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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 9

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    Lot 148
    Estimate: $400T Realised Price : $300

    Range on leaves including 1st Wmk ½d (2, one perf OS), 1d (9) incl coil strip of 3, 4d OS pair used; 2nd Wmk 6d; 3rd Wmk (4) incl sideways wmk; CofA Wmk 2/- (30) with listed varieties incl blocks etc, 5/-, mostly mint, sone unmounted, varaiable condition (49)

    Lot 149
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $400

    2d Grey collection on leaves comprising First Wmk mint (3), used (8), Second Wmk mint perf OS, used (5), mint (9), used (14, one perf OS), nice range of BW listed varieties, etc, mixed condition (40)

    Lot 150
    Estimate: $200

    Range on hagners comprising First Wmk ½d (6), 1d (9), 2d (2), 2½d, 3d (4), 4d (4), 5d (3), 6d (3), 9d (4), 1/- (4); Second Wmk 6d; Third Wmk 2d (10), 2½d (4), 3d (6), 6d blue (3), brown (2), 9d (3), 1/- (2), 2/- brown (2), maroon, 10/-; SM Wmk 6d (7), 9d, 1/- (3), 2/- (2): CofA Wmk 9d (11) 2/- (9), 5/- perf 'G/NSW", fair to fine, few perfins, etc, mixed condition

    Lot 151
    Estimate: $400

    Useful little group comprising 3rd Wmk £1 Grey opt SPECIMEN, Small Mult Wmk 1/- 'JOHN ASH' imprint block of 4, 10/- opt SPECIMEN, Perf OS 2/-, 5/- (CTO), also W.A. 1854 1d Black used cut close, mixed condition (9)

    Lot 152
    Estimate: $750

    Covers selection with many useful items comprising First wmk ½d+1d pair, 1d and 2d perf 'OS/NSW' on separate covers, 2½d x 3 triple rate to U.S., 4d perf Large 'OS', 2nd wmk 2½d, 3rd wmk 2d perf 'OS', 2d (2)+KGV ½d (2), 2½d pair, 3d (3, one registered), 6d ultramarine perf 'OS', 6d dull blue + 1/-, 1/-, SM wmk 6d + 6d Air 'OS', 2/- (2), CofA 9d (2), 2/-, also philatelic cover with ten various optd 'OS' incl CofA 6d, odd fault, generally good to fine (22)

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