Lot 876
| | Estimate: $50 | Realised Price : $48 |
1854 Imperf 1d Black, SG 1, large margins three sides, cut-into at base
Lot 877
| |
1854 Imperf 4d Blue, SG 3a, margins four sides - large on three, unused
Lot 878
| |
1854 Imperf 4d Blue, SG 3a, margins four sides, close in places, trace of cleaned cancellation
Lot 879
| |
1857-59 Imperf 6d Black-Bronze, SG 18, usual margins showing 'Void area at top right'
Lot 880
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $270 |
1857-59 6d grey-black, SG 19, margins shaved at left and at base, very large elsewhere (portion of adjoining unit at top), attractive example
Lot 881
| |
1860-64 Imperforate 4d Sage-Green, SG 28, four margins - large at left, lightly cancelled
Lot 882
| |
1860-64 Imperf 6d Sage-Green, SG 28, selection with varying margins and condition (7). Cat £2800
Lot 883
| |
1860-64 Imperf 6d Sage-Green, SG 28, close to large margins, large part original gum
Lot 884
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $240 |
1885-93 Imperf Plate Proof pair on gummed Wmk Crown CA paper for 5d Bistre, marginal with lines, slight creasing
Lot 885
| |
1902-12 9d Yellow-Orange, SG 122, unused block of 15 (5x3). Attractive multiple
Lot 886
| |
1902-12 £1 Orange, SG 128a, fine CTO
Lot 887
| |
1902-12 Wmk V over Crown Perf 11 2d Yellow, SG 130, well centred and undercatalogued. [An unmounted example sold in Melbourne for AU$725++]
Lot 888
| |
1902-12 Wmk V over Crown Perf 11 2/- Bright Red/Yellow, SG 134, very fresh mint marginal example
Lot 889
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $320 |
Telegraph Stamps: 1886 1d Bistre and 6d Mauve, postally used (2). Scarce
Lot 890
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
Postal Fiscals: 1893-97 Swan set 1d to £10 in horizontal pairs, fiscally used (30)
Lot 891
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $360 |
Postal Card: 1908 1d Visit of American Fleet, H&G 16, fresh unused
Lot 892
| |
Postal Cards: 1912 (P&T PC20) 'ONE PENNY' on 2d Carmine, with thinning and staining showing part strike in magenta of 'POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES/MADAGASCAR/COLLECTION/DE BERNE'
Lot 893
| |
Envelopes: 1912 (P&T EN3) 2d Orange, with portion of another affixed cancelled by four-ringed Specimen cancellation, additionally showing part strike in magenta of 'POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES/MADAGASCAR/ COLLECTION/DE BERNE', minor staining
Lot 894
| |
1898-1902 selection of registered Official envelopes with 'LAND TITLES DEPARTMENT' Frank showing various handstruck or mss. 'Unclaimed' or 'D.L.O.' markings, latter in purple, red, blue or violet, generally fine for these (5)
Lot 895
| |
1908 (6 Nov) OHMS registered cover from Perth to Cairns, Qld. with 5d punctured OS. Undeliverable, and with various manuscript endorsements, plus straight-line 'UNCLAIMED', chamfered boxed 'D.L.O./No/' in violet on face, and Dead Letter Office datestamps for Perth and Brisbane on reverse. Roughly opened and resealed with 'E (Crown) R/FOUND OPEN/AND OFFICIALLY SEALED' printed label
Lot 896
| |
1909 "May Gibbs" PPC with four vignettes produced by The Western Mail inscribed 'Pearling in the Nor West' used Perth to Guildford
Lot 897
| |
1909 (5th July) complete OHMS label 'With the Government Statisician's Compliments' used Perth to London bearing Perf OS 3d Brown pair and 1/- Olive (3), central filing crease. Rare
Lot 898
| | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $80 |
1910 (11th Mar) PPC (Danish) to Copenhagen bearing 1d and ½d tied by Ship Room cds's, arrival datestamp.
Lot 899
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1911 (10 Nov) large OHMS printed Returned Letter envelope sent from Dead Letter Office to local Perth address, with oval 'REGISTERED/PERTH' d.s., 'R' in segmented circle in violet, and Perth registration label. Scarce
Lot 900
| | Estimate: $250 | Realised Price : $190 |
1912 (27 Nov) registered cover from Perth to Maylands with 1912 1d on 2d surcharge strip of 3 and single, undelivered and with boxed "UNCLAIMED' and 'D.L.O./PERTH' boxed d.s. in violet on face