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Sale No. 83

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      Internet General Sale No. 83

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


    To purchase a Lot, please click the link under the Lot number.

    [ Symbols and Codes ]


    Lot 1018
    PS ]
    Estimate: $90 Purchase Price : $82

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die I Perf 12½ 'CITY COURT, MELBOURNE' framed oval in Grey-green, a scarce view, very fine


    Lot 1019
    PS ]
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'COAL MINE - QUEENSLAND' framed oval in Deep Grey-blue, superb mint, a scarce view. BW LC18(38), cat AU$250


    Lot 1020
    PS ]
    Estimate: $40 Purchase Price : $35

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'FLINDERS ST. MELB.' Framed Oval in Purple-brown, variety 'No Stop After CARD', used to UK cancelled 'SHIP MAIL ROOM/MELBOURNE' cds 5 FE 18. BW 18(047), cat AU$50


    Lot 1021
    PS ]
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'GOVERNMENT HOUSE, SYDNEY' framed oval in Deep Grey-blue, stamp with large white flaws on kangaroo and emu, superb mint. BW LC18(57A), cat AU$200


    Lot 1022
    PS ]
    Estimate: $80 Purchase Price : $70

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'MOB OF CATTLE/QUEENSLAND' Framed Oval in Greenish-blue with variety 'Cracked Plate' very fine mint. BW 18(74d), cat AU$175


    Lot 1023
    PS ]
    Estimate: $70 Purchase Price : $65

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die I Perf 12½ 'MT. IDA, LAKE ST. CLAIR/TASMANIA' framed oval in Deep Blue-green, mark on face otherwise fine. BW LC18(83)


    Lot 1024
    PS ]
    Estimate: $50 Purchase Price : $45

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'PERTH ROAD, ARMADALE, W.A.' Framed Oval Without Sky in Deep Blue, fine used from Melbourne to Ballarat with private printing inside for W.D. & H.O. Wills. BW 18(99C), cat AU$60+


    Lot 1025
    PS ]
    Estimate: $50 Purchase Price : $45

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'PUBLIC LIBRARY MELBOURNE' framed oval without sky used in Tasmania 13 April 1917, fine and a scarce view. BW LC18(107B), cat AU$100


    Lot 1026
    PS ]
    Estimate: $80 Purchase Price : $70

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'RAILWAY SLEEPERS/QUEENSLAND' Framed Oval in Grey-black, very fine mint. BW LC18(109), cat AU$175


    Lot 1027
    PS ]
    Estimate: $80 Purchase Price : $70

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'RUNDLE ST. ADELAIDE' framed oval in Deep Grey-blue, superb mint. BW LC18(116A(), cat AU$175


    Lot 1028
    PS ]
    Estimate: $120 Purchase Price : $105

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ 'TORRENS LAKE/SOUTH AUSTRALIA' framed oval in Greenish-blue, superb mint and a scarce view. BW LC18(131), cat AU$200


    Lot 1029
    PS ]
    Estimate: $40 Purchase Price : $35

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die I Perf 12½ 'WALHALLA, VICTORIA' framed oval in Purple-brown fine used from Melbourne to Healesville 16 April 1917


    Lot 1030
    PS ]
    Estimate: $275 Realised Price : $400

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 1 Perf 12½ on Grey Mottled Card 'GOVERNMENT HOUSE/PERTH' Framed Oval, uprated with ½d KGV and used from Brisbane to Woollahra (NSW), 8 NOV 18, a rare lettercard. BW LC20(56E), cat AU$500 mint, unpriced used


    Lot 1031
    PS ]
    Estimate: $100 Purchase Price : $88

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 2 Perf 12½ 'MT. BUFFALO VICTORIA' framed oval vertical bicolour in Grey-black and Blackish-green, stamp with flaw on L of AUSTRALIA, superb mint. BW LC22(80), cat AU$200+


    Lot 1032
    PS ]
    Estimate: $100 Purchase Price : $88

    1914-18 1d KGV Sideface Die 2 Perf. 12½ 'MT. BUFFALO VICTORIA' framed oval in Deep Grey-blue, stamp with flaw on L of AUSTRALIA, very fine mint. BW LC22(80). cat AU$200


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