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Sale No. 83

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    Lot 791
    Estimate: $350

    1860 Wmk Large Star Imperf 1d Carmine-Rose, SG 1, close to huge margins

    Lot 792
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1860 Wmk Large Star Imperf 1d Carmine-Rose, SG 1, margins touching at places

    Lot 793
    Estimate: $180

    1860 Wmk Small Star Rough perf 14-15½, 1d Carmine-rose, SG 14, large part o.g. pair

    Lot 794
    Estimate: $80

    1860-61 Wmk Small Star Rough perf 14-15½ 1d Carmine-Rose, SG 14, pair, horizontal bend, large part o.g.

    Lot 795
    Estimate: $100

    1862-67 Thick toned paper, No Wmk, 6d Apple-green, SG 26, pair with minor soiling, large part o.g.

    Lot 796
    Estimate: $150

    1868-78 Wmk 5, P12, 1/- Mauve, SG 108, attractive pair with large part o.g.

    Lot 797
    Estimate: $250T

    1868-78 Wmk Q, P12, 1/- Purple, SG 109, rare block of four, slight gum thinning on upper units, otherwise fresh.

    Lot 798
    Estimate: $600T Realised Price : $460

    1882-91 Second Sideface P12, SG 166-174, extensive range on leaves showing some 'mould' blocks of the different types reconstructed, includes approximately 1d (214), 2d (241), 4d (150, with six "PENGE"), 6d (209), 1/- (284 with CTO block of 20), includes blocks of four and six, mixed condition, some with non-postal cancels. An opportunity for the specialist. (nearly 1100). Cat approx £1600

    Lot 799
    Estimate: $500 Realised Price : $380

    1890-94 1d Vermilion-Red, 'Imperforate pair', SG 187a, tied to 1896 (30th Oct) cover used Caboolture to Brisbane, filing crease at left. Very rare on cover

    Lot 800
    Estimate: $350

    1895 Thin paper, Crown & Q faintly impressed - 2d Blue shades, SG 207 mint selection comprising singles (13), pairs (5), blocks of four (3) and block of nine, this issue from the retouched plate, (41). Cat £451

    Lot 801
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    High Values 2/6d, 5/-, 10/-, £1 strip and block of four affixed and uncancelled by postal cancels affixed to pieces, also Boyd's City Messenger locals (2), one with corner torn off (this was normal) and other cancelled in green

    Lot 802
    Estimate: $200T

    1895-96 Void background, figures in lower corners, Perforated Plate Proofs for 5d in Blue, Dull Purple, Orange - small thin and Yellow-Brown on gummed, no watermark paper (4)

    Lot 803
    Estimate: $500

    1897-1908 'Figures in all corners', 2d Blue and 2d Deep Blue, SG 234-35a, range of shades, showing various plate flaws, much annotation, includes "Cracked plate" (12, five in pairs or strip), fair/fine (over 340)

    Lot 804
    Estimate: $100T

    1897-1908 'Figures in all corners', 2½d in Slate, and Claret, latter with short corner perf

    Lot 805
    Estimate: $1,000T

    1900 Charity set on individual covers used at Brisbane 21st June which is two days after issue, odd minor perf tone. Rare on cover

    Lot 806


    Lot 807
    Estimate: $200

    1906-10 9d Pale Brown and Blue, Wmk Inverted, block of four of units Type A&B pairs, one unit short corner perf. Scarce.

    Lot 808
    Estimate: $400T

    1903-05 9d Brown & Ultramarine, SG 265-66 group, attractive range comprising Type A mint (13, incl block of four), used (15); Type B mint block of four and used (6), plus two Type A-B mint pairs, few with inverted wmks (42)

    Lot 809
    Estimate: $500T

    1906-10 9d shades, SG 282-84 group, attractive range comprising Type A-B pair mint, Type A used (8), Type B mint (7, incl block of four), mint (9) and used (50), few with inverted wmks, etc, mostly fine

    Lot 810
    Estimate: $100

    1906-10 9d Brown and Ultramarine, setenant pair of Types A and B, SG 282-83, large part o.g.

    Lot 811
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1907-11 Wmk Crown over A P12½, 13, SG 286-300 group, range on leaves, few varieties with annotations, comprising ½d (52), 1d (147), 2d (251), 3d (75), 4d Lemon (26), 4d Black (55), 5d (23), 6d (62), 1/- (46), 2/- (15), fair/fine, (752). Retail AU$2200++

    Lot 812
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    1907-11 Compound Perf P13x11 to 12½, strips of three showing different perfs for ½d Deep Green, 2d Blue, 3d Bistre-brown, 5d Dull Brown, 6d Yellow-Green, also 1d Vermilion block of twelve, CTO Brisbane 11 July 1913, few blunt perfs, (27)

    Lot 813
    Estimate: $700T Realised Price : $600

    1911 P13x11 to 12½, SG 301-308, range on leaves with some blocks or strips, few showing three different perforation gauges comprising ½d (13, six used), 1d (49, 28 used), 2d (12, six used), 3d (33, 18 used), 4d (10, four used), 5d (19, six used), 6d (12, three used), 1/- (15, five used), etc, predominantly mint. Cat £1970

    Lot 814
    Estimate: $250

    1871 (May) cover to Melbourne bearing Chalon pairs 1d and 2d - minor faults tied by rays '113' of Pimpama, datestamp on reverse with day of month inserted in pen, transit and arrival margins

    Lot 815
    Estimate: $250T Realised Price : $400

    1892 (26th Aug) registered cover Gympie to San Marino bearing ½d (2), 1d (2), 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d plus 6d on reverse with crayon-lines through, transit and arrival backstamps. Exotic destination

    Lot 816
    Estimate: $150

    1894-1912 inwards Postal Cards from Canada (3), USA (2, one an Envelope), also PPC GB to NZ deficiently paid with markings and NZ 1d Due affixed, mixed condition (6 items)

    Lot 817
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $150

    1899-1901 Official group (13) to the Commissioner of Police at Brisbane from various towns (12) at multiples of 2d rate (from 4d to 1/4d), most show relevant Police cachet at lower left, slight toning, scarce and attractive

    Lot 818
    Estimate: $200 Realised Price : $190

    Postmark selection comprising '437', '558', '661' (2), '664' and '696' rated RRRR or RRR, tying 1d or 2d to pieces

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