Accumulation of 1870s-1900s issues arranged on hagners, with large quantities of 1d and 2d Sidefaces, and smaller numbers of ½d and 3d - 10d Sidefaces, Tablets to 1/-, quantity of ½d Pictorials (various printings), and smaller numbers of 1d to 6d (incl mint). Condition good to fine, and with some useful pickings (Approx 850 stamps)
Lot 46
Estimate: $5,000T
1853 Locally Printed: 1d Pale Blue on Medium Soft Yellowish Paper horizontal strip of 4 used on large part front with top flap addressed to Campbell Town with boxed arrival ds 11 Mar (55). The strip (lifted and hinged back in place) has small margins all round except touched at top right, the last unit with a pre-printing paper crease, and is cancelled by mss pen 'New Town 46/10-3-55' and overstruck '55' Barred Numerals of Spring Hill (apparently a misdirection of the cover) - the only known examples of this obliterator. Some minor soiling, however a major rarity in fine condition, with 2004 Randall Askeland opinion of genuineness
Lot 47
Estimate: $900T
1853 Locally Printed: 1889 Reprints from Defaced Plates 4d Plate I in Black on Thin card sheet of 24, some reinforcing of edges of plate sinkage on reverse to prevent splitting, otherwise very fine and scarce as a complete sheet
Lot 48
Estimate: $900T
1853 Locally Printed: Reprints from Defaced Plates 1889 4d Yellow-brown Plate II on Thin Card sheet of 24, very fine and scarce as a complete sheet
Lot 49
Estimate: $200T
1855 Watermark Large Star 1d (close to just touched and with thins at base), 2d Deep Green (fine), 4d Deep Blue (fine), and 4d Blue (close to touched at upper right). SG 14,15,17,18 Cat £1590 (4)
Lot 50
Estimate: $500T
1856-57 No Watermark 1d Pale Brick-red (touched at upper right), 2d Dull Emerald-green (2, one cut into at top, other clear margins but central thin), 4d Blue, 4d Deep Blue, 4d Pale Blue (2) (all touched in places), and 1d pelure paper (close but clear margins). SG 19-24 Cat £3710 (8)
Lot 51
Estimate: $200T
Realised Price : $150
1857-69 Watermark Double-lined Numerals Imperf used selection on page with 1d (6), 2d (6) and 4d (6), most shades represented, some faults but with some fine four-margin examples. SG 25-39 Cat £1094 (18)
Lot 52
Estimate: $180T
1858-67 6d Chalon Imperf used selection with 1858 London Print (4), and 1860-67 Dull Slate-grey, Grey, Dull Cobalt (3), Slate-violet (2), and Reddish-mauve (touched at left), most touched on one or two sides. SG 40, 44-49 Cat £1205 (12)
Lot 53
Estimate: $1,200T
Realised Price : $900
1870-96 Sideface issues, mint selection mounted on pages, with 1870-71 Wmk Numerals 1d (2), 2d, 4d (very fine, part OG), 10d (2); 1871-78 Wmk TAS Perf 12 1d, 3d (2), 4d, 9d, 5/- and Perf 11½ 1d (5), 2d (2), 3d (9), 4d, 9d, 5/- (3); 1878 Wmk TAS Perf 14 1d (5), 2d (2), 8d; 1880-91 Wmk Tas Perf 12 ½d (2), 1d (2), 3d, 4d (2) and Perf 11½ ½d (2), 1d (2), 3d, 4d (3); 1891 Wmk TAS (II) Perf 11½ ½d, 1d and Perf 12 ½d, 1d (2), 4d; 1896 Wmk TAS (II) 4d and 9d (2). Most shades represented and generally fine, a useful group (65)
Lot 54
Estimate: $120T
Realised Price : $115
1870-71 Sidefaces 1d Rose-red Wmk '10' pair and single used on 1870 (26 Nov) mourning cover from Launceston to Carlton (Vic), adhesives tied by barred numeral '52' and by diamond 'POST-OFFICE/LAUNCESTON' ds in red, backstamped Melbourne and Carlton ds, DE 1 70. Fine and a very early use of this stamp which had been issued on 1 November 1870
Lot 55
Estimate: $250T
1889-91 Surcharges - 1901 Reprints for Federal Presentation Set with Imperforate on Ungummed White Card ½d on 1d blocks of 6 (2, one surcharge misplaced), and interpane strip of 6 (three surcharge misplaced); Perf 11½ on Gummed White Card ½d on 1d block of 12 and single, and 2½d on 9d interpane block of 8 in Pale Blue, and block of 12 in Deep Blue, all very fine (51)
Lot 56
Estimate: $250T
1889-91 Surcharges - ½d on 1d Scarlet Reprint blocks of 12 on thin card from bottom left and top right corners of sheet with Plate No. '1' (latter block with corner piece missing well away from stamps), being imperforate remainders of the 1901 reprint made for the Federal Presentation Set (24)
Lot 57
Estimate: $150T
1892-99 Tablet 1/- Rose and Green cancelled 'HOBART/P/TASMANIA' cds (10 JA 06) used on 'Parcels Post Form Between Tasmania and United States' relating to the posting of 'Fancy Pin Cushions', affixed to portion of parcel wrapping, portion of form missing at top right, and other minor defects, but very scarce
Lot 58
Estimate: $500T
1892-99 Tablet £1 Green and Yellow used on small piece with 6d, 1/-, 2/6 and 5/- Tablets and 1889-91 2½d on 9d surcharge cancelled by duplexes, fine and a very scarce usage of the top value
Lot 59
Estimate: $150
Realised Price : $190
1d and 2d Pictorials, off-paper accumulation of each value, various printing from 1899 Engraved issue, through Melbourne printings and including a few of the 1d on 2d surcharge. Possibly unchecked for varieties and with some postmark interest (Approx 1900+ 1d and 2000+ 2d)
Lot 60
Estimate: $300T
Cancelled-to-order: 1892-99 ½d to 10/- Tablets, and 8d, 9d and 10d Sidefaces CTO with 'HOBART' cds, DE 30 1901. Presumably a presentation set, although the purpose is not known. Very fine with large part OG (12)
Lot 61
Estimate: $40T
1902-04 Watermark V over Crown Upright (inverted) Perf 12½ 1d Scarlet variety 'Double Perforation' at left used on 1905 (16 Aug) picture postcard from Mt. Cameron to New Zealand, readdressed on arrival. Card with worn corners and a few bends, but a scarce variety on cover
Lot 62
Estimate: $300T
1905-11 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A 2d Plum Wmk Upright marginal pairs (2) with Mixed Perfs 11 and 12½ at left or right respectively, and top marginal with Mixed Perfs 12½ and 11 at top; Wmk Sideways block of 4 Cpd Perf 12½ and 11, and right marginal with Mixed Perfs 12½ and 11 at right. Very fine large part OG with some units MUH. High cat value (10)
Lot 63
Estimate: $50
Realised Price : $40
Official Punctures: Accumulation of 'OS' and 'T' Punctures on Pictorials, with 'OS' on 1d, 2d, 3d (3), 4d (4), 6d (13), and 'T' on ½d (5), 1d (227), 2d (69), 3d, 4d (5), 5d, 1d on 2d (58), also ½d, 5d and 10d Tablets, and private perfins on 1d Pictorial (2). Few mint stamps, and some postmark interest. Some faults, generally good to fine (Total 392 stamps)
Lot 64
Estimate: $40
Realised Price : $30
Perfins; Duplicated range of 'A' (George Adams) punctures on Pictorials (various printings), with 1d (2), 2d (127), 2½d (3), 3d (4), 4d (2), 5d (3), various types of puncture represented, inevitably some faults but generally good to fine (Total 141 stamps)
Lot 65
Estimate: $100
Realised Price : $200
Revenues: Range of manuscript cancels on postage stamps, with Chalon 1d (134), 4d (4), 6d (20), 1/- (38), Sidefaces 1d (5), 2d (3), 3d (18). Also Stamp Duty Platypus 3d (10), 1/- optd 'REVENUE' (6), Tablet 5d on £1 and 1s on £1 (2), later Numeral and Platypus types (46), and Stamp Duty Embossed cut-outs 3d, 6d (64), 1/- (11). Few mint, some inevitable faults (Total, 363)
Lot 66
Estimate: $250T
Frank Stamps: 1883 (22 Sep) printed 'On Public Service only' cover bearing 'THE TREASURY' Frank Stamp used from Hobart to Forth, the lower left with 'Treasury.' handstamp. Central vertical fold, otherwise fine, and the earliest recorded example of a Tasmanian Frank, the system commencing just six weeks prior. Ex Karman, and an important item
Lot 67
Estimate: $150T
Frank Stamps: 1887 (13 Jul) and 1888 (7 Aug) matching pair of registered 'On Public Service only' envelopes ('COLONY OF TASMANIA' crest on back flap) with 'THE TREASURER' Frank Stamp in Black, used from Hobart to Launceston. The first with straight-line 'REGISTERED' in its worn and damaged state, and the second with the same handstamp recut with finer letters. The first roughly opened with small portion of back missing, both of fine appearance (2 covers)
Lot 68
Estimate: $75T
Realised Price : $60
Frank Stamps: 'THE ATTORNEY GENERAL' in Bright Pink on 1898 (15 Sep) registered cover to Swansea, cancelled Hobart duplex and with chamfered boxed 'REGISTERED/HOBART' in blue, arrival backstamp. Damaged back flap, otherwise fine
Lot 69
Estimate: $80T
Frank Stamps: c1901 'ON PUBLIC SERVICE ONLY' cover with 'HQ DEFENCE FORCES' Frank Stamp in Green with 'Commonwealth Defence,/Tasmania.' imprint at lower left, unused. Faint peripheral toning at left though an uncommon user