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    Australasia 2007

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    Lot 716
    Estimate: $500

    1900 1½d Khaki Boer Contingent, SG 275, block of four, showing the listed 'Re-entries' on all units, (small adhesion on 2/11), CP EV4-e


    Lot 717
    Estimate: $650

    1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d Imperforate Plate Proof in Bright Maroon and Blue Green on white wove paper. Ex Midas


    Lot 718
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,150

    1906 Christchurch Exhibition, 6d Pink and Olive-Green, SG 373, fresh block of four, lower units unmounted. Scarce multiple


    Lot 719
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $160

    1915-30 KGV 4d Yellow Plate No. '20' block of four, no side selvedge, fresh unmounted


    Lot 720
    Estimate: $1,500 Realised Price : $1,450

    1953-59 QEII Definitives range in stockbook with values to 10/-, numerous plate number, imprint or corner 'value' blocks, varieties in positional pieces, counter coil pairs, similar for larger figure issues, Officials etc, including 4d 'printed on gummed side', few used, many unmounted (100s). STC in CP NZ$12,000+


    Lot 721
    Estimate: $1,250 Realised Price : $1,450

    1960-66 Pictorials specialised collection, mostly blocks, most unmounted, imprints, plate numbers, chambon perfs, varieties, with 3/- to £1 plate/imprint blocks of six (both papers 5/-, 10/-, both colours 3/-), 8d plate '1121' block (cat NZ$600), 7d inv wmk plate blocks, 5d marginal blocks (2) with double perfs at left, 2½d single with green omitted (faint trace at base?), 4d strip (3) with plum largely/partly omitted on two. STC CP NZ$11,400 approx + uncatalogued colour shifts, partial omissions, doctor blade flaws, etc, few minor faults, mixed mounted and unmounted (1000+)

    Lot 722
    Estimate: $400

    1960-66 Pictorials collection on leaves with values to £1 (3), various singles, multiples, few with plate flaws, colour shifts, chambon perforations, etc, (approx 270)


    Lot 723
    Estimate: $60 Realised Price : $60

    1960-66 Pictorials 5/- Sutherland Falls on chalky paper, CP O19b, SG 800a, corner Plate No. '3' Harrison imprint block of six from upper left corner. CP NZ$225


    Lot 724
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $38

    1970-76 Definitives Third prtg 50c National Park, error 'Pale Green (headland at right) omitted'


    Lot 725
    Estimate: $350

    1973-1995 Scenic issues, collection in album, wide range of Plate numbers, imprint blocks, few varieties, etc (100s). CP Cat NZ$2880+, Retail AU$1260+

    Lot 726
    Estimate: $250

    1973-76 No Wmk Butterfly 1c Red Admiral, error 'Blue (spots on wing) omitted', SG 1008c, CP P2cY. Thematic appeal


    Lot 727
    Estimate: $200

    1973-76 No Wmk Butterfly 1c Red Admiral, error 'Blue (spots on wing) omitted', SG 1008c, normal for comparison. Popular thematic


    Lot 728
    Estimate: $450

    1973-76 No Wmk Butterfly 4c Puriri Moth, error 'Yellow omitted', SG 1011c, CP 6cV


    Lot 729
    Estimate: $1,000

    1973-76 No Wmk Butterfly 4c Puriri Moth block of four, error 'Yellow omitted'. Cat NZ$2400


    Lot 730
    Estimate: $800

    1973-76 No Wmk Butterfly 4c Puriri Moth marginal block of four, error 'Apple Green omitted', SG 1011f. Cat £760 (2002)


    Lot 731
    Estimate: $150

    1974 Off-shore Islands, 23c The Brothers corner imprint/plate numbers block of six, variety 'Fifth plate number defective', CP SS16aY


    Lot 732
    Estimate: $250

    1975 Christmas 5c error 'Brown (value) omitted', SG 1084a, CP SC16bZ


    Lot 733
    Estimate: $325

    1975-81 Roses 4c 'Super Star' marginal 'Imperforate pair', CP PA4aY


    Lot 734
    Estimate: $200

    1975-81 10c QEII 'Imperforate pair', CP PA10bU. Cat NZ$500


    Lot 735
    Estimate: $700

    1975-81 Shells 30c Toheroa marginal block of four, variety 'Brilliant Cherry Offset', CP PA16aY. Cat NZ$1600


    Lot 736
    Estimate: $500

    1975-81 Shells 30c Tohera marginal block of six, variety 'Yellow Offset', CP PA16aX. Cat NZ$1350


    Lot 737
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $145

    1975-81 Shells 40c Coarse Dosinia, variety 'Yellow Offset', CP PA17aY. Cat NZ$400


    Lot 738
    Estimate: $175 Realised Price : $135

    1975-81 Shells $1 Scallop, variety 'Yellow Offset', marginal example, CP PA19aZ. Cat NZ$400


    Lot 739
    Estimate: $600

    1975-81 Shells $1 Scallop marginal strip of three, error upper pair 'IMPERFORATE HORIZONTALLY between’, also at sides of centre unit, SG 1103a, CP PA19aY


    Lot 740
    Estimate: $175

    1979-80 Surcharge 14c on 10c QEII, error 'Surcharge double, one albino', SG 1202a, CP PA31aW. Cat NZ$400


    Lot 741
    Estimate: $150

    1979-80 Surcharge 14c on 10c QEII marginal, error 'Surcharge double', CP PA31aV. Cat NZ$350


    Lot 742
    Estimate: $350

    1982 24c Map corner imprint/plate number (dots) '117'. Cat NZ$750. A modern rarity


    Lot 743
    Estimate: $200

    1982 Christmas 18c, variety 'Offset of blue and yellow', CP SC23aZ. Cat NZ$500


    Lot 744
    Estimate: $80

    Cinderellas: c.1916 Expeditionary Force multi-coloured Delandre vignette


    Lot 745
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $130

    Official: 1915-34 KGV 3d Chocolate optd 'OFFICIAL', corner Plate No. '18' single, fresh


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