Lot 830
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1854-1913 collection on leaves including 4d Courier, range of Chalons, incl 1d unused with 'double print', few imperfs, various perfs with values to 1/-, Sidefaces to 5/- - the latter used block of 8 with forged cancel, Pictorials to 6d mint, fiscals, etc, some non-postal cancels, mixed condition, (few 100)
Lot 831
| | Estimate: $500 | Realised Price : $380 |
1855 Wmk Large Star Imperf 1d Carmine, 2d Green and 4d Blue, SG 14,16 and 18, the latter four margined, the former two three margins. Cat £1245. Attractive set of three
Lot 832
| |
1855 Wmk Large Star, Imperf 2d Deep Green, SG 15, close margins three sides, touching at upper left
Lot 833
| |
1855 Wmk Large Star, Imperf 4d Deep Blue, SG 16, two examples with three margins, one with diagonal crease
Lot 834
| |
Reprint of 1/- Vermilion on card in block of four
Lot 835
| |
1860-67 Imperf 6d Slate-Violet, SG 48, varying margins, part o.g.
Lot 836
| |
1860-67 Imperf 6d Reddish Mauve, SG 49, varying margins
Lot 837
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $180 |
1870-71 Numeral Wmk Perf 12 4d Blue, SG 130, corner thin, still an attractive example of key value
Lot 838
| |
1906-13 3d Brown, marginal example Perf Compound of 12 and additionally P11 at left, horizontal crease. True example of mixed perforation
Lot 839
| | Estimate: $100 | Realised Price : $75 |
1906-13 Wmk Crown over A small group including 8d both perfs, 9d blue Perf compound of 12½ and 11, 1/- Perf 11, generally fine (4)
Lot 840
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1906-13 Wmk Crown over A 9d Blue gutter pair, right unit Perf 12½, left unit Perf compound of 12½ and 12 at right, SG 256c. Rare and fine
Lot 841
| | Estimate: $300 | Realised Price : $230 |
1906-13 Wmk Crown over A 9d Blue marginal example, Perf compound of 11 and 12 at right, SG 256d. Rare and fine
Lot 842
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1906-13 Wmk Crown over A 9d Blue Wmk Inverted, Perf compound of 11 at base and 12, SG 256d, hinge remain
Lot 843
| |
Postal Fiscals: 1900 Wmk 16 opt 'REVENUE' 2d Chestnut pair, variety "Value double", formerly listed in Stanely Gibbons as SG F37b.
Lot 844
| | Estimate: $200 | Realised Price : $150 |
1832 (22nd Mar) entire "Leake" letter Hobart to Campbell Town with fair strike of 'HOBART TOWN/V.D.L.' type 2 handstamp
Lot 845
| |
1847 (29th Jan) entire letter to Bombay endorsed 'By Java', 'GPO/HOBART/VDL' handstamp in red, framed 'CALCUTTA/SHIP LETTER' and other backstamps
Lot 846
| |
1870 (12th Dec) inwards cover New Zealand to Hobarttown bearing P12½ 3d Lilac tied by "C" duplex of Christchurch, diamond Ship Letter handstamp in red and arrival backstamp of 26th Dec. Rare inwards item
Lot 847
| |
1879 (7th May) OPSO envelope (180x125mm) from Government House at Hobart to Elphin Road Launceston showing crowned 'FREE' in red, printed in blue 'Government House,/Tasmania' on reverse together with scarce code "A" arrival datestamp. The original Queen's Birthday Ball invitation card from Governor Weld is included. Outstanding exhibtion items
Lot 848
| |
1905-07 group of postcards all bearing 1d Pictorial, tax markings 1905 Latrobe to UK showing handstruck 'T' and '1D/F.B./E'; 1906 Hobart to UK posted in pillar receiver, mss. 'T/5c', handstruck '1D'; 1906 Launceston to NZ unclaimed, returned oval Dead Letter Office in red; 1907 Geevestown to Scottsdale mss. 'T/2d', 1d pair of Blank base Dues affixed and mss. cancel (4 items)
Lot 849
| |
1906 (10th July) PPC featuring Australian Rugby Team used to Hobart bearing 1d Pictorial tied by Camp Creek cds, Wynard datestamp alongside. Early football item showing Dally Messenger