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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 9

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    Lot 380
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $160

    Bag of stamps mostly 1d reds, and other values, sighted 1/4d, unchecked by us (1000+)

    Lot 381
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $360

    1d Green (2500), 2d Red (5000) includes inverted wmks, 1½d Reds - some Brown (100) also 2d on 1½d (1500), vendor states SM and CofA Wmks, (9100+)

    Lot 382
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $360

    Shoebox containing approx 1d Green (4650) and 2d Red (5200) includes inverted wmks, 1500), SM and CofA Wmks, unchecked by us (9800+)

    Lot 383
    Estimate: $500

    1d Green collection on leaves with all watermarks, perfs, varieties in positional pairs, blocks, some imprints, few coils, and modest range of 1d Violets, mixed condition (few 100)

    Lot 384
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $650

    Two Pence range of colours on leaves including Single Wmk Orange or Red with listed varieties, inking flaws, 2d Brown Harrison imprint pair; Small Mult Wmk both perfs and colours, few imprints, CofA Wmk 2d incl imprint block etc, mixed condition (100s). Useful lot

    Lot 385
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $80

    Selection including Single Wmk 2d red mint pair 'White flaw on "T" of TWO', BW 96(11)d, SM P13½x12½ ½d orange with cds (25)), range of Surcharges and OS opts to 5d with 4d (4), etc, (63)

    Lot 386
    Estimate: $100

    Small group comprising Single Wmk 1½d Brown unmounted mint block of 4, single with Inverted Wmk mint, 4d Orange shades mint (2) SM Wmk 5d unmounted mint.

    Lot 387
    Estimate: $75

    1914 1d Red perf OS on OHMS Govt Savings Bank envelope used to Pialba, also SM 1½d red used on 'The Country Press Co-op' advertising cover Sydney to Singelton (2 covers)

    Lot 388
    Estimate: $200T Realised Price : $150

    Perf OS/NSW: Group comprising ½d orange, (9, two blocks of 4), orange, 1d red (2), green (2), 1½d brown, green, red (5), 2d orange, red (2), brown, 4d blue, olive, mixed condition as to be expected (27)

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