Lot 568
| | Estimate: $150T | Realised Price : $140 |
1966 QE2 4c Red booklet panes, set of the six different slogans
Lot 569
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $115 |
1966 Navigators 75c Cook double strip of 20 from top of sheet showing plate 3 (partial at right) and with retouches on R2/1 and 2/2. Also 50c Dampier with non-constant but striking series of diagonal lines at upper right (21)
Lot 570
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $46 |
1966 Decimal folder black/buff serial no. C.6103/66 containing 22 values, 1c to 50c CTO, 75c to $4 opt SPECIMEN
Lot 571
| | Estimate: $60 | Realised Price : $46 |
1966-68 Decimal folder black/buff serial no. C.2651/68 containing 22 values, 1c to 50c CTO including Flowers, 75c to $4 opt SPECIMEN
Lot 572
| |
1966 Navigators 50c Dampier, left marginal Plate '1' block of four, BW 461z
Lot 573
| | Estimate: $100T | Realised Price : $75 |
1966 75c Cook, 15mm 'SPECIMEN' opt, unmounted, BW 462xb
Lot 574
| | Estimate: $100T | Realised Price : $75 |
1966 $1 Flinders opt 'SPECIMEN' 15mm long, BW 463xa
Lot 575
| |
1966-73 Navigator $1 Perf 14.75
Lot 576
| |
1966 4c Christmas, marginal pair, both with "Olive-green" background colour partly omitted, resulting in "4c" omitted, SG 407a, BW 471ca. [This is superior to the pair we sold for AU$11,500 plus commission in our General Sale N°1]. One of the rarest errors of Decimal Australia
Lot 577
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $60 |
1970 Royal Visit, set of APO unaddressed commem covers bearing 5c and 30c, (22)
Lot 578
| |
1970-73 Floral coil, 2c Sturt's Desert Rose, coil strip of three with lower unit partly guillotined showing gross miscutting resulting in partial imperforate between. Unusual and a spectacular addition to any coil collection
Lot 579
| |
1971-74 Floral coil 7c 'Buff omitted' in pair with normal, BW 535ce
Lot 580
| |
1971 Floral coil, 7c Sturt's Desert Pea strip of four, error "Buff (shadows on flowers) omitted and green misplaced downwards", BW 535ce, SG 468bb. 2001 RPSV Certificate.
Lot 581
| |
1972 Pioneer Life, 15c Food, error "Black completely omitted", SG 525a, BW 610c.
Lot 582
| |
1973 Metric Conversion, 7c Volume error "Pink completely omitted", BW 623c.
Lot 583
| |
1973-75 1c Shrimp upper left corner block of eight (2x4) six units with 'Black partly omitted', more pronounced on upper four units
Lot 584
| |
1973-74 Gemstones 7c Agate MUH marginal single (creased at top right) and CTO single both with black ommitted (2)
Lot 585
| |
1973-74 Gemstones, 8c Opal marginal example, error 'Ultramarine omitted', BW 644cd
Lot 586
| |
1973-75 Gemstones, 10c Star Sapphire, 'Black partly omitted - '10c, AUSTRALIA and background colouring' in vertical pair with normal from top of sheet. Unlisted in Brusden White
Lot 587
| |
1973-74 Gemstomes, 10c Star Sapphire, marginal strip of six, upper three units "Black completely omitted, adjoining partly omitted", others normal, SG 552ab, BW 648ca
Lot 588
| |
1973-74 Gemstomes, 10c Star Sapphire, corner strip of six, upper three units "Black completely omitted, adjoining partly omitted", others normal, SG 552ab, BW 648ca
Lot 589
| |
1973-74 10c Sapphire marginal block of eight (2x4), top units "Black completely omitted, adjoining pair partly omitted, others normal, BW 648cc
Lot 590
| |
1974 Animals, 30c Possum, variety 'Grey doubly printed', BW 662cc. Seldom offered
Lot 591
| |
1974 Sport, 7c Tennis, error 'Light Brown omitted', BW 674c
Lot 592
| |
1974 Christmas 35c, Plate '4' gutter block of four from right, BW 681ze
Lot 593
| |
1975 10c International Women's Year KP6T paper vertical block of 10 from right of sheet showing perforations misplaced 2½mm downwards, as illustrated in BW Decimals I, No. 691b
Lot 594
| |
1975 Prime Ministers, 10c Lyons, variety 'Printed on gummed side', BW 694c. [One sheet of 100 recorded]
Lot 595
| |
1975 Flower 45c strip of four, error 'Dull Yellow-green (leaves) completely omitted' one, two partly so, other normal, BW 727ca.
Lot 596
| |
1976 Famous Australians, 18c Laby error 'Orange-Brown omitted', BW 758c, SG 638a
Lot 597
| |
1977 Silver Jubilee 18c imperforate, a horizontal pair, with creases
Lot 598
| | Estimate: $1,000 | Realised Price : $750 |
1977 Silver Jubilee 18c imperf block of 50, 5mm tear in left margin
Lot 599
| |
1977 18c Parliament House, variety 'Bluish Grey misplaced', BW 773cd
Lot 600
| |
1977 18c Parliament House, variety 'Bluish Grey misplaced' in block of four, BW 773cd
Lot 601
| |
1978 Aviators, 18c Hawker vertical marginal pair, 'Imperforate upper unit', BW 790b
Lot 602
| |
1978 Aviators, 18c Hinkler pair, error "Completely imperf", SG 659a, BW 791b
Lot 603
| |
1978 Aviators, 18c Hinkler, marginal vertical pair error, 'Imperforate upper unit', BW 791ba
Lot 604
| |
1978 Aviators, 18c Hinkler, vertical pair, error 'Imperforate between stamp and margin', BW 791bb. Cat AU$1500
Lot 605
| |
Lot 606
| |
1978 Aviators, 18c Kingsford Smith, error Imperf block of four, SG 660a, BW 792b
Lot 607
| |
1978-81 Bird, 20c Robin, upper left corner block of ten showing 'Green (leaves) misplaced upwards'
Lot 608
| |
1978 20c National Stamp Week enlarged reproduction of stamp on thinnish card also bearing colour strips at top. Said to be ex printer's archive, and possibly used for promotional purposes, although status currently unknown
Lot 609
| |
1981 24c Fungi, corner strip of four, error "Imperf between stamp and margin", BW 912b. [Ten such imperfs recorded]
Lot 610
| |
1982 Whales 60c, marginal block of four, 'Solid greenish blue background', from the Trial printing
Lot 611
| |
1980 Aircraft, 22c Wackett positional strip of five with misplaced perforations, resulting in left unit imperf between stamp and margin, and partly imperf horizontally, BW 883b
Lot 612
| |
1981-85 Endangered Species 24c Thylacine Imperforate block of four, faint creasing as usually found, BW 902b
Lot 613
| |
1981-85 24c Thylacine 2nd printing, marginal block of four with 'Misplaced perforations shifted 5mm to left' BW 903ba
Lot 614
| | Estimate: $300T | Realised Price : $240 |
1982 Whales 60c, 'Solid greenish blue background', from Trial printing, BW 930E(1)
Lot 615
| | Estimate: $125 | Realised Price : $100 |
1984 AUSIPEX Miniature opt 'Aussie Club' in red unmounted, Photographic Essays in colour of 1985 Navigators set on four and Miniature Sheet in near issued colours mounted on two card, also B&W photos of 7c Newspaper and UPU set plus Gilberts Bureau 1973 Legends PO pamphlet (3)
Lot 616
| |
1983 27c Australia Day setenant pair, variety "Printed on gummed side - black doubly printed", SG 879ab, BW 988cc.
Lot 617
| |
1987 Technology, 37c Bionic Ear variety '"AUSTRALIA" at base rather than top due to misplaced perforations', BW 1224b
Lot 618
| |
1992 $2.25 Threatened Species sheetlet with 'Punch-hole' at base, BW 1567b
Lot 619
| |
1992 $2.25 Threatened Species sheetlet overprint for World Columbo Stamp Expo, error 'Imperforate', BW 1567cb
Lot 620
| |
1994 Aviation Feats sheetlet of 4 in black sold at the Adelaide Aeropex Exhibition but lacking the Aeropex overprint and the sheetlet number
Lot 621
| | Estimate: $400 | Realised Price : $300 |
1995 National Trust $1 and $2 single colour plate proofs with side margins (2)
Lot 622
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $200 |
1996 Children's Book Council imperforate singles of the 'John Brown' and 'Sandy Beach' designs (no gum), and imperforate intersheet pair of the 'Animalia' design touched at right (4)
Lot 623
| | Estimate: $150 | Realised Price : $150 |
1997 45c Dreaming imperforate vertical pair with bottom selvedge
Lot 624
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $290 |
1997 45c Dreaming imperforate vertical lower right corner block of 4