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    Online Sale No. 73

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    Lot 1296
    Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $90

    'The Tristan da Cunha' Post Office': An exhibit mounted on seventeen A3 pages illustrating the operations of the post office from 1930s to 1990s and including much ancillary material and photographs, with Type V cachet on undated cachet, and used to cancel GB set of four 1935 Silver Jubilee on cover, 1951 US 3c postcard with type X cachet, 1961 telegram re new stamp issue, range of first day covers, incoming covers, British Postal Orders cancelled with Tristan cds (3), provisional registration labels and manuscript registration details, etc.


    Lot 1297
    Estimate: $100

    'The Lonely Island': A thematic/social exhibit, mounted on twenty-two A3 pages illustrating the history and activities of the island, including a wide range of mint issues and FDCs, souvenir chacheted covers, official mail, and with a wide range of ancillary material


    Lot 1298
    Estimate: $90 Realised Price : $70

    1978 25th Anniversary of Coronation preliminary pencil sketches by Jennifer Toombs on tracing paper (285 x 210mm) of King's Bull and Tristan Crawfish used on two of the 25p values, and signed by artist, together with se-tenant strip of 3 of the issued stamps


    Lot 1299
    Estimate: $120

    1979 International Year of the Child large size (240 x 155mm) original coloured pencil drawing of 'The Padre's House', endorsed on reverse 'Darren Repetto Age 9 years', being the design subsequently adopted for the 50 value. also two other large size drawings by children that were never adopted (3)


    Lot 1300
    Estimate: $100

    1980 London 80 International Stamp Exhibition preliminary pen and ink sketches for 5p, 15p, 25p and undenominated (2) designs on tracing paper (230 x 250mm), four of which are similar to the adopted designs, the 259 is hand-coloured. Inscribed 'Initial rough scribbles' and signed by artist C. Abbott


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Welcome to Millennium Philatelic Auctions, auctioneers of stamps, postal history and other philatelic material.