Lot 894
Estimate: $300
Realised Price : $260
1902 Blank Base ½d - 8d Emerald overprinted vertical SPECIMEN as used for the Tasmanian U.P.U. distribution, the 1d, 3d, 4d, and 6d with watermark inverted. Horizontal crease on 1d, otherwise fine with large part OG. BW cat AU$700 (7)
Lot 895
Estimate: $600
1902 Blank Base 1d Emerald-green Perf 11, with manuscript indelible pencil cancel and part OG, a very fine example of this rare stamp. BW D4 cat AU$1250, SG D12 cat £900
Lot 896
Estimate: $200
Realised Price : $525
1902 Blank Base 6d Emerald block of 4 cancelled Western Australian barred obliterator, upper left unit variety 'SW of NSW' Not Fully Removed', fine and very scarce in a multiple. BW 9k, cat AU$325+
Lot 897
Estimate: $600
Realised Price : $650
1902 Blank Base 3d and 6d Emerald with W.A. four concentric circle CTO for U.P.U. distribution and with additional 'ULTRAMAR' handstamp in blue (unlisted by BW), also 3d Emerald unused affixed to small ledger piece with Tasmanian U.P.U. 'SPECIMEN' opt and 'ULTRAMAR' handstamp in blue, and 1902-04 Base Completed 2d Emerald unused with 'ULTRAMAR' handstamp in violet (from Queensland U.P.U. distribution, unlisted by BW). No gum, otherwise fine, and scarce examples of issues handstamped at Lisbon prior to distribution to Portuguese Colonies (4)
Lot 898
Estimate: $150
1902 Blank Base 5/- Emerald used horizontal strip of 3, few perfs separated between the left-hand pair otherwise fine and scarce. BW D11, cat AU$375+
Lot 899
Estimate: $3,500
Realised Price : $2,800
1902-04 Completed Base Perf. 11½, 12 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 1/-, 2/- (2, shades); Cpd Perf. 11½, 12 and 11 ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 1/-, 2/-, 5/-; Perf 11 ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/-, 5/-. Complete except for the Perf 11½, 12 2d (not known mint) and the 10/- and 20/- high values, and very fine for these, with large part OG (5/- Perf 11 with stained gum) and mostly lightly hinged (a few are MUH). A rare opportunity to acquire all the perf variations in superior condition. SG cat £6773 (28)
Lot 900
Estimate: $300
Realised Price : $230
1902-04 Base Completed 5d Emerald Perf. 12½,12 block of 24 from base of sheet with manuscript crayon cancellation in black (some perf separation and reinforcement), and 10d Emerald Perf 11½,12 block of 18 cancelled Poste Restante Perth cds (part OG but with adhesions on reverse), scarce multiples. BW D29, 35, cat AU$1170+ (42)
Lot 901
Estimate: $1,750
1902-04 Design Completed 1d Emerald Perf 11 x 11½,12 block of 20 (2 x 10) from left of sheet with selvedge three sides MUH, crease through 7th row, and bands of toning on reverse but very fine colour and an outstanding multiple of this scarce perforation. BW D20, cat AU$3500, SG D23 cat £420++
Lot 902
Estimate: $150
Realised Price : $115
1902-04 Base Completed 1d Emerald Perf 11½,12 x 11 block of 15 from base of sheet part OG, few units with marks on reverse and stain in lower selvedge under one unit, however a scarce multiple. BW D16, cat AU$225+
Lot 903
Estimate: $300
Realised Price : $250
1902-04 Base Completed 3d Emerald Perf 11½,12 x 11 Watermark Upright block of 39 from right side of sheet cancelled 'PARCELS POST/G.P.O. SYDNEY' cds, 3 OC 09. Significantly toned on reverse, particularly around perfs which is partially visible on face. Nevertheless a rare and possibly record multiple of this stamp. BW D24A, cat AU$975+
Lot 904
Estimate: $120
Realised Price : $90
1902-04 Completed Design 5/- Emerald Perf 12 x 11 Watermark Inverted (as normal) block of 4 cancelled G.P.O. Adelaide cds, OC 6 08, very fine. BW D42, cat AU$200
Lot 905
Estimate: $2,000
1902-04 Base Completed 10/- Dull Green cancelled by portion of Sydney Parcel Post cds in violet, very fine and rare, and with 2007 BPA Certificate. BW D44 cat AU$4000, SG D43 cat £1800
Lot 906
Estimate: $750
1906-08 Watermark Crown over Single-lined A ½d-6d Green Perf 11½,12 x 11. Very fine for this issue with large part OG (½d and 1d MUH), 3d slightly toned gum but also MUH. SG D45-50, cat £1000+ (6)
Lot 907
Estimate: $150
Realised Price : $125
1906-08 Watermark Crown over Single-lined A ½d Light Green blocks of 20 (x 2) and 3 cancelled straight-line 'FEB 26 1912' in violet, fine and attractive. BW D46A, cat AU$430 (43)
Lot 908
Estimate: $450
1906-08 Watermark Crown over Single-lined A 3d Light Green very lightly hinged and good colour, some light gum toning but a fine example of this scarce stamp. BW D52 cat AU$750, SG D48 cat £650
Lot 909
Estimate: $350
1907 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A ½d - 6d Light Green, the ½d and 1d with Watermark Inverted. All large part OG, the 4d and 6d a little gum toned. SG D53-57, cat £750 (5)
Lot 910
Estimate: $1,500
Realised Price : $1,150
1907 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A ½d Light Green the bottom three rows of a sheet with Watermark Inverted, Rows 9 and 10 being Watermark Marginal Letters only. Very fine and fresh MUH with full OG, a very scarce multiple. BW D56, cat AU$3300++ (36)
Lot 911
Estimate: $300
Realised Price : $230
1908-09 Stroke After Value 1/- and 5/- Dull Green fine with part OG. BW D61,62, cat AU$750
Lot 912
Estimate: $700
Realised Price : $525
1908-09 Stroke After Value 2/- Dull Green marginal from right side of left pane very fine with good colour and large part OG. BW D63 cat AU$1000, SG D60 cat £1000
Lot 913
Estimate: $1,750
1908-09 Stroke After Value 10/- Dull Green with Watermark Inverted as always, very fine with good colour and large part OG. BW D64 cat AU$3750, SG D61 cat £2500
Lot 914
Estimate: $5,000
Realised Price : $3,800
1908-09 Stroke After Value 20/- Dull Green marginal from left side of right pane, excellent colour, gum somewhat toned. BW D65 cat AU$10000, SG D62 cat £6500
Lot 915
Estimate: $350
Realised Price : $500
Cancellations: Selection of postmarks on Monocolour issues, all States represented, with NSW numerals and straight-line 'MORE-TO-PAY', Queensland circular and oval datestamps, including coloured cancels, South Australia squared circle datestamps, numerals, Tasmania datestamps, Western Australia dumb obliterators, oval and circular datestamps, also various 'T' handstamps, 'R' in ova and straight-line dates. Wide variety of issues represented with values to 1/- and including a number of multiples. An interesting lot (175)