Lot 483
 | [ * ] | Estimate: $80 | Purchase Price : $70 |
½d Orange variety 'Watermark Inverted' lightly hinged with large part OG. BW 67a, cat AU$250
Lot 484
 | [ * ] | Estimate: $80 | Purchase Price : $70 |
½d Orange variety 'Watermark Inverted', fine large part OG and lightly hinged. BW 67a, cat AU$250
Lot 485
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $200 | Purchase Price : $175 |
½d Orange Electro 8 Mullett imprint block of 4 with variety 'Lower End of Left Fraction Bar Thickened' (8L60), and Electro 9 Mullett imprint pair with variety 'Break in Top Frame Left of Crown' (9L60), both fine with most units MUH. BW cat AU$800 as two blocks of 4 (8)
Lot 486
 | [ (*) ] | Estimate: $150 | Purchase Price : $134 |
1d Green block of 4 with varieties 'Wattle Line' (Pane VII/31)', 'Nick Near Top of Left Frame' (Pane VII/32) and 'Flaw Under Neck' (Pane VII/37), scarce but block without gum. BW 80(4)f,g,h, cat AU$390+
Lot 487
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $180 | Purchase Price : $158 |
1d Green marginal block of 4 (Pane VII/31-32/37-38), VII/31 variety 'Wattle Line', VII/37 variety 'Flaw Under Neck', fine with lower units MUH. BW 80(4)f,h, cat AU$360
Lot 488
 | [ (*) ] | Estimate: $150 | Purchase Price : $134 |
1d Green block of 4 with varieties 'Wattle Line' (Pane VII/31), 'Nick Near Top of Left Frame' (Pane VII/32) and 'Flaw Under Neck - Retouched (State II) (Pane VII/37), scarce but block with no gum. BW 80(43)f,g,ha, cat AU$390+
Lot 489
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $160 | Purchase Price : $140 |
1d Green marginal block of 4 (Pane VII/31-32/37-38), VII/31 variety 'Wattle Line', VII/37 variety 'Flaw Under Neck Retouched', fine with three units MUH. BW 80(4)f,ha, cat AU$360+
Lot 490
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $250 | Purchase Price : $222 |
1d Green marginal block of 4 with varieties 'Wattle Line – State II' (Pane VII/31), 'Nick Near Top of Left Frame' (Pane VII/32) and 'Flaw Under Neck State III Re-entry' (Pane VII/37). Lower units unmounted, with but lower left unit with light crease through corner and small patch of adhesion, nevertheless a rare block. BW 80(4)fa,g,hb, cat AU$530+
Lot 491 SOLD | [ * ] | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1d Green marginal block of 4 (Pane VII/31-32/37-38), VII/31 variety 'Wattle Line' State II with additional tick 0.5mm right of point of left value tablet, VII/37 variety 'Flaw Under Neck' corrected by re-entry and showing duplication of nose and below right value tablet. Fine with large part OG. BW 80(4)fa,hb, cat AU$500+
Lot 492
 | [ * ] | Estimate: $85 | Purchase Price : $76 |
1d Green variety 'Wattle Line' State II (with tick 0.5mm right of point of left value tablet) (Pane VII/31), large part lightly toned gum. BW 80(4)fa, cat AU$200
Lot 493
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $150 | Purchase Price : $134 |
1d Green vertical pair with varieties 'Wattle Line State III Re-entry' (Pane VII/31) and 'Flaw Under Neck State IV 2nd Re-entry' (Pane VII/37), very scarce with lower unit unmounted, however with patches of gum toning. BW 80(4)fb,hc, cat AU$450+
Lot 494
 | [ * ] | Estimate: $60 | Purchase Price : $54 |
1d Green horizontal pair, left unit variety 'Flaw Under Neck' (Pane VII/37), toned gum and right unit with diagonal crease. BW 80(43)h, cat AU$300
Lot 495
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $100 | Purchase Price : $88 |
1d Green Plate 4 part Mullett imprint block of 4 with varieties 'Ferns' (Pane VIII/54) and 'RA of AUSTRALIA' Joined (Pane VIII/60), lower units unmounted however with some gum toning. BW 80(4)ia,j, cat AU$300+
Lot 496
 | [ * ] | Estimate: $60 | Purchase Price : $54 |
1d Green variety 'Run N' (Pane VIII/60), large part OG with some gum toning, scarce .BW 80(4)vb, cat AU$300
Lot 497 SOLD | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $375 | Realised Price : $290 |
1d Green Plate 4 Mullett imprint block of 4 with varieties 'Ferns' (Pane VII/54) and 'RA Joined' (Pane VII/60). fine and mounted on gutter only. BW 80(4)z, cat AU$1000
Lot 498
 | [ O ] | Estimate: $400 | Purchase Price : $350 |
1½d Red Die II Plates 1a (very scarce), 2, 3 and 4 Plate Dot pairs from top right corner of sheets, fine used. BW cat AU$1625 and mint blocks of 4 (8)
Lot 499 SOLD | [ * ] | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
2d Red-brown Electro 16 Mullett imprint pair, large part toned gum. BW 98(16)z, cat AU$1250 for block of 4
Lot 500 (Withdrawn) | [ C ] |
4d Olive punctured 'OS' solo franking tied by heavy c.d.s. to 1921 (18 Sep) long registered printed matter rate envelope sent from Melbourne to Mortlake
Lot 501
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $120 | Purchase Price : $105 |
4½d Violet Ash imprint pair with variety 'Deformed Bottom Left Frame and Break in Left Frame' on R55, toned gum and mounted in selvedge only. BW 119za, cat AU$650 as block of 4
Lot 502
 | [ **/* ] | Estimate: $1,750 | Purchase Price : $1,573 |
1/4d Greenish-blue Mullett imprint block of 4 very fine and hinged in selvedge and gutter only. BW 129z, cat AU$4250