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Sale No. 83

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    General Sale No. 9

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    Lot 342
    Estimate: $200

    6d to 5/- with both dies of 2/-, one 2/- and 5/- lightly mounted, others unmounted, (5)

    Lot 343
    Estimate: $100

    6d (2, one opt OS), 9d (2, one unmounted) and 2/- both Dies (6)

    Lot 344
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $75

    6d Chestnut block of four, 2/- Ash imprint pair and opt 'SPECIMEN' 10/-, £1 and £2, hinged, mixed condition (9)

    Lot 345
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $125

    6d Chestnut 'JOHN ASH' imprint block (N over N) with 'White hairline from value circle to map', BW 23z, lightly mounted one unit only

    Lot 346
    Estimate: $100

    6d Chestnut, lower plate 'JOHN ASH' imprint block of four, few blunt perfs, BW 23za

    Lot 347
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $260

    6d Brown block of 18 and 2/- Maroon McCracken pane of 60

    Lot 348
    Estimate: $100 Realised Price : $110

    9d Violet 'JOHN ASH' Plate 3 second state imprint pair, stamps unmounted

    Lot 349
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $290

    9d Violet Plate 4 'JOHN ASH' imprint block of four - first state, BW 29zc, stamps unmounted

    Lot 350
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $40

    5/- Grey and Yellow, mixed centring CTO (3)

    Lot 351


    Lot 352
    Estimate: $350 Realised Price : $320

    5/- Grey and Yellow, corner example

    Lot 353
    Estimate: $400 Realised Price : $460

    5/- Grey and Yellow, well centred, fresh unmounted

    Lot 354
    Estimate: $400T Realised Price : $360

    10/- Grey and Dark Pink pair, this scarce shade flouresces bright-orange under ultra-violet lamp, few blunt perfs. [This often confused shade which differs from Dark Grey and Aniline Pink, will be listed in the next 'Brusden-White' "Kangaroos"]

    Lot 355
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $95

    10/- Grey and Pink, fine

    Lot 356
    Estimate: $400T

    10/- Grey and Pink selection, well centred, odd blemish (5)

    Lot 357
    Estimate: $100T Realised Price : $90

    10/- Grey and Pink shades opt SPECIMEN, mixed centring, unmounted (3)

    Lot 358
    Estimate: $50 Realised Price : $44

    10/- Grey and Pink opt 'SPECIMEN', variety 'Opened mouth kangaroo', BW 50r, fresh unmounted

    Lot 359
    Estimate: $125 Realised Price : $105

    10/-, £1 and £2 opt 'SPECIMEN', fresh unmounted (3)

    Lot 360
    Estimate: $1,250 Realised Price : $1,300

    'SPECIMEN' opts - valuable holding comprising 10/- (19), £1 (19), £2 (20), few minor varieties, mixed centring and condition, some unmounted (58)

    Lot 361
    Estimate: $150

    £1 Grey cancelled at Tennant Creek, also 10/- with repaired tear

    Lot 362
    Estimate: $300T

    £1 Grey, lightly cancelled

    Lot 363
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $130

    £1 Grey, fine

    Lot 364
    Estimate: $2,500T

    £2 Grey & Red + £1 Grey + 10/- Grey & Pink + KGV 5d pair + 5d + 5/- Robes - damaged on 1939 (14th Feb) parcel tag used from Perth to USA. A remarkable franking

    Lot 365
    Estimate: $250T

    £2 Grey and Rose opt SPECIMEN, mixed centring, unmounted (3)

    Lot 366
    Estimate: $75T Realised Price : $55

    10/-, £1 and £2 opt SPECIMEN Type D, mounted (3)

    Lot 367
    Estimate: $175T

    10/-, £1 and £2 opt SPECIMEN Type D set, additional 10/- in Grey and Dark Pink shade and £2, generally fine mounted (5)

    Lot 368
    Estimate: $150T

    10/-, £1 and £2 Grey opt SPECIMEN, also Third Wmk £1 Grey opt SPECIMEN Type C with left hand corner frame breaks, mounted (4)

    Lot 369
    Estimate: $75T

    1925 (12th Dec) registered cover Adelaide to Hawaii with red label, bearing Third Wmk 6d Chestnut, Honolulu arrival backstamp, paying 3d 1oz foreign rate + 3d registration, slight toning (Note: Third Wmk, not C of A Wmk)

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