on individual covers used at Brisbane 21st June which is two days after issue, odd minor perf tone. Rare on cover

    Lot 592
    Estimate: $1,250T

    1900 Charity Set on cover used at Toowoomba to Greenmount - 26th June with arrival backstamp of 27th June, odd perf tone

    Lot 593
    Estimate: $1,000T

    1900 Charity 2d (1/-) on cover used at Brisbane on 26th June. Clean and fine

    Lot 594
    Estimate: $450T

    1903-05 9d Brown & Ultramarine, SG 265-66 group, attractive range comprising Type A mint (13, incl block of four), used (15); Type B mint block of four and used (6), plus two Type A-B mint pairs, few with inverted wmks, (42).

    Lot 595
    Estimate: $225T

    1906-10 9d Pale Brown and Blue, Wmk Inverted, block of four of units Type A&B pairs, one unit short corner perf. Scarce.

    Lot 596
    Estimate: $125

    -: 1906-10 9d Brown and Ultramarine, setenant pair of Types A and B, SG 282-83, large part o.g.

    Lot 597
    Estimate: $550T

    -: 1906-10 9d shades, SG 282-84 group, attractive range comprising Type A-B pairs mint (2), Type A used (8), Type B mint (7, incl block of four), used (15) and used (50), few with inverted wmks, etc, mostly fine.

    Lot 598
    Estimate: $600T

    Revenues: 1920 KGV Impressed Duty series, 1/- (dark and light shades), 6/-, 7/6, 10/-, 20/- (right unit shaved) imperfroate plate proof horiz pairs in various shades of blue on unwatermarked paper. Rare

    Lot 599
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $400

    -: Unemployment Insurances selection in stockbook comprising 1923 ½d (12), 1d (12), 3d (7), 6d (13), 1/- (17), 2/- (15), 5/- (16), 10/- (17), 20/- (25), 1928 4d (6) and 8d (15), mixed condition (155)

    Lot 600
    Estimate: $200

    1878 (Feb) cover Brisbane to Forth (Tasmania) bearing perf Chalon 2d Blue tied 'QL' obliterator with cds alongside, portion of arrival backstamp, portion of flap missing

    Lot 601
    Estimate: $250

    1899-1901 Official group (13) to the Commissioner of Police at Brisbane from various towns (12) at multiples of 2d rate (from 4d to 1/4d), most show relevant Police cachet at lower left, slight toning, scarce and attractive

    Lot 602
    Estimate: $80

    Two picture postcards – one VSM Series 1905 to England with ‘RETURNED LR OFFICE/LONDON’ and fine boxed ‘Contrary to Regulations’ struck in black; ‘DLO BRISBANE’15 MR 1906’ in red. Another 1908 underpaid Toowoomba to Hungary with ‘10/CTMS/T’ and arrival datestamp. Interesting and scarce

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