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      Internet General Sale No. 823

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


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    [ Symbols and Codes ]


    Lot 553
    ** ]
    Estimate: $550 Realised Price : $420

    Australia Post Year Albums 1981-1997, plus deluxe editions for 1986-1997, also Collectors' Yearbooks for 1991, 1992 and 1992/93. Face value AU$1091.


    Lot 554
    CTO/S ]
    Estimate: $60 Realised Price : $60

    1966 Collector's Set in buff folder (C.6103/66 imprint) comprising the original 1966 definitives (5c Thornbill replaced by 5c QEII) CTO and 75c to $4 optd SPECIMEN. adhesion of reverse of folder


    Lot 555
    ** ]
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $400

    1966 15c Galah vertical strip of 5, the lower unit showing Grey Largely Omitted, the other four units normal. A variant which is not mentioned in the BW catalogue, very fine MUH, BW 455 var


    Lot 556
    C ]
    Estimate: $150 Purchase Price : $134

    1966 25c Bird, 1968 25c Floral Emblem and 1969 25c Primary Industries solo frankings on small 1969-70 Special Delivery envelopes, first a trifle toned (3)


    Lot 557
    C ]
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    1966 75c Cook solo franking on neat 1975 (22 Apr) Messenger Delivery cover, opened out


    Lot 558
    S/** ]
    Estimate: $45 Realised Price : $42

    1966 75c, $1, $2, $4 Navigators overprinted SPECIMEN very fine MUH (4)


    Lot 559
    ** ]
    Estimate: $40 Purchase Price : $35

    1966 Navigators $1 Flinders Perf 14.78 x 14.10, fresh MUH


    Lot 560
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,200 Purchase Price : $1,049

    1968 Famous Australians 5c Edgeworth David Die Proof in Black on white wove paper with pale green litho tint affixed to thin card (54mm x 52mm), fine and the only recorded example in this shade. BW 496DP(1)C, cat AU$2000


    Lot 561
    P ]
    Estimate: $700 Purchase Price : $612

    1968 5c Macquarie Lighthouse Die Proof in Black on Buff tinted paper affixed to thin card (37 x 39mm) in Unadopted Design showing vertical lines at each side, very fine. Six examples are recorded of this essay die proof on various tinted papers. BW 499DP(1)C, cat AU$1500


    Lot 562
    P ]
    Estimate: $1,200 Purchase Price : $1,049

    1972 Prime Ministers W.M. Hughes Die Proof in Black on Pale Blue unevenly tinted wove paper affixed to thin card (82 x 83mm) with unissued 6c denomination. Fine and one of four recorded 6c die proofs in private hands on various tinted papers. BW588(DP)2C, cat AU$2000


    Lot 563
    ** ]
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460

    1975 Australian Scenes 35c Wittenoom Gorge block of 4 showing error 'Purple Largely Omitted' only a faint trace being apparent, superb MUH. BW 749c, cat AU$2000 for complete omission, of which only several single stamps are recorded


    Lot 564
    ** ]
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $115

    1980 Sydpex 80 presentation plastic folder containing 1980 National Stamp Week miniature sheets (2, one with Sydpex opt), Sydpex 22c pre-stamped envelope, and 10c + 10c and 20c stamped-to-order embossed envelopes. One of ten folders prepared for members of the Philatelic Exhibition council of NSW and not seen offered before


    Lot 565
    E ]
    Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $90

    1982 Whales 60c Essay with solid blue background fresh MUH. BW 930E(1) cat AU$350, SG 841a cat £250


    Lot 566
    E ]
    Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $90

    1982 Whales 60c essay with solid blue background, superb marginal MUH. BW 930E(1) cat AU$350, SG 841a cat £250


    Lot 567
    C ]
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $85

    1989 Botanic Gardens $10 solo franking on neat 1989 (17 May) registered/security post airmail cover to Germany paying $7 international registration + 2 x $1.50 postage


    Lot 568
    ** ]
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $170

    1992-94 Threatened Species $4.50 self-adhesive booklet 4 Koalas reprint error 'Imperforate' fine MUH. BW 1566(3)b, states approximately 15 booklets found, cat AU$500


    Lot 569
    ** ]
    Estimate: $3,500 Purchase Price : $3,146

    1990 43c Skateboarding Self-adhesive Roll Stamps letterpress-printed by Pemara, six strips of 3 of the 4 Koala Reprint showing progressive defective cyan printing, with eight stamps showing significant omission of the colour, four with only small traces. Believed to derive from an uncut waste sheet. One strip is that illustrated in the BW catalogue. BW 1383Ec, cat AU$1500 for each stamp showing significant omission


    Lot 570
    E ]
    Estimate: $750 Realised Price : $575

    1999 Undenominated Essay perforated pair for Personalised Stamps, showing stylised building in stamp portion, with photograph of David Maiden (Head of Australia Post Philatelic Section) alongside. This essay is believed to relate to the subsequent introduction of personalised stamp sheetlets at the Australia 99 Philatelic Exhibition. An important essay for this modern philatelic innovation, believed to be one of two recorded pairs. BW 2179E(1), cat AU$1000


    Lot 571
    ** ]
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    2010 Centenary of Australian Coinage miniature sheet with private overprint for Stampex 2010, two sets with black, red and gold overprints, being Nos. 1 and 200 of the limited edition, auctioned at the Stampex Palmares (6 sheets)


    Lot 572
    ** ]
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $320

    1999-2000s personalised and Special Event sheetlets, large duplicated range including 2000 Paralympians, Shane Warne, John Farnham, Seekers, Australian Tennis Open, Rugby World Cup, Skyworks, Star Wars, Elton John, etc. Face value AU$786 (111 sheetlets)


    Lot 573
    ** ]
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    2022 Queen Elizabeth II Memorial and 2023 Tourism miniature sheets with Canberra Stampshow 2024 overprints, each being Nos. 1 of 150 as sold at the Palmares Dinner (2)


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