1853 Locally Printed 4d Orange Plate I Worn Impression pos [3], close to large margins and showing signs of a double impression, tiny crease in lower left corner, cancelled '52' numeral of Ross. SG 8, cat £450
Lot 106
Estimate: $700
Realised Price : $575
1856-57 No Watermark Imperf 1d Pale Brick-red pair (touched at right), 2d Dull Emerald-green (small to large margins three sides, cut into at right), 4d Blue (2, both fine with four margins). SG 19,20,22 cat £2530 (5)
Lot 107
Estimate: $180
1857-67 Watermark Double-lined Numerals Imperf 1d Pale Red-brown vertical strip of 5 cancelled messy '62' (Newtown) numerals margins all round except top stamp just touched at left, a scarce multiple. SG 26, cat £200+
Lot 108
Estimate: $150
1857-67 Watermark Double-lined Numerals Imperf 4d Blue three margins and just touched at right, regummed. SG 37, cat £475