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    Lot 154
    Estimate: $600 Realised Price : $460

    1857-59 Imperf 2d Brown-black on Red variety 'Printed Both Sides' (impression on reverse inverted), just touched down right side otherwise fine used. SG 20a, cat £2250


    Lot 155
    Estimate: $650

    1857-59 Lithographed 6d Grey-black with major transfer variety 'Headless Swan' fine used with four margins (close at right and base) and cancelled 15-bar numeral '8'. SG 23 var, cat £1300++


    Lot 156
    Estimate: $400

    1860-64 Locally Printed from Perkins Bacon Plates Imperf 6d Sage-green cancelled 15-bar numeral '8', very fine with good to large margins all round and excellent colour, a stamp rarely seen in this quality. SG 28, cat £400


    Lot 157
    Estimate: $600

    1860-64 Locally Printed from Perkins Bacon Plates Imperf 6d Deep Sage-green, good to large margins, cancelled 15-bar numeral '17'. A very fine example of this difficult stamp. SG 28a, cat £550


    Lot 158
    Estimate: $500

    1860-64 Locally Printed from Perkins Bacon Plates Rouletted 7½-14 6d Sage-green and showing roulettes on three sides, couple of roulettes at top stained, and cancelled 15-bar numeral '1' with 1985 RPSL Certificate. SG 32, cat £750


    Lot 159
    Estimate: $1,200

    1861 Watermark Swan Intermediate Perf 14-16 1d Rose, 2d Blue, 6d Purple-brown unused (no gum), and 2d Blue, 6d Purple-brown and 1/- Yellow-green used, mostly fine. SG 33, 34, 36, 37, £2500 (6)


    Lot 160
    Estimate: $900

    1861 Perkins Bacon Printings Watermark Swan Intermediate Perf 14-16 1/- Yellow-green, small part OG with some toning on perf tips. SG 37, cat £2000


    Lot 161
    Estimate: $300 Realised Price : $230

    1861 Watermark Swan Perf 14 at Somerset House 2d Blue block of 4 no gum otherwise fine. SG 39, cat £640


    Lot 162
    Estimate: $650

    1861 Watermark Swan Clean-cut Perf 14-16 2d Blue (2), 6d Purple-brown and 1/- Yellow-green unused (no gum), 6d with some perfs trimmed at left, plus 6d Purple-brown used, also a 6d forgery. Fine appearance for this scarce group. SG 41-43, cat £1820 (6)


    Lot 163
    Estimate: $1,200

    1861 Watermark Swan (Upright) Clean-cut Perfs 14-16 1/- Yellow-green, toned area in lower right corner, and a few perfs toned at top, both visible only from reverse, otherwise fine with part OG and rare in this condition. SG 43a, cat £1400


    Lot 164
    Estimate: $150

    1861 Watermark Swan Rough Perf 14-16 1d Rose-carmine unused without gum, a little soiled. SG 44, cat £350


    Lot 165
    Estimate: $180

    1863-64 No Watermark Perf 13 1d Carmine-lake, 1d Lake and 6d Deep Lilac part OG but heavily hinged with some adhesions on reverse. SG 49-51, cat £510 (3)


    Lot 166
    Estimate: $140

    1882-85 Watermark Crown CA (Sideways) Perf 12 x 14 1d Yellow-ochre very fine used and cancelled by Perth 'GPO' duplex. SG 81, cat £170


    Lot 167
    Estimate: $40

    1885-93 Watermark Crown CA (sideways) 1d Carmine (with surface scrape at top) and 2d Grey (ironed out crease), both with variety 'Watermark Sideways Inverted' (Crown to Right of CA). SG 95w,96w, cat £155 (2)


    Lot 168
    Estimate: $100

    1902-12 small used range on pages with Watermark V over Crown to 2/6d, Watermark Crown over A to 9d, 1912 6d and 1/- Watermark W Crown A and 1912 1d on 2d, shades with some duplication (67)


    Lot 169
    Estimate: $140

    1902-11 Watermark V over Crown Perf 12 x 12½ 10/- Deep Mauve, part OG. SG 127, cat £180


    Lot 170
    Estimate: $350

    1902-11 Watermark V over Crown Perf 12½ x 12 £1 Orange-brown, centred right, lightly hinged with large part OG. SG 128, cat £425


    Lot 171
    Estimate: $400

    1902-11 Watermark V over Crown Perf 11 5d Bistre, 2/- Bright Red on Yellow, 2/- Orange on Yellow fine mint part OG (5d gum a little toned). SG 132, 134, 134a, cat £775 (3)


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