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Sale No. 83

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.... Sale 83 unsold lots now available for purchase!....
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    The 2007 Rarities Sale

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    Lot 274
    Estimate: $750 Realised Price : $575

    1857-63 No Wmk Imperforate 1d Dull Orange, SG 8, four good to large margins, crisp barred ‘1’ cancel. Attractive


    Lot 275
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,350

    1857-63 No Wmk Imperforate 2d Pale Blue, SG 11, four even margins, unused. Strong colour. 1947 RPSL Certificate


    Lot 276
    Estimate: $1,000 Realised Price : $750

    1862 Wmk Large Star Imperforate 1d Vermilion, SG 34, good to large margins, unused. Very rich colour


    Lot 277
    Estimate: $750 Realised Price : $650

    1862 Wmk Large Star Imperforate 3d Brown-Lilac, SG 40, good to large margins, part original gum. 2006 Odenweller Certificate


    Lot 278
    Estimate: $1,250

    1862-63 Pelure Paper, No Wmk Imperforate 6d Black-Brown, SG 83, good to huge margins on 1863 (19 Feb) Germaine Nicholson cover (minor ageing) to Melbourne. An exceptional stamp on cover. 1996 RPSNZ Certificate


    Lot 279
    Estimate: $1,000

    1862-63 Pelure paper, No Wmk Imperforate 1/- Deep Green, SG 86, CP A6f, close margins as normally found. Cat £1100 or NZ$3500


    Lot 280
    Estimate: $1,000 Realised Price : $750

    1863 (early) Thick soft paper, No Wmk Imperforate 2d Dull Deep Blue, SG 96, CP A2h, good to large margins. Cat £800 or NZ$3000. Fine example. Ex Caspary


    Lot 281
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,300

    1864 Wmk 'N Z' Imperforate 1d Carmine-Vermilion, SG 97, good to huge margins at base, extremely rich and strong colour. Superb unused example. 2006 Odenweller Certificate


    Lot 282
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $525

    1872 No Wmk Perf 12 4d Orange-Yellow pair, SG 139, fine mint. A scarce multiple


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