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Internet General Sale No. 823
All amounts are in Australian dollars.
Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price. Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).
Lot 396SOLD [ O ] Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460
Used range mounted on large folio sheets, comprising 6d (14), 6d opt OS (5), 9d (60), 2/- Type A (157, including many multiples), 2/- Type B (60, incl block of 9), 5/- (18, incl two pairs), 10/- (5), and £1 (defective), mostly good to fine, and including shades, plate varieties, few CTO, and some postmark interest (320)
Lot 397 [ O ] Estimate: $50 Purchase Price : $45
2/- Maroon used blocks of 6 (corner defect) and 4 (2), and 2/- Deep Maroon used block of 8, fine and scarce multiples (22)
Lot 398SOLD [ O ] Estimate: $80 Realised Price : $180
5/- Grey and Yellow-orange block of 4 cancelled Gordon (Vic) cds 2NO35, very fine and scarce multiple. BW 46A, cat AU$140+
Lot 399SOLD [ CTO ] Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $125
5/- Grey and Yellow cancelled-to-order (4), two no gum, and two part OG, fine. BW 46w, cat AU$240
Lot 400SOLD [ O ] Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $675
10/- Grey and Pink block of 4 cancelled Laverton (WA) cds 23MAR35, few perfs separated at top, otherwise fine and a scarce multiple. BW 50A, cat AU$1200+
Lot 401SOLD [ O ] Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $130
10/- Grey and Pink fine used and well-centred. BW 50A, cat AU$300
Lot 402SOLD [ * ] Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $300
10/- Grey and Pink variety 'Short Spencer's Gulf' (L29, 51 and R41), very well centred mint. BW 50(D)e, cat AU$1,450
Lot 403 [ S/** ] Estimate: $140 Purchase Price : $123
10/- Grey and Pink overprinted SPECIMEN Type C fine but regummed. BW 50x, cat AU$850
Lot 404SOLD [ S/** ] Estimate: $180 Realised Price : $210
10/-, £1 and £2 overprinted SPECIMEN Type D fine MUH. BW cat AU$510 (3)
Lot 405 [ S/* ] Estimate: $150 Purchase Price : $134
10/-, £1 and £2 overprinted SPECIMEN (Type D), large part OG (3)
Lot 406 [ O ] Estimate: $300 Purchase Price : $268
£2 Grey-black and Rose-crimson cancelled Tennant Creek (NT) cds, couple of shortish perfs at base otherwise fine used. BW 58B, cat AU$900
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