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Sale No. 82

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    Online Sale No. 61

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    Lot 202
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $230

    Range of CTOs on hagner, with Third Wmk 6d Chestnut (5), 2/- Maroon, Small Multiple Wmk 6d, 1/- (2), 2/-, C of A Wmk 6d, 9d (7), 2/- (4), 5/- (5), 'OS' punctures with Third Wmk 1/-, 10/-, Small Multiple Wmk 9d, 2/-, 5/-, 'OS' opt C of A Wmk 6d (2). Also 10/- (2), £1 C of A Wmk optd SPECIMEN. Largely with full OG and mostly unhinged, a useful range (37)


    Lot 203
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $80

    Range of CTOs on stock card, with Third Wmk 6d Chestnut and 2/- Maroon, Small Multiple Wmk 6d, 1/-, 2/-, plus 6d and 2/- Punctured 'OS', and C of A Wmk 6d, 2/- and 5/-, some no gum (incl 5/-), generally fine (11)


    Lot 204
    Estimate: $60 Realised Price : $105

    Range of 'RECORDS/MELBOURNE' oval datestamps, in blue on First Wmk 1d block of 6, 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, in black on Third Wmk 1/- pair on piece and single. Also in black on KGV 1d red, 1½d Black-brown, and 1½d Brown pair and single on piece, pair and single. Few minor faults (21)


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