Lot 203
Estimate: $750
Realised Price : $575
Used range on hagner, comprising 2d (8), 2½d (8), 6d (6), 9d (8), 1/- (7), 2/- (7), all with cds cancels, few with small faults but generally very fine, high cat value (44)
Lot 204
Estimate: $500
Realised Price : $380
2d to 5/- each with cds postmark (5/- from Thursday Island), generally fine with good centring (7)
Lot 205
Estimate: $120
2d Grey marginal from bottom of sheet (small thin at top left), and 2½d Indigo, both large part OG and lightly hinged (2)
Lot 206
Estimate: $90
Realised Price : $70
6d Deep Ultramarine well-centred and cancelled by neat cds, an attractive example of this scarce shade. BW No. 18B, cat AU$150
Lot 207
Estimate: $1,800
9d Violet 'Watermark inverted', clearly cancelled '(C)HILDERS/8 MAY 17/(QUE)ENSLAND', BW 25a. Of the approx 12 known postally used examples, this is one of the very few that is clearly dated. Cat AU$5000
Lot 208
Estimate: $120
2/- Light Brown fine used with cds cancel in blue
Lot 209
Estimate: $300
5/- Deep Grey and Yellow cancelled by portion of 'LATE FEE' duplex, fine with 'fluffy' perfs