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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 9

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    Lot 1067
    Estimate: $125T

    1862 Wmk Large Star Imperf 6d Black-Brown, SG 41, large margins

    Lot 1068
    Estimate: $400

    1973 4c Puriri Moth marginal with error 'Purple-Brown omitted', SG 1011b

    Lot 1069
    Estimate: $175T

    1985 Christmas 18c and 50c inscribed in error 'CRISTMAS'. Becoming scarce

    Lot 1070
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    Cinderellas: 1915 ½d Grant Expedition label, Great Barrier Island 1/- Blue/white 'PIGEON POST', 1/- Turquoise 'SPECIAL POST', 6d Express stamps (3), generally fresh (6)

    Lot 1071
    Estimate: $100

    c.1916 Expeditionary Force multi-coloured Delandre vignette

    Lot 1072
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $230

    Official Stamps: 1944 (1st Mar) piece bearing various issues optd 'OFFICIAL' with values to 5/- (4, including block of three) and unoptd Arms £10, a total franking of £11.4.0½d!, tied by Wellington cds. Rare Official postal use of £10 - apparently for large multiple of the expensive 'Clipper' rate to overseas

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Welcome to Millennium Philatelic Auctions, auctioneers of stamps, postal history and other philatelic material.