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    Lot 1000
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $38

    1971 Island Families preliminary pencil sketch by the artist (R. Granger Barrett) for the first day cover on tracing paper (233mm x 150mm), together with the set used on FDC


    Lot 1001
    Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $90

    1979 International Year of the Child large size (240 x 155mm) original coloured pencil drawing of 'The Padre's House', endorsed on reverse 'Darren Repetto Age 9 years', being the design subsequently adopted for the 50 value. Also two other large size drawings by children that were never adopted (3)


    Lot 1002
    Estimate: $300

    Postage Dues: 1957 Watermark Multiple Script CA 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d and 5d sheets of 60, superb MUH. SG D1-5, cat £600 (300)


    Lot 1003
    Estimate: $100

    Postage Dues: 1986 1p - 25p set in plate number blocks of 4 (x 2) and in sheets of 50, first day cover, and examples of philatelic usage on 1988 cover from Australia, 1994 cover from GB, 1995 covers from Pitcairn Island (2), 1996 cover from Italy, and on three picture postcards (348 M + 9 covers)


    Lot 1004
    Estimate: $70

    1938 (Jan) two covers carried by SS 'Anatolia' bearing Type VI cachet in black, one with 1937 Coronation cachet to South Africa, 1d postage due affixed on arrival, the other to England with 1½d charge mark and G.B. ½d and 1d postage dues affixed (few cover stains) (2)


    Lot 1005
    Estimate: $75

    1938 (2 Feb) cover from Johannesburg to Tristan da Cunha with South Africa 1½d, endorsed on reverse 'Flown to England and forwarded by HMS Milford to Tristan', with 'REPOSTED/JOHANNESBURG' backstamp (27 JUN 38), Type VI cachet in purple applied at Tristan on arrival


    Lot 1006
    Estimate: $40

    1950 (Feb) cover to London with cachet Type IX (boxed 'TRISTAN DA CUNHA/SETTLEMENT OF/EDINBURGH/SOUTH ATLANTIC', carried on RMS 'Caronia', bearing South Africa 1949 Voortrekker 1½d tied by 'CAPE TOWN/KAPSTAD/PAQUEBOT' cds, very fine and with accompanying 'Caronia' picture postcard


    Lot 1007
    Estimate: $75

    1970s-1980s group of covers, mostly commercial and addressed to Australia or U.K., wide variety of adhesives and postal rates represented, with many registered. A few covers with faults, however a fine group (38 covers)


    Lot 1008
    Estimate: $200

    1990s-2000s accumulation of oversized commercial mail (mostly envelopes, with some parcel fronts and used for sending philatelic material), virtually all addressed to Australia and largely registered, large variety of frankings including many high values. Due to their large size there are inevitably some with cover faults, however a very unusual lot (59 covers)


    Lot 1009
    Estimate: $140 Realised Price : $105

    Incoming Mail: 1950s-1990s interesting range of incoming mail, origins include Australia, Bechuanaland, Canada, Greece, Scotland, Rhodesia & Nyasaland, and including a fine group of book post labels of partial fronts from South Africa. A few covers with faults but mostly fine and scarce material (31 covers and labels)


    Lot 1010
    Estimate: $150

    Official Mail: 1959-2003 OHMS mail sent by the Administrator, nearly all with various types of 'ADMINISTRATOR/TRISTAN DA CUNHA' cachets and including a number of clearly commercial covers, the others mostly to well-known collectors, also 1953 and 1960 inwards covers to the Administrator from South Africa and Rhodesia & Nyasaland respectively (17)


    Lot 1011
    Estimate: $180 Realised Price : $135

    Official Mail: 1970-2003 covers and postcards, a number unaddressed and the others largely philatelic to Great Britain or South Africa, and all bearing the cachets of various Government Officers, with Post Office (8), Treasurer (4), Public Works (2), Natural Resources, Police 2), Electricity Supply, Medical Officer, Island Operations Manager, Agriculture (2), Customs (2), Education (2). An interesting group (29)


    Lot 1012
    Estimate: $150

    Taxed Mail: 1952-1974 small group of covers, with 1952 to England with boxed 'T' marking obliterated and with South Africa ½d and 1d pairs affixed (uncancelled), 1953 coronation FDC to New York with boxed 'T ______ (10)c', 1956 to England with ½d, 1d and 3d and boxed 'INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE' and 'T _____ (6d)c', 1960 cover to England with pair, and boxed 'INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE', and 1963, 1974 (2) and 1975 covers to South Africa with the boxed 'T' markings. Couple of small cover faults, however a useful and scarce group (8)


    Lot 1013
    Estimate: $100

    Taxed Mail: 1952-1974 small group of taxed covers, with two locally addressed 1952 (1 Jan) FDC's each with 1½d and 6d, 1963 local cover with 2d (2), 1973 covers to UK (2) with 1p, and 1974 cover to South Africa with ½p, each with the boxed 'T ____ c' marking, and 1996 postcard to UK with 1p, and boxed 'POSTAGE/DUE' handstamp (7)


    Lot 1014
    Estimate: $200

    1956-1968 underpaid incoming mail from Great Britain (9), four with boxed 'T ______ d' handstamp, one with boxed 'POSTAGE/DUE', one with manuscript 'Due' inserted in Tristan da Cunha cds, and all but two showing Tristan adhesives affixed to indicate amount of postage due. A fine and scarce group (7)


    Lot 1015
    Estimate: $120

    Taxed Mail: 1955-75 covers from South Africa (5) or Nyasaland addressed to Tristan, underpaid and showing a variety of tax markings, both at despatch and receipt end, the 1955 Nyasaland cover showing use of 2d Tristan for collection of postage due. A scarce group (6 covers)


    Lot 1016
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $170

    Ship Mail: 1973-1974 souvenir covers and postcards of visiting ships with a variety of stencilled and more traditional cachets, some signed, including two covers of 28 July 1973 with cachet of M.V. Straat Algoa and with additional 'URGENT MEDICAL SUPPLIES LANDED' cachet. Also a number of picture postcards of ships represented by the covers (41)


    Lot 1017
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Ship Mail: 2003-2006 souvenir covers of visiting ships, large group relating to Petrobus XXI Oil Rig which became stranded at Tristan in 2006, Earth Tremor 'souvenir' cover (29 Jul 2004), 27 July 2004 30p self-adhesive stamp FDC with airmail handstruck cachet due to shortage of labels, etc. Wide variety of cachets (35)


    Lot 1018
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $170

    Ship Mail: 2007-2008 souvenir covers and postcards of visiting ships showing a wide variety of cachets, a number of which are arrivals for the purpose of construction projects, also cacheted covers prepared for various local events, including Destruction of Fishing Factory Building by Fire, Wind Damage to Public works Warehouse, Flu Outbreak Alert, Destruction of Petrobus XXI Oil Rig, Return of Yacht Cha-Lee due to Loss of Mast, etc. Fascinating examples of philatelic ingenuity, some duplication (46)


    Lot 1019
    Estimate: $80 Realised Price : $75

    St. Mary's Church: 1973-2003 range of commemorative covers bearing cachets or inscriptions of St. Mary's Church or St. Mary's School, a number are signed, and including 1982 formular aerogramme with cachet, and 1997 picture postcard with 15p 50th Anniversary of End of World War II, with boxed 'EXCLUSIVE STAMP ARTIST/SIGNING FOR THE TRISTASN/HURRICANE RELIEF FUND/LIMITED EDITION OF TEN' (11)


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