Lot 473
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $115 |
5d Brown, three 'JOHN ASH' imprint blocks of four in varying shades, one from Plate 2 - minor separation, others from Plate 3 with variety 'Flaw in crown', odd tone, (12)
Lot 474
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $625 |
1/4d greenish blue pair together with 6d Kookaburra and 2d Cable tied by Wiluna (W.A.) cds to 1936 (1 Aug) use of Parcels Post label. Scarce franking
Lot 475
| |
3d blue Bluish overprint, BW 109(OS)c, fresh gutter block of eight from top of sheet. Cat AU$400
Lot 476
| | Estimate: $100T | Realised Price : $75 |
3d Blue upper left corner block of 18 (3x6) with variety 'White flaw on kangaroo and "E" of POSTAGE', BW 109(OS)d
Lot 477
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
3d Blue block of four, variety 'Retouched "GE" of POSTAGE', BW 109(OS)f
Lot 478
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $210 |
5d Yellow-Brown lower left corner block of four
Lot 479
| |
5d Yellow-Brown lower left corner block of 16 (4x4) with Jubilee lines