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    Lot 354
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $1,200

    Range of CTO stamps on hagner, with ½d Green, ½d Orange, 1d Red, 1d Violet, 1d Green, 1½d Black-brown, 1½d Brown, 1d Green, 1½d Red, 2d Orange, 2d Red, 2d Red-brown, 3d Blue, 4d Orange, 4d Violet, 4d Blue, 4d Olive, 4½d Violet, 5d Brown, 1/4d Turquoise, also 1d Engraved. All with full OG and all except 2d Orange unhinged. A very fine set rarely offered complete, with the 1d Red and 1924 colour changes (1d Green, 1½d Red, 2d Red-brown, 3d, 4d Olive, 4½d) very scarce as these were only in Collectors' Sets for a short period (21)


    Lot 355
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    ½d Green, ½d Orange, 1d Violet, 1½d Black-brown, 1½d Brown, 1½d Green, 2d Orange, 2d Red, 2d Red-brown, 4d Orange, 4d Violet, 4d Blue, 4d Olive, 4½d Violet, 5d Brown CTO, mostly part OG (15)


    Lot 356
    Estimate: $40 Realised Price : $30

    ½d Green, 4d Orange (2, one 'Watermark Inverted') and 5d Brown CTO, no gum or part OG (4)


    Lot 357
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $380

    1d Red CTO with portion of 'G.P.O. MELBOURNE/2' cds fine with full OG and unmounted. Rare in CTO condition, believed to have been used only for the 1924 Stockholm U.P.U. Congress folders and for a short time in Collector's Sets in 1928. With Dr Scott Starling Certificate (2017), BW 71w Cat AU$500


    Lot 358
    Estimate: $120 Realised Price : $125

    1d Green range of plate varieties from Panes VI, VII and VIII on hagners, with most of the listed varieties represented, many mint and generally fine (10M, 26U). Also Large Multiple Wmk (7, 1M), and Small Multiple Wmk Perf 14 (4), similar plated varieties (total 11M, 36U)


    Lot 359
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460

    1d Green horizontal pair from top of sheet showing strong 'Offset' on reverse affecting 90% of left unit and small portion of right unit, plus the marginal lines above. Very fine with full OG and mounted in selvedge only. BW No. 77ca Cat AU$1000 for mounted


    Lot 360
    Estimate: $40 Realised Price : $30

    1½d Brown 'Watermark Inverted' mint, large part OG, and punctured 'OS' fine used (2)


    Lot 361
    Estimate: $200

    1½d Red Electro 13 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, mostly used, and including listed varieties L1, L13 (3), L40 (3), R27 (3, including one mint), R54 (2), R56 (7), plus other unlisted minor flaws. Also stamps showing worn upper frames characteristic of this electro (14 plus one mint). Few stamps with faults, but generally fine (3M and 43U)


    Lot 362
    Estimate: $175

    1½d Red Electro 14 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, all used, and including listed varieties L3 (6), L6, L35 (4), L8 (2, one in block of 4), L21, L35 (4), L51, R46 (2), R50 (3), R58 (5), R59, plus other unlisted minor flaws. Few stamps with faults, but generally fine (34)


    Lot 363
    Estimate: $200

    1½d Red Electro 15 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, mostly used, and including listed varieties L14 (14), L38 (4, including mint (2)), R39 (6), R59 (7), R60, plus other minor unlisted flaws. Few stamps with faults but generally fine (9M and 49U)


    Lot 364
    Estimate: $300

    1½d Red Electro 19 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, all used, and including listed varieties L31 (2), L51, R5, R18, R20, R24 (2), R32 (3), R36 (9), R48 (2), also unlisted flaws on L3, L10, L18, L57, R10, R26 (3), R43 and R46. Few stamps with small faults but generally fine, and a good representation from this scarce electro, BW Cat AU$1630 (33)


    Lot 365
    Estimate: $300

    1½d Red Electro 22 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, mostly used, and including listed L1 (7), L6 (10), L7 (8), L13 (3), L19 (3) L22 'HALEPENCE' (16, including mint (6) and in mint block of 4), L28 'Thin RAL' (19, including mint (6)), L42, L43 (10), L45 (8), L57 (8), R3, R6 (15), R30 (3), R44 (18, all states including one mint), R45 (11), R50, R51 (18, including mint (3)), plus other unlisted minor flaws. Few with faults, but generally fine (23M and 200U)


    Lot 366
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $230

    1½d Red Electro 23 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, mostly used, and including listed varieties L2 (6, including mint (2), L6 (10, including mint (3)), L11 (2), L12, L14 (9), L18, L35 (15), R2 (15), R23 (11, including in mint pairs (3)), R29 (8, including one mint), R58( (8), R60 (9), plus other unlisted minor flaws. Few stamps with faults, but mostly fine. (15M and 134U)


    Lot 367
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1½d Red Electro 24 duplicated collection of plate varieties identified on hagners, mostly used, and including listed varieties L7 (11), L14 (3), L37, R8 (11), R16 (8), R21, R32 (3), R34 (18), R41 (6), R42 (2), R56, plus other minor unlisted flaws. Few stamps with faults, but mostly fine. (1M and 100U)


    Lot 368
    Estimate: $275

    1½d Scarlet Punctured 'OS' 'Printed on Gummed Side' with 'Watermark Inverted', centred left and with one short perf at right, very scarce. BW 89c Cat AU$500, SG 80wa Cat £375


    Lot 369
    Estimate: $300

    2d Red range of plate varieties identified on hagners, including catalogued varieties 2R50, 8AR23, R24, 10L30, R25, R27, R56, 11L7, L25, L55, R8, R22, 12L21, R27, R28, 12AL9, L35, L44, 13L58 (in M pair), 14L12, R35, R36, 16L21, L28, R42, R53, some duplication, mostly used and condition generally good to fine, and high cat value (8M, 67U)


    Lot 370
    Estimate: $100

    2d Red Electro 12A, R54 variety 'Recut 2 at Right and Broken Crown Top', fine used. BW 96(12A)j Cat AU$200


    Lot 371
    Estimate: $400

    2d Brown range of plate varieties on hagner, including catalogued flaws 12R27, 16L1, 28, 56, 16R5, 42, 53, plus others, mostly used incl 'OS', but with 16R53 M and 12R24/30 MUH (toned gum), generally fine and high cat value (3M, 16U)


    Lot 372
    Estimate: $80 Realised Price : $60

    2d Red-brown variety 'Large White Flaw in Left Value Tablet' (Electro 16, L4), large part OG and very lightly hinged. BW No. 97(16)f Cat AU$200


    Lot 373
    Estimate: $30 Realised Price : $22

    5d Brown Single Line Perf CTO with MELBOURNE cds with blank base, two plated examples (1L35 and 1R2), latter no gum (2)


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