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    General Sale No. 37

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    Lot 529
    Estimate: $450

    Bulgaria: 1938 (4 Nov) commercial airmail advertising cover to Victoria, franked 55l for ½oz airmail rate via Greece, adhesives tied by Poste Aerienne-Sofia datestamp, backstamped Athens and on arrival at Melbourne. Rare origin


    Lot 530
    Estimate: $700

    Dodecanese Islands: 1939 (Apr-Dec) airmail covers (roughly opened) from same correspondence Castelrosso to Adelaide, franked at 5.50l and 4.75l respectively, latter censored at Melbourne on arrival (16 Jan 1940). Extraordinary origin


    Lot 531
    Estimate: $50

    Great Britain: 1955 QEII 2/6d Waterlow printing, SG 533, commercially used airmail FDC


    Lot 532
    Estimate: $400

    Greece: 1935 and 1936 commercial airmail covers from same correspondence Athens to Melbourne, franked at 33d and 58d respectively, former handstamped 'PAR AVION' and latter with early airmail etiquette, arrival datestamp on reverse. Scarce early airmail


    Lot 533
    Estimate: $80 Realised Price : $65

    Iceland: 1949 (9 Oct) reg’d commercial airmail FDC used to Victoria bearing U.P.U. set tied by Akureyri datestamps, label below, Reykjavik and Melbourne backstamps


    Lot 534
    Estimate: $125

    Mauritius: 1934 (12 Sep) reg’d cover to Sydney bearing colourful albeit philatelic franking of 1c, 4c (2), 5c, 6c and 20c ('MCE/M' perfin) tied by oval G.P.O. registered datestamp (another on reverse ties E. DE SORNEY address label), arrival backstamp


    Lot 535
    Estimate: $600

    Mexico: 1937 (Apr-Jun) commercial airmail covers from same correspondence to Victoria franked 2p 25c sent via Pacific and Atlantic routes respectively, and showing instructional handstamps to those ends, former without backstamps, latter with Paris transit and Melbourne arrival. Attractive duo, scarce origin/destination


    Lot 536
    Estimate: $250

    New Zealand: 1936 roughly opened cover to Sydney via N.Z., Auckland 24 OC 36 cds, endorsed 'SUNDAY ISLAND MAIL/No Stamps Available/Per Aux Ketch 'YVONNE' '


    Lot 537
    Estimate: $75

    Samoa: 1956 (22 May) reg’d cover to Australia bearing 8d and 5d, registration label and adhesives tied by Tuavisi datestamps, backstamps of Apia, Sydney and Hobart


    Lot 538
    Estimate: $750

    Thailand: 1940 and 1941 commercial airmail covers (opening tears) from same correspondence Huey Mood to Australia, earlier at 90st rate, Haad Yai, South Express and Bangkok backstamps, later at 70st registered rate, backstamped Tungsong and Bangkok, censored on arrival in Australia, various transit/arrival datestamps


    Lot 539
    Estimate: $125

    Trinidad and Tobago: 1935 (27 Apr) reg’d Official cover (light crease at base) bearing solo franking of 6d tied by G.P.O. datestamp, backstamped Trinidad, New York, San Francisco, Melbourne, Geelong. Unusual origin/destination


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