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      Internet General Sale No. 83

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


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    Lot 39
    * ]
    Estimate: $200 Purchase Price : $175

    1862-65 1d Dull Red De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '1' Perf 14 (comb) marginal horizontal pair showing small portion of marginal inscription, large part OG and of good appearance. SG 186, cat £500


    Lot 40
    * ]
    Estimate: $200 Purchase Price : $175

    1862-65 1d Dull Red De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '1' Perf 14 (comb), two part OG examples in differing shades, one with wing margin, good colour and appearance. SG 186, cat £500 (2)


    Lot 41
    * ]
    Estimate: $140 Purchase Price : $123

    1862-65 1d Dull Red De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '1' Perf 14 (comb) large part OG and lightly hinged, a fine example of this scarce stamp. SG 186, cat £250


    Lot 42
    */(*) ]
    Estimate: $250 Purchase Price : $222

    1862-65 1d Dull Red De La Rue No Watermark Perf 14 (comb), three examples in differing shades, one no gum, other two part OG (one with short corner perf), good colour and generally fine appearance. SG 187, cat £750 (3)


    Lot 43
    * ]
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1862-65 2d Pale Blue De La Rue No Watermark Perf 14 (comb) large part OG and lightly hinged, scarce in such fine condition. SG 188, cat £250


    Lot 44
    * ]
    Estimate: $200 Purchase Price : $175

    1862-65 2d Pale Blue No Watermark Perf 14 (comb) two part OG examples in differing shades, one bottom marginal with Current No. '7', good appearance. SG 188, cat £500+ (2)


    Lot 45
    * ]
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $135

    1862 2d Blue De La Rue Watermark Double-lined '2' Perf 13 (3, one with wing margin) part OG brown gum as issued, couple of minor perf faults but generally good appearance. SG 189, cat £390 (3)


    Lot 46
    * ]
    Estimate: $175 Purchase Price : $158

    1863-69 1d Pale Red De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '2' Perf 13, part brownish gum as used, one variety 'Watermark Reversed' (heavily hinged). A scarce duo. SG 1921, cat £550 (2)


    Lot 47
    */O ]
    Estimate: $300 Purchase Price : $268

    1864 1d Pale Red Diadem Watermark Single-lined '1' range, with wmk upright M (3) and U (5, incl pair), wmk reversed M pair and single and U pair and single, wmk inverted U, and one no apparent wmk U. Mint with part gum, few with small faults. SG 195, cat £1430 (16)


    Lot 48
    */(*) ]
    Estimate: $140 Purchase Price : $123

    1864-65 1d De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '1' Perf 13, in Pale Red (2, one no gum with wmk upright, other large part OG with wmk inverted) and Brownish-red part toned OG with wmk reversed. Generally good appearance and an interesting trio. SG 195, 197, cat £345+ (3)


    Lot 49
    */(*) ]
    Estimate: $175 Purchase Price : $158

    1864-65 1d De La Rue Watermark Single-lined '1' Perf 13, in Dark Brown-red (2, one part OG, other no gum, both wmk inverted and with faults), Brownish-red no gum with wmk reversed, and Brick-red part OG wmk inverted but with horizontal crease. SG 196-198, cat £820+ (4)


    Lot 50
    */O/S ]
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $135

    1867 4d and 10d De La Rue Perf 13 range of leaves, with 4d M (fine part OG) and unused no gum pair, and U shades (11 incl two pairs), and opt diagonal SPECIMEN; 10d M (2, both with wing margins and fine part OG) and U (9, incl strip of 4, one Wmk Inverted), plus opt SPECIMEN in three different types, generally fine to very fine, unused stamps alone cat £500. (29)


    Lot 51
    O ]
    Estimate: $250 Purchase Price : $222

    1871-1902 Watermark Crown over NSW (I) used collection mounted on leaves, with Perf 13 1d (9, incl two pairs), 2d (24, incl block of 12 and two strips of 3, also an example with 'TWO PENCE' doubled), 3d (4), 4d (3), 6d (4), 8d (3), 9d on 10d (3), 1/- (3), Perf 10 1d (3, incl pair), 2d (2), 3d (2), 5d, 6d, 8d (2), 9d on 10d (2), 1/- (2), Perf 13 x 10 1d, 2d (3), 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d (4, incl pair), 1/-, Perf 10 x 13 2d, 4d, Perf 11 x 12 comb 2d (cat £60, with 1962 RPSL Cert), Perf 11 3d pair, Perf 11 x 12 3d pair. All fine to very fine selected copies, high catalogue value (87)


    Lot 52
    O ]
    Estimate: $350 Purchase Price : $315

    1882-97 Watermark Crown over NSW (II) 1d used group mounted on album page, comprising 1d Salmon Perf 10 and Perf 13 x 10, and 1d Orange-red Perf 10, Perf 10 x 13, Perf 12 x 10, Perf 11 x 10, Perf 12 x 11, Perf 11 x 12 (ex Hutson, unlisted), Perf 11, and Comb Perf 11 x 12. All fine and a good selection of some of the rarer perfs. SG cat £600+ (10)


    Lot 53
    O ]
    Estimate: $550 Purchase Price : $490

    1882-97 Watermark Crown over NSW (II) 2d used group mounted on album page, comprising 2d Pale Blue Perf 13, Perf 10 gutter pair, Perf 10 x 13 and Perf 13 x 10; and 2d Prussian Blue Perf 12, Perf 11, Perf 12 x 11 pair (ex Hutson) and single, Perf 10 x 12, Perf 12 x 10, and Comb Perf 11 x 12 (2). All fine and an exceptional selection of most of the rare perfs. SG cat £1000+ (14)


    Lot 54
    F ]
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1888 2d Centennial Emu lithographed Postal Forgery Perf 11 on unwatermarked paper, cancelled by Sydney duplex, cat £450 (see SG footnote)


    Lot 55
    F ]
    Estimate: $300 Purchase Price : $268

    1888-89 Centennials 2d Blue Postal Forgery Perf 11 on unwatermarked paper produced by Takuma, fine used and cancelled '1034' of Ultimo. SG cat £450 (see footnote)


    Lot 56
    O ]
    Estimate: $40 Purchase Price : $35

    1888-89 Centennials Watermark Crown over NSW (II) 4d Red-brown Perf 11, few short perfs at top, and toning along perfs at right side, a scarce stamp. SG 255c, cat £95


    Lot 57
    P ]
    Estimate: $40 Realised Price : $30

    1888 Centennials 8d Lyrebird reproduction by Helio-Vaugirard in 1949 on thin wove paper, very fine


    Lot 58
    P ]
    Estimate: $100 Purchase Price : $88

    1894 'NSW' Watermark impression from the original Master Plate for the watermark manufactured by Edwin Amies & Sons Ltd. on thick paper, being the wrapping paper which enclosed and protected the Master Plate itself, overwritten '283' which identified this plate in the firm's ledger. Discoloured, nevertheless a unique piece (folded size 74 x 63mm)


    Lot 59
    ** ]
    Estimate: $250 Purchase Price : $222

    1897 2½d (2/6d) Consumptive Home vertical pair from top left corner of sheet, full OG, diagonal crease in left selvedge barely visible in top left corner of one unit. SG 281, cat £500


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