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Sale No. 83

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    Online Sale No. 73

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    Lot 677
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $70

    6d Chestnut solo franking cover (central crease) tied by fine strike of scarce Sydney handheld roller cancellation to 1932 cover per R.M.S. 'Narkinda' to Switzerland, paying double foreign letter rate, backstamped on arrival. (The liner Narkinda SS, Capt. L. Parfitt DSC, was serving as an auxiliary transport during the Allied landings in French North Africa in November 1942. She disembarked her troops at Bougie and had turned about for home when, toward evening on the 14th, she was bombed and sunk some distance off Bougie. Thirty-one persons were killed)


    Lot 678
    Estimate: $90

    5/- Grey and Yellow-orange CTO, centred top left with large part OG


    Lot 679
    Estimate: $600

    10/- Grey and Pale Pink optd SPECIMEN Type C very fine MUH. BW 49x, cat AU$1250


    Lot 680
    Estimate: $550

    10/- Grey and Pale Pink overprinted SPECIMEN Type C sub-type 2 with Shaved 'P', couple of shortish perfs at base, large part OG and lightly hinged. BW49xd, cat AU$1750


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